Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

Liberals only support Black women when Black women do as they are instructed. Otherwise, no respect or dignity for a woman of color with a different opinion.....and these are the people expecting to write the rules on HATE speech and adherence to TOLERANCE? Whose tolerance?

We don't tolerate War Criminals.

I haven''t seen you going after Hillary or Kerry, is it because they are white war criminals?
It isn't fear. Such a silly premise you have. nutters come up with some dopey shit.

If it isn't fear it must be hatred of her skin color, right?

Right, because it couldn't be what she believes, and her words and actions, could it? Idiot.

If it was you would be jumping on Hillary for the same beliefs and actions. Since we can demonstrate that you are not doing that, it must be something else, right?
Well, we cannot really escape liberal talk can we? Has a school like this ever turned down a liberal talker?

Have conservatives at these schools ever try to stop a liberal from speaking, even though everything they say and stand for is anti-American?

Liberals are more interested in hearing

They sure as shit let this asshole speak, didn't they?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Speech to Columbia University 24 September 2007

Fucking double talking hypocrites.

They are so fucked up in the head that liberals think Condoleeza Rice is more dangerous than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Save the world, punch a liberal in the face.

Can't argue, it will be impossible at some point for a conservative to even be able to speak at most colleges.

Those college kids are smart 'n open-minded 'n stuff.


Not Everyone?s Happy Michelle Obama Will Deliver a Graduation Address; School District Responds - ABC News

i mean its not even a challenge anymore with you people.Everything you people complain about can be proven to be hypocritical.

Because kids complaining about the extra security and limited seating for their friends and family at their graduation is exactly the same as a bunch of intolerant bigots not wanting to listen to what someone has to say.

Do you realize how stupid you look right now?
You mean "Mommy!!" Right?

Just didn't realize we were free to use that particular word.

I shouldn't be surprised though, black males today seem to be bent on bringing the word back into our vocabulary.

If you understood our language better, you'd know that he wasn't "using" that word as you define it. He was making a point. Ain't English grand?

Sorry, but every time anyone uses a word, even if they are making a point about something, they are actually using the word. Anyone with an intelligence above the freezing point or argon knows that, which might explain your confusion.
Rice was charging the university $35,000 to congratulate and 'inspire' the 2014 graduates.
The thing is, the graduation ceremony is all about the graduates. If they don't want someone as their commencement speaker, that person should not be forced upon them. It is just that simple.

I am absolutely certain that if this were a conservative school, and it was proposed that Bill Clinton be the commencement speaker, the graduates would protest and force a change. So the claims that these kids at Rutgers are being close minded is total horse shit.

The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?
The thing is, the graduation ceremony is all about the graduates. If they don't want someone as their commencement speaker, that person should not be forced upon them. It is just that simple.

I am absolutely certain that if this were a conservative school, and it was proposed that Bill Clinton be the commencement speaker, the graduates would protest and force a change. So the claims that these kids at Rutgers are being close minded is total horse shit.

The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.
Rice was charging the university $35,000 to congratulate and 'inspire' the 2014 graduates.

OMG! She has the gall to get demand payment from the school that is willing to shell out 6 figure fees to white men. She should know her place as a black woman and do it for free.
The thing is, the graduation ceremony is all about the graduates. If they don't want someone as their commencement speaker, that person should not be forced upon them. It is just that simple.

I am absolutely certain that if this were a conservative school, and it was proposed that Bill Clinton be the commencement speaker, the graduates would protest and force a change. So the claims that these kids at Rutgers are being close minded is total horse shit.

The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.

Keep telling yourself that, every single college ceremony I went to was about the school. Maybe you should attend a few before you tell me who is the center of attention.

By the way, do you have an example of a conservative school that invited Hillary and then backed down after she was charged with war crimes? If not, you really don't have a point.
The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.

Keep telling yourself that, every single college ceremony I went to was about the school. Maybe you should attend a few before you tell me who is the center of attention.

By the way, do you have an example of a conservative school that invited Hillary and then backed down after she was charged with war crimes? If not, you really don't have a point.

Actually, you don't have any point. You're just an old literal minded windbag. I have been to countless graduations, in fact. They are about the students, not about the school. Certainly that is what the graduates think, feel and believe. Maybe you ought to talk to them. You would see it is about them, not about the school. If the kids thought it was all about the school, they wouldn't even attend.
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So this what the Right calls liberal 'bullying'? Since 'bullying' is the topic of this thread,

let's look at an example of rightwing bullying:

Gun shop nixes plans to sell smart gun after death threats

"The owner of a Maryland firearms shop has canceled plans to sell a smart gun following backlash from people who think the technology will infringe on their rights as gun owners.

Andy Raymond, co-owner of Engage Armament, in Rockville, said his decision came after receiving death threats for plans to sell the Armatix iP1 .22-caliber handgun, which can only function with an accompanying wristwatch.

“You’re going to get what’s coming to you,” was among the messages he received, Mr. Raymond said, as reported by Fox News.

“They told my business partner they would burn down the shop. I try to be reasonable with people but I guess I made a mistake,” he said."

Read more: Gun shop nixes plans to sell smart gun after death threats - Washington Times
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There's 'bullying', and there's bullying.
Speaking at commencements is not a right. They don't like her or her actions. Let's mush on.

I don't believe anyone said it was a right. What bothers me is that every time a group of people doesn't like someone or something, they make a big stink about it. In politics it has led to the situation we are currently in, where everyone blames the other guy, or gal as it happens in this case. The vitriol that is created is causing a true divide in this country. There is nothing wrong with having different ideas, philosophies, and even ideologies, but when we are never willing to even listen to the other side, and the only goal is to run the other side out of town, well we end up with a huge divide where many Americans truly hate other Americans. This shit comes from both sides and I find it to be rather childish.

As for Condi Rice, some may disagree with her politics, but the bottom line is that she has proven herself to be extremely successful and knowledgeable on many issues. She is one damn intelligent woman. I can't wait to see whom Rutgers ends up with for their commencement speech. Hopefully it is someone decent and the students don't lose out.
Rice was charging the university $35,000 to congratulate and 'inspire' the 2014 graduates.

OMG! She has the gall to get demand payment from the school that is willing to shell out 6 figure fees to white men. She should know her place as a black woman and do it for free.

Once again the fake Libertarian speaks.

Let's ask him a question:

Who had the free speech rights in this 'controversy'?

a. Those who protested Rice's planned paid appearance, or,

b. Rice herself, to be hired to give a speech?
It's nice to know the students there run the school

but when they and PARENTS wanted to ask Michelle Obama from coming to one all HELL BROKE loose

and she just went ahead and forced herself on them anyway

one has class anyway
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The thing is, the graduation ceremony is all about the graduates. If they don't want someone as their commencement speaker, that person should not be forced upon them. It is just that simple.

I am absolutely certain that if this were a conservative school, and it was proposed that Bill Clinton be the commencement speaker, the graduates would protest and force a change. So the claims that these kids at Rutgers are being close minded is total horse shit.

The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.

You have a good point. Do you have an example of a right wing school chasing a liberal commencement speaker away ?
The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.

You have a good point. Do you have an example of a right wing school chasing a liberal commencement speaker away ?

You are missing the point. It's irrelevant. But, I think they would not be broad minded enough to even consider such a thing.
The thing is, the ceremony is all about the school. It always has been, and always will be, why the fuck do you think all those professors get up on stage in their fancy regalia?

No. The graduation ceremony is for and about the students who are graduating; it is not about the school. As well, everyone knows that if a conservative, right wing school did not want someone like Clinton speaking at their commencement, they would protest and run him off too. So, this thead is total hypocrisy. Total.

You have a good point. Do you have an example of a right wing school chasing a liberal commencement speaker away ?

Sure she does. All in her brainwashed, libtard imagination.

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