Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

If Rutgers is a public funded university....all the students should be forced to eat broccoli for would be for their own good...organically grown and west wing certified, of course...

Who does she want to torture in the future?
History in this case, to spin away from a war based upon lies that was lost before it began and never should have been fought in the first place.
She needs a mugshot to go along with her crimes:

She didn't commit any crimes. Obamashitforbrains on the other hand has been been felon from day one. Hypocrite.
Obamashitforbrains became president because socialists backed him and paid his way. He definitely doesn't deserve the office.
Afraid of her? What a stupid comment.

Rutgers has conservative faculty. Would you like a list of conservative politicos and pundits who have spoken at Rutgers over the past decade?

You failed. You never mentioned anything about public vs private. You just cannot retract your stupidity. You are too pigheaded.

They protested against the first black Secretary of State. That is either about fear of her politics, her gender, or her skin color, you tell me which it is.
It's not fear but it is her politics and her actions. You don't invite the town drunk to the AA celebration just because you usually believe in diversity. There is a time and a place. In this case her place is to stay home.

I am sure you think that was a clever retort.

To be fair, it probably was the best you can do, just don't expect to be invited to write jokes for this guy anytime soon.

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Afraid of her? What a stupid comment.

Rutgers has conservative faculty. Would you like a list of conservative politicos and pundits who have spoken at Rutgers over the past decade?

You failed. You never mentioned anything about public vs private. You just cannot retract your stupidity. You are too pigheaded.

They protested against the first black Secretary of State. That is either about fear of her politics, her gender, or her skin color, you tell me which it is.

It isn't fear. Such a silly premise you have. nutters come up with some dopey shit.

If it isn't fear it must be hatred of her skin color, right?
Afraid of her? What a stupid comment.

Rutgers has conservative faculty. Would you like a list of conservative politicos and pundits who have spoken at Rutgers over the past decade?

You failed. You never mentioned anything about public vs private. You just cannot retract your stupidity. You are too pigheaded.

They protested against the first black Secretary of State. That is either about fear of her politics, her gender, or her skin color, you tell me which it is.
You neglected to mention her qualifications. She was National Security Advisor on 9/11 and she totally overlooked the warnings she had been receiving. Further, she was complicit in the plan to sell the Iraq war to the American people based on lies and false information.
"President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet, to name a few leading figures, built support for the war by telling the world that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons, feverishly developing germ warfare devices and racing to build a nuclear bomb. Some of them, notably Mr. Cheney, the administration's doomsayer in chief, said Iraq had conspired with Al Qaeda and implied that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11."

In other words, she is just as qualified as Hillary, who you want to be president. I guess that proves that it is about race in your case.
Rice is a professor at Stanford.

Your point is thus retarded.

That was funny.

My point stands because they were afraid of her at Rutgers, which is a publicly funded university, even though she is a professor at Stanford, which is a private university. Bu I do appreciate you going to the trouble of proving to everyone else how stupid and biased you are.

Why do you always choose making shit up rather than honest debate?

The topic of the debate is that universities are full of close minded idiots that are afraid of facts that might force them to admit they are wrong. Feel free to call me out on it, just be prepared to be trashed by overwhelming evidence that you are a fool if you think I am wrong.
What was the wingnut reaction when Arizona State refused to give Obama an honorary degree after speaking there?

I don't remember wingnuts saying AS was racist.

Honorary degrees are generally granted as recognition of someone having accomplished something.

And becoming President Of The United States is not an accomplishment?

They gave it to Tommy Lasorda, for fuck's sake.

It is as much an accomplishment as being voted Miss Congeniality of a beauty contest.
100% black woman....rejected by white liberals.

1/2 black man....idolized by white liberals.

White liberals hate pure bred blacks and women....

LOL, seek help! Do the Liberals dislike Michelle Obama? You should really educate or at least fact check yourself before you go off and spout some inaccurate information like you did above. :)

"Rice has roots in the American South going back to the pre-Civil War era, and some of her ancestors worked as sharecroppers for a time after emancipation. Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[7] that she is of 51% African, 40% European, and 9% Asian or Native American genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon.[8] Rice grew up in the Titusville[9] neighborhood of Birmingham, and then Tuscaloosa, Alabama, at a time when the South was racially segregated."

Yeah she's really a "purebred Black woman". Thanks for the laugh!
So how is 51% less than Halfsie Obama?

("Half" means 50%, lib student)

LOL, I guess they don't teach reading comprehensions skills at the learning institution you didn't attend. I'll dumb it down for you so you can possible comprehend what was posted. The post I responded to was this:

"100% black woman (they were referring to Condoleeza Rice)....rejected by white liberals.

1/2 black man (President Obama)....idolized by white liberals.

White liberals hate pure bred blacks and women....".

Of course when I debunked the "100% percent Black woman" regarding Condoleeza Rice, some dullard (you) would chime in with some dumb shit! :lol:
That was funny.

My point stands because they were afraid of her at Rutgers, which is a publicly funded university, even though she is a professor at Stanford, which is a private university. Bu I do appreciate you going to the trouble of proving to everyone else how stupid and biased you are.

Why do you always choose making shit up rather than honest debate?

The topic of the debate is that universities are full of close minded idiots that are afraid of facts that might force them to admit they are wrong. Feel free to call me out on it, just be prepared to be trashed by overwhelming evidence that you are a fool if you think I am wrong.

Prove your claim. Please. At least try.
History in this case, to spin away from a war based upon lies that was lost before it began and never should have been fought in the first place.
She needs a mugshot to go along with her crimes:

She didn't commit any crimes. Obamashitforbrains on the other hand has been been felon from day one. Hypocrite.


You ONLY like Rice because... yeah.... and just hate Obama ....

She's......... he...... color.....

Well you're still racists somehow.... give me a minute.........
They protested against the first black Secretary of State. That is either about fear of her politics, her gender, or her skin color, you tell me which it is.
You neglected to mention her qualifications. She was National Security Advisor on 9/11 and she totally overlooked the warnings she had been receiving. Further, she was complicit in the plan to sell the Iraq war to the American people based on lies and false information.
"President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet, to name a few leading figures, built support for the war by telling the world that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons, feverishly developing germ warfare devices and racing to build a nuclear bomb. Some of them, notably Mr. Cheney, the administration's doomsayer in chief, said Iraq had conspired with Al Qaeda and implied that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11."w

In other words, she is just as qualified as Hillary, who you want to be president. I guess that proves that it is about race in your case.
Hummmmm ..... When you make comments about my post being about race it shows you to be dumber than a bag of hammers. My post has nothing to do with race and everything to do with accomplishments. Please list the national disasters that happened on Hillary's watch. Be sure to note the number of dead Americas that event caused. Further, please list all the wars that she has helped the US into. Again, list the number of Americans who fought and died in those wars.
Here is a tip for you: If you have nothing intelligent to post, you should probably post nothing!
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So, in Congress on your planet, the Hillary look-alike voted against all those wars!

Courageous to stand up to her brethern and cistern*......

* intentional
So, in Congress on your planet, the Hillary look-alike voted against all those wars!

Courageous to stand up to her brethern and cistern*......

* intentional
I suspect you are aiming your post at me. As to Hillary's accomplishments I was comparing them to rice's while Hillary was in office as Secretary of State. As to her voting record in Congress there are two things that need to be considered.
1) Congress has no intelligence arm. All the intelligence (CIA, FBI, MILITARY) goes through the WH. The intelligence Congress received from the White House was cherry picked to give a false picture.
2) I do not believe Hillary voted for the US to go to war in Iraq. The bill that passed Congress was to allow the president to make the final decision as to whether the US would go to war. They believed bush would do what was best for America. When that vote was cast those in Congress still believed bush was an honest and moral person and would not lie to Congress to start a war. Silly them!
You stupid fuck trailer trash....Congress has intelligence oversight of the CIA, so they see the same intel as the POTUS. :cuckoo:

Hillary voted for the Iraq War because her fat husband made it US Policy to remove Saddam from power in 1998, he just didn't have the balls to do it.

So, in Congress on your planet, the Hillary look-alike voted against all those wars!

Courageous to stand up to her brethern and cistern*......

* intentional
I suspect you are aiming your post at me. As to Hillary's accomplishments I was comparing them to rice's while Hillary was in office as Secretary of State. As to her voting record in Congress there are two things that need to be considered.
1) Congress has no intelligence arm. All the intelligence (CIA, FBI, MILITARY) goes through the WH. The intelligence Congress received from the White House was cherry picked to give a false picture.
2) I do not believe Hillary voted for the US to go to war in Iraq. The bill that passed Congress was to allow the president to make the final decision as to whether the US would go to war. They believed bush would do what was best for America. When that vote was cast those in Congress still believed bush was an honest and moral person and would not lie to Congress to start a war. Silly them!

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