Liberals and Education

Here is an example of liberals at work in the classroom. Shouldn't there be legislation against this kind of thing? All I hear is how "right wing is trying take over our schools and textbooks!" No. Liberals are trying to take our kids. More Marxism.

Perhaps so, but either way, I say the real problem is not the balance, or lack of balance between liberal and conservative teachings in the public schools, but the fact that government runs the entire market for affordable education, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots get served at lunch. Get the state and Federal governments out of RUNNING the education system and allow customers for education to have real choice and you wouldn't have to deal with this kind of'd simply vote with your dollar and choose an alternative school.

And no, this doesn't mean poor kids would go uneducated, which, ironically, is the effective result we see today. Any state or municipality would be free to raise taxes for poor families to buy an education. That's fine as long as the actual education is provided by the free market so the people have CHOICE!

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