Liberals and Louis Farrakhan in Agreement on Netanyahu visit

Yep, they are on the same page when it come to Netanayhu they must be proud.:eusa_clap:

I think the left is on the same page with that extremist on many things. A lot of dictators are upset over the letter to Iran and Netanyahu's visit. When a radical speaks, the left is all ears.
Yep, they are on the same page when it come to Netanayhu they must be proud.:eusa_clap:

Do not forget 80% of Jewish Americans. I should say JINOs (Jews In Name Only).

Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.
Do not forget 80% of Jewish Americans. I should say JINOs (Jews In Name Only).
Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.

Hmmmm...and from a black woman....

Do not forget 80% of Jewish Americans. I should say JINOs (Jews In Name Only).
Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.

No wonder you people were enslaved and traded by other blacks.
Is Farrakhan wrong in his assessment of Nutanyahoo's agenda?
Are you a follower? You must be proud :cuckoo:

Looks like Bibi's fellow Zionists are about to kick him out. They know he fucked up.

I wonder how this thought process worked. "Mr. Prime Minister, the economy's in the tank and people are upset about high inflation and poor job oppurtunities! And most of the world hates us fro slaughtering all those women and children last year."

"I know. I'll go and piss off the leader of our only ally in the world!"
Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.

No wonder you people were enslaved and traded by other blacks.

It seems apparent that your ancestors were all cousins.
Is Farrakhan wrong in his assessment of Nutanyahoo's agenda?
Are you a follower? You must be proud :cuckoo:

Looks like Bibi's fellow Zionists are about to kick him out. They know he fucked up.

I wonder how this thought process worked. "Mr. Prime Minister, the economy's in the tank and people are upset about high inflation and poor job oppurtunities! And most of the world hates us fro slaughtering all those women and children last year."

"I know. I'll go and piss off the leader of our only ally in the world!"
Aren't you one of those who wants Israel "driven into the sea"? When people wait for the government to improve their lives, they'll have a very long wait.
Aren't you one of those who wants Israel "driven into the sea"? When people wait for the government to improve their lives, they'll have a very long wait.

Israel is a lot more socialistic than the US. And, hey Government has improved Bibi's life. He lives high on the Hog at government expense.
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
LOL, tell that to the 70% percent of the Jewish Americans who vote Democrat. :)
Tell that to Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC chair.
Thanks for the laugh! I think they have enough sense not to align with you people even if you scream Israel! Israel! Israel! at the top of your lungs.
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
But most of the Jews in America vote for them. Go figure...
Are they "brainwashed", do they want "free stuff", are they on the "democrat Plantation"? Why do 7 out of 10 Jewish people vote Demcratic? What is it that repels "them" from the Republican party and Republicans? Why do the Asians, Blacks, and Latinos vote in the same manner? :)
Would anyone else feel at all disturbed were it proven that, of the 20% who voted 80% were in America illegally?
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
LOL, tell that to the 70% percent of the Jewish Americans who vote Democrat. :)
Tell that to Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC chair.
Thanks for the laugh! I think they have enough sense not to align with you people even if you scream Israel! Israel! Israel! at the top of your lungs.

Yeah there were also Jews that worked with NAZIS. They are referred to as kapos.

Any Jewish American that sides with Israels enemies are absolute scumbags. Even bigger scumbags than a bag of shit like you.

They are modern day kapos and are not worthy of any respect.
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
LOL, tell that to the 70% percent of the Jewish Americans who vote Democrat. :)
Tell that to Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC chair.
Thanks for the laugh! I think they have enough sense not to align with you people even if you scream Israel! Israel! Israel! at the top of your lungs.

Yeah there were also Jews that worked with NAZIS. They are referred to as kapos.

Any Jewish American that sides with Israels enemies are absolute scumbags. Even bigger scumbags than a bag of shit like you.

They are modern day kapos and are not worthy of any respect.
So your assertion is that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people in this country are "kapos"? Do you think that American Jewish people should have Israel as their FIRST priority instead of America as their FIRST? :lol:
You really seem to be a piece of work, before you refer to people as "scumbags" or "a bag of shit", take a look in the mirror you PUTZ. :lol:
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
LOL, tell that to the 70% percent of the Jewish Americans who vote Democrat. :)
Tell that to Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC chair.
Thanks for the laugh! I think they have enough sense not to align with you people even if you scream Israel! Israel! Israel! at the top of your lungs.

Yeah there were also Jews that worked with NAZIS. They are referred to as kapos.

Any Jewish American that sides with Israels enemies are absolute scumbags. Even bigger scumbags than a bag of shit like you.

They are modern day kapos and are not worthy of any respect.
So your assertion is that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people in this country are "kapos"? Do you think that American Jewish people should have Israel as their FIRST priority instead of America as their FIRST? :lol:
You really seem to be a piece of work, before you refer to people as "scumbags" or "a bag of shit", take a look in the mirror you PUTZ. :lol:

The 80% of the scumag Jewish Americans who vote for democrats who are the enemies of Israel are scumbag kapos. Yes every scumbag Israel hating American hating Jewish American. No exceptions.

You fucking scumbag.
Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.

Hmmmm...and from a black woman....

LOL, I guess miss Dash forgot Jim Crow, de facto and de jure segregation, and institutionalized racism that occurred at least well into the 1980's.
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
LOL, tell that to the 70% percent of the Jewish Americans who vote Democrat. :)
Tell that to Debbie Wasserman Schultz DNC chair.
Thanks for the laugh! I think they have enough sense not to align with you people even if you scream Israel! Israel! Israel! at the top of your lungs.

Yeah there were also Jews that worked with NAZIS. They are referred to as kapos.

Any Jewish American that sides with Israels enemies are absolute scumbags. Even bigger scumbags than a bag of shit like you.

They are modern day kapos and are not worthy of any respect.
So your assertion is that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people in this country are "kapos"? Do you think that American Jewish people should have Israel as their FIRST priority instead of America as their FIRST? :lol:
You really seem to be a piece of work, before you refer to people as "scumbags" or "a bag of shit", take a look in the mirror you PUTZ. :lol:

The 80% of the scumag Jewish Americans who vote for democrats who are the enemies of Israel are scumbag kapos. Yes every scumbag Israel hating American hating Jewish American. No exceptions.

You fucking scumbag.
LOL, seek help!!! Wow........................... :lol:
Most American Jews do support Israel, but the leftist do support people like Obama first. The further left they are, the less they support Israel.... That's a fact

Yeah, they may indeed support Israel, but really only in lip service and not so much in deed. I know plenty of Israelis, and they by and large cannot stand the Jewish American left winger who constantly vote in Israel's enemies, better known as the democrats.

Most of those Jewish Americans indeed identify themselves and take pride in their left leanings far more than they identify themselves as Jewish.

There in lies the problem. Like any left winger, the American Jewish liberal tries to have it both ways. Their so called righteousness does not surpass hypocrisy and so therefore not really valid.

Look at how Abe Foxman and the anti-defamation league attacks Netanyahu. It is almost as though they do not think a nation whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map poses no threat to them. Could you imagine? A nation whose state sponsored terror and the murders of Israelis for decades and their funding of hamas among others is no threat to Israel if and when they develop nuclear weapons?

Talk about the appeasement disaster of 1938 repeating itself. No, those particular American Jews are no friend to Israel and their hypocrisy that we have been pointing out for years is being revealed.

So lets us get this, if you don't support the right but are not a dem then you are a RINO, if you Jewsih but don't support ethic cleansing then you are JINO...

Kerry doesn't back the military when he doesn't another war, even though he has a purple heart.

I get it now... Someone who disagrees has something wrong with them, nothing to do with ye....

Only question is when will the US cop on and call these guys the dangerous idiots they are?

In the end the United States(non hard Right wing nuts), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China are doing a deal... Lets ignore idiots we have problems enough.

Fuck you, you godless pile of left wing shit. Your pathetic half black in chief is the worst president in this country's history and it is not fucking close.

You are ignorant as hell. and an absolute piece of shit.
Such coarse language, spoken like a real heathen.

Must really burn you that President Barack Hussein Obama is doing so well.

Hmmmm...and from a black woman....

Ms Dash was born in 1967, surely she remembers the state of "race relations" in 1992.
As a Major U.S. Problem Race Relations Sharply Rises
She's an NYC girl; I guess that she "conveniently" forgot the state of race relations in the 1970's (she was born in 1967). :)
Bratton Tensions in NYC like 1970s - Lucy McCalmont - POLITICO

I guess that she aslo forgot the climate that led up to the Howard Beach and Bensonhurst incidents as well.
The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of National Socialism, complete with the anti-semitic bit.
But most of the Jews in America vote for them. Go figure...

Oh so Jews in America don't count because they're not Jewish enough. :rolleyes:

Most leftist Jews are leftist first

You must mean "American first".

America is leftist..... Genius:slap:

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