Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

I'm sure Condi is free to show up as serve drinks, like a good little GOP ******.


This about says it all about the bigots and racists on the Left.

. could be a guy using the language to speak directly to nutter bigots. But seeing that would require that you be genuine for a moment.

Don't tell me his words offended you! That isn't possible....right?
It just revealed his true racist colors. The left are the idiot racists and are the ones hurting this country.
The protesters exercised their right to free speech. It's not like they were going to block Rice's appearance with armed gangs of liberal militias.

As Forrest Gump might say...'Intolerance is, as Intolerance does'.

Everything these particular academics profess to stand for, is their lie.

I'm sure Condi is free to show up as serve drinks, like a good little GOP ******.

Wow ! Mods ?
Sadly universities and colleges of today are loaded with the most intolerant small minded assholes you are going to meet in your future.

On the bright side, we conservatives are in positions not to hire the little bastards. :) Hells bells I was in rock and roll and lived and died fun times. Worst people ever working for me as roadies and crew for example were so called liberals.

Control freaks.

oh the irony..i mean how can anyone take this seriously?
As Forrest Gump might say...'Intolerance is, as Intolerance does'.

Everything these particular academics profess to stand for, is their lie.

I'm sure Condi is free to show up as serve drinks, like a good little GOP ******.

Wow ! Mods ?
The Mods understand what you don't, that there are two ******* at a GOP event, one on stage named Token, and one serving drinks named Charles.

Grow some stones.
As Forrest Gump might say...'Intolerance is, as Intolerance does'.

Everything these particular academics profess to stand for, is their lie.

I'm sure Condi is free to show up as serve drinks, like a good little GOP ******.

Wow ! Mods ?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
PMH has the constitutional right to be as stupid, as ignorant, as arrogant and as intolerant as he chooses to be and I will defend his right to be a bigoted, sanctimonious, two-faced liberal a-hole. :D

Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Well, we cannot really escape liberal talk can we? Has a school like this ever turned down a liberal talker?

Have conservatives at these schools ever try to stop a liberal from speaking, even though everything they say and stand for is anti-American?

Liberals are more interested in hearing

They sure as shit let this asshole speak, didn't they?

Fucking double talking hypocrites.

They are so fucked up in the head that liberals think Condoleeza Rice is more dangerous than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Save the world, punch a liberal in the face.

Can't argue, it will be impossible at some point for a conservative to even be able to speak at most colleges.

Those college kids are smart 'n open-minded 'n stuff.


Not Everyone?s Happy Michelle Obama Will Deliver a Graduation Address; School District Responds - ABC News

i mean its not even a challenge anymore with you people.Everything you people complain about can be proven to be hypocritical.
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It was just a few students that complained. As we all know all it would really take is one. One to rule them all.
I'm sure Condi is free to show up as serve drinks, like a good little GOP ******.

Wow ! Mods ?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
PMH has the constitutional right to be as stupid, as ignorant, as arrogant and as intolerant as he chooses to be and I will defend his right to be a bigoted, sanctimonious, two-faced liberal a-hole. :D

And long before he used the "N" word, he was already very accomplished at all those things ! :lol:
They don't fear anything. They don't like, don't want to hear her speak, and don't want to endorse her. That's fully allowed in America.

I doubt the kids at Liberty University want to hear from Hillary Clinton either.
It's their loss.
They obviously disagree, which is their right correct?

As much as it is the right of Columbia University students to agree with the Iranian President.

Which all in all, paints a pretty clear picture.
You mean "Mommy!!" Right?

Just didn't realize we were free to use that particular word.

I shouldn't be surprised though, black males today seem to be bent on bringing the word back into our vocabulary.

If you understood our language better, you'd know that he wasn't "using" that word as you define it. He was making a point. Ain't English grand?

I understand he was making a point, and was not actually calling anyone the "n" word. However, even in the context he was using, the word still had to be typed and displayed.

I was always taught that the word should never be used in any context. That it was best to simply let the word die, and rid our vocabulary of it, no matter how the use.

It seems though, that the word is now being used more today, than say twenty or thirty years ago. I realize it's mostly being used in a different context today than it once was.
However, resurrecting it in any context by any race doesn't seem to be a good thing to me. Just sayin'.
Interesting...Condoleezza described by a con as "being bullied" from speaking at a graduation ...while another speculated whether Ms. Obama would "bully her way into" speaking at another ...without even giving her a chance to decline, which she graciously did...

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Why do you always choose making shit up rather than honest debate?

The topic of the debate is that universities are full of close minded idiots that are afraid of facts that might force them to admit they are wrong. Feel free to call me out on it, just be prepared to be trashed by overwhelming evidence that you are a fool if you think I am wrong.

Prove your claim. Please. At least try.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali | Brandeis speech | CAIR
You neglected to mention her qualifications. She was National Security Advisor on 9/11 and she totally overlooked the warnings she had been receiving. Further, she was complicit in the plan to sell the Iraq war to the American people based on lies and false information.
"President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet, to name a few leading figures, built support for the war by telling the world that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons, feverishly developing germ warfare devices and racing to build a nuclear bomb. Some of them, notably Mr. Cheney, the administration's doomsayer in chief, said Iraq had conspired with Al Qaeda and implied that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11."w

In other words, she is just as qualified as Hillary, who you want to be president. I guess that proves that it is about race in your case.
Hummmmm ..... When you make comments about my post being about race it shows you to be dumber than a bag of hammers. My post has nothing to do with race and everything to do with accomplishments. Please list the national disasters that happened on Hillary's watch. Be sure to note the number of dead Americas that event caused. Further, please list all the wars that she has helped the US into. Again, list the number of Americans who fought and died in those wars.
Here is a tip for you: If you have nothing intelligent to post, you should probably post nothing!

If it has everything to do with accomplishments feel free to tell yourself that Hillary is a war criminal for backing the Iraq invasion, and insisting that she would vote the same way under the same circumstances. If it is all about accomplishments tell yourself that Hillary is a liar for saying that there were WMDs in Iraq. Tell yourself that Hillary, despite being privy to intelligence briefings, was completely unaware of the dangers in Benghazi, and that she actually believed that a video was the trigger for the attack.

After you finish lying to yourself about that go find a mirror and take a good look at the racist scumbag that is looking back at you. That guy might be able to fool you, but he isn't fooling anyone else.
So, in Congress on your planet, the Hillary look-alike voted against all those wars!

Courageous to stand up to her brethern and cistern*......

* intentional
I suspect you are aiming your post at me. As to Hillary's accomplishments I was comparing them to rice's while Hillary was in office as Secretary of State. As to her voting record in Congress there are two things that need to be considered.
1) Congress has no intelligence arm. All the intelligence (CIA, FBI, MILITARY) goes through the WH. The intelligence Congress received from the White House was cherry picked to give a false picture.
2) I do not believe Hillary voted for the US to go to war in Iraq. The bill that passed Congress was to allow the president to make the final decision as to whether the US would go to war. They believed bush would do what was best for America. When that vote was cast those in Congress still believed bush was an honest and moral person and would not lie to Congress to start a war. Silly them!

This is what Hillary had to say on the issue.

“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.” — Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

You are a racist scumbag for calling a black person a liar and defending a white one who said the exact same thing.
The thing is, the graduation ceremony is all about the graduates. If they don't want someone as their commencement speaker, that person should not be forced upon them. It is just that simple.

I am absolutely certain that if this were a conservative school, and it was proposed that Bill Clinton be the commencement speaker, the graduates would protest and force a change. So the claims that these kids at Rutgers are being close minded is total horse shit.

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