Liberals are ghosts to liberals


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
As a libertarian, I'm like a ghost to liberals. They try to hit me with their Republican points, and I point out I don't think that, I'm a libertarian not a Republican. They tell me I'm just parroting Rush Limbaugh. I'm like, you realize Rush is a Conservative, I'm a Libertarian, right? Why is a Conservative programming me to be a libertarian exactly? Wouldn't he program me to think what he does? They don't get it.

So, I started asking liberals to state what a libertarian is. I say I am not asking you to agree with what we say, just tell me what our major views are. They can't do it. I'm either a Republican or an anarchist. They can't even say the words "limited government."

So, I started asking liberals to state my view in arguments. Again, I said I am not asking you to agree with me, just say what I am saying. They can't remotely do that either.

So then, on another message board where everyone knew I was a libertarian, I decided to try arguing the liberal side. I had no problem, the liberals were all liking and agreeing. I hear what they are saying fine, I just think what they are saying is stupid. So, observing, it's clear liberals cannot state our views, they cannot address our actual points, they address their preconceived views that we didn't say.

What is most interesting is that they actually seem to believe in their minds that it's because of their intelligence they don't understand us. What they are saying is so clear, so logical, that they can't understand words that contradict that. They've studied Republicans and they have their talking points to argue. But Libertarians, we are ghosts.
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Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...
kaz is a libertarian reactionary, wanting to go back to an America that never existed.

OK, he is a delusionary libertarian reactionary.
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kaz is a libertarian reactionary, wanting to go back to an America that never existed.

OK, he is a delusionary libertarian reactionary.

Sorry to hear that McCain and Mitt lost the election for you after you claimed they would win it. I guess not enough people liked Mitt or McCains big Government ideas as much as they like Obama's.

Poor baby Jake, I wonder in next election he will pick another progressive Republican and claim only they can win!
kaz is a libertarian reactionary, wanting to go back to an America that never existed.

OK, he is a delusionary libertarian reactionary.

Sorry to hear that McCain and Mitt lost the election for you after you claimed they would win it. I guess not enough people liked Mitt or McCains big Government ideas as much as they like Obama's.

Poor baby Jake, I wonder in next election he will pick another progressive Republican and claim only they can win!

Mitt and John were the best we had at the time, like Bob in 96.

If we run far right rube reactionaries we will lose both chambers of congress as well.
its a misnomer. the libtards you are talking about are not liberals, they are marxist progressives
Vox does not know what a Marxist or a Progressive is or how to define the terms or how to apply them to discussion.

Vox is a rushboblowhard. :badgrin:
Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...

you can edit it.

libertarians should change their stance on international politics and they will win votes.
kaz is stupid and wrong, Vox, but not a troll

You are stupid and wrong and a troll
As a libertarian, I'm like a ghost to liberals. They try to hit me with their Republican points, and I point out I don't think that, I'm a libertarian not a Republican. They tell me I'm just parroting Rush Limbaugh. I'm like, you realize Rush is a Conservative, I'm a Libertarian, right? Why is a Conservative programming me to be a libertarian exactly? Wouldn't he program me to think what he does? They don't get it.

So, I started asking liberals to state what a libertarian is. I say I am not asking you to agree with what we say, just tell me what our major views are. They can't do it. I'm either a Republican or an anarchist. They can't even say the words "limited government."

So, I started asking liberals to state my view in arguments. Again, I said I am not asking you to agree with me, just say what I am saying. They can't remotely do that either.

So then, on another message board where everyone knew I was a libertarian, I decided to try arguing the liberal side. I had no problem, the liberals were all liking and agreeing. I hear what they are saying fine, I just think what they are saying is stupid. So, observing, it's clear liberals cannot state our views, they cannot address our actual points, they address their preconceived views that we didn't say.

What is most interesting is that they actually seem to believe in their minds that it's because of their intelligence they don't understand us. What they are saying is so clear, so logical, that they can't understand words that contradict that. They've studied Republicans and they have their talking points to argue. But Libertarians, we are ghosts.

I owe you a rep!:clap2:
kaz is a libertarian reactionary, wanting to go back to an America that never existed.

OK, he is a delusionary libertarian reactionary.

Sorry to hear that McCain and Mitt lost the election for you after you claimed they would win it. I guess not enough people liked Mitt or McCains big Government ideas as much as they like Obama's.

Poor baby Jake, I wonder in next election he will pick another progressive Republican and claim only they can win!

Perhaps Jerk Starkey is unaware that RINO pukes aren't really liked by anyone. In whatever constitues his "mind", his moderate bullshit (which is just bed wetting with a plastic sheet) is the "compromise" between issues where you're either right or wrong.

Therefore RINO pukes are always at least half wrong.
The Rino pukes are the far right reactionaries looking to the bad parts of the Republican past instead of the mainstream GOP looking forward to instilling the good parts of Republicanism in the Republic of the 21st century.
kaz is a libertarian reactionary, wanting to go back to an America that never existed.

OK, he is a delusionary libertarian reactionary.

Positive rep for you. You not only appeared as one of the primary liberals I was thinking of, but you actually ... demonstrated ... my ... point ...

Well done, my friend.
Most libertarians are just Republicans who think being able to lose more elections than anyone else somehow makes them smarter than everyone else.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...

you can edit it.

libertarians should change their stance on international politics and they will win votes.

How do I edit the title? I can edit the first post, but it doesn't give me the option to edit it, am I in the wrong place?

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