Liberals Converting to Conservatism - Why Not The Other Way Around?

A quote often falsely attributed to Winston Churchill, who in real life was a Conservative at 15, and a liberal at 35.

You just made a damned fool of yourself.

You just made an ignorant fool out of yourself.
The question asks more than examples of individuals who have converted from liberalism to conservatism or the other way around. Rather: "What is the natural political state of Americans?"
Oh, that's easy!

The answer is: Independent.


Polls became irrelevant in 2016. If they had any relevancy, Rand Paul or Hillary Clinton would have won. But they didn't.

no, they didn't dum dum.

the national polls were dead on.

the state polls were closer. the orange loon got 70,000 votes or so strategically placed in must win states.

of course, we know those were the states where specific districts were the recipient of Russian propaganda.

but it's so cute how you loons think it's ok for 36% of the population to be spreading it's idiocy over the country.

just remember... everything is temporary and cyclical and payback is a total bitch.
course, we know those were the states where specific districts were the recipient of Russian propaganda.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

oh sure ya can freaktard... you can be a trump bot.

now run along like a good little hack.

Yeah sure he was, nice of you to put words in his mouth that cant be refuted, unless.......
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |
Are you mad?????
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone is in this area. Most big cities have a big democratic presence. Look at where they always win! Most big cities, because people are all close together and they can control the message, the papers and the media.

But at some point, I saw how flawed and hypocritical the liberal ideology was. Your best conservatives are former liberals who got burned at some point by the very ideology they espouse. It is a false reality! So how can it not have its losses? Unless you are really stupid, very brainwashed or just never really pay any attention or give it thought.

But I can't say I've ever known a conservative that turned liberal. Why would you? Conservatism preserves. It is intrinsically in harmony with nature. There is a fundamental rightness to it because it is valid. More intelligent people with basic common sense lean that way. Note that I did not say they had to be educated, because many educated people are not very intelligent------ what better place to be indoctrinated with liberalism than in the major universities?

So what would possibly attract a conservative? The promise of bisexual bathrooms? Fetuses used as spare body parts? Everyone smoking dope? Sitting around while other people work hard to pay your way through life? Or maybe your whole neighborhood filled with people who are not even U.S. Citizens? Really big government that takes all your money in taxes?

Whatever "message" the democrats have in the past or future, it is always a lie written to sound like something you should want, because if they were to ever tell the public what they really want and intend, NO SANE PERSON WOULD VOTE FOR THEM!
Yeah sure he was, nice of you to put words in his mouth that cant be refuted, unless.......
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |

You may be on the verge of an emotional outburst. /sarcasm
A quote often falsely attributed to Winston Churchill, who in real life was a Conservative at 15, and a liberal at 35.

You just made a damned fool of yourself.

You just made an ignorant fool out of yourself.
The question asks more than examples of individuals who have converted from liberalism to conservatism or the other way around. Rather: "What is the natural political state of Americans?"
Oh, that's easy!

The answer is: Independent.


Polls became irrelevant in 2016. If they had any relevancy, Rand Paul or Hillary Clinton would have won. But they didn't.

no, they didn't dum dum.

the national polls were dead on.

the state polls were closer. the orange loon got 70,000 votes or so strategically placed in must win states.

of course, we know those were the states where specific districts were the recipient of Russian propaganda.

but it's so cute how you loons think it's ok for 36% of the population to be spreading it's idiocy over the country.

just remember... everything is temporary and cyclical and payback is a total bitch.
course, we know those were the states where specific districts were the recipient of Russian propaganda.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

oh sure ya can freaktard... you can be a trump bot.

now run along like a good little hack.

Have I gotten under your skin, what thinness of skin it is?
Yeah sure he was, nice of you to put words in his mouth that cant be refuted, unless.......
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |
Are you mad?????
You are a a Trump Bitchette ...weak sad Bimbo
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |

Yeah sure he was, nice of you to put words in his mouth that cant be refuted, unless.......
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |
Are you mad?????
You are a a Trump Bitchette ...weak sad Bimbo
Hey Fuck Face asshole in case you have not noticed your asshole tag line puts words in George Carlin's mouth he never said are a shameless Piece of Human excrement ...So Fuck you
Heartland Institute Backpedals on George Carlin Bastardized Quote ...

Poll: Only 1 in 5 Millennials Lean Republican |
nbas7l-620x485.jpg th5WRQP36Z.jpg
No genuine liberal or open minded person would ever claim to be an American conservative. It is important to note that distinction as AC border on fascist in their hyper nationalism and hatred for the other. But there is among the upper classes a movement towards libertarianism which is often confused with AC as both exhibit an ideologue's attachment to ideas that don't work in the real world.

Conservatives: Conservative Beliefs

Libertarians Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Good Books on Libertarianism?

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Conservative history of the united states
There is no conversion in either direction. The " liberal" or "conservative" monikers are ill defined.

Most average people are a mixture of both. That's why political campaigns are necessary. The vast majority of voters cannot be pigeonholed as left or right on every issue. However, as the Russians seemed to have learned, elections can be won or lost by manipulating public opinion. Incredibly, vast swaths of the American electorate can be cajoled into voting against their best interests.The Right has mastered that strategy by creating boogey men whom they say are out to destroy the White race. The word liberal has lost its original meaning and has morphed into a euphemism to identify marginalize any one who stands up to right wing racism,misogyny and the unequal distribution of wealth.
Actually both parties are losing numbers, while Independents make up a larger number than either party. It's becoming a long term trend.
People are sick of narrow-minded partisan politics that get nothing done that is targeted for all citizens benefits.
In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents
The Fastest-Growing Voting Bloc In America Isn't What You Think It Is
not all liberals and conservatives are democrats and republicans.
That is good news either way, though. Fuck the duopoly
I would really like to see the increase in those who identify as libertarians continue
No genuine liberal or open minded person would ever claim to be an American conservative. It is important to note that distinction as AC border on fascist in their hyper nationalism and hatred for the other. But there is among the upper classes a movement towards libertarianism which is often confused with AC as both exhibit an ideologue's attachment to ideas that don't work in the real world.

Conservatives: Conservative Beliefs

Libertarians Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Good Books on Libertarianism?

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

Conservative history of the united states

Conservatives are NOT the ones who were macing small children at Trump rallies, they are NOT the ones with a gazillion baby-tantrum riots and DEATH THREATS against anyone who interrupts you liberalfilth's Islam fellatio. Conservatives are NOT the ones burning American flags at anti-Trump protests and constantly waving RAPE MELANIA signs. No, the problem is you liberal tiny little worm-like things have proven through your own horrifying, anti-social behavior you are NOT human. And YES, I'm an ex-traditional-liberal who left your political RMS Titanic because I don't wish to be associated with America-hating, violent, treasonous non-human mistakes in carbon-compound arrangement like today's Democrat hate-sewer is.
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

I was born and raised a democrat. Everyone is in this area. Most big cities have a big democratic presence. Look at where they always win! Most big cities, because people are all close together and they can control the message, the papers and the media.

But at some point, I saw how flawed and hypocritical the liberal ideology was. Your best conservatives are former liberals who got burned at some point by the very ideology they espouse. It is a false reality! So how can it not have its losses? Unless you are really stupid, very brainwashed or just never really pay any attention or give it thought.

But I can't say I've ever known a conservative that turned liberal. Why would you? Conservatism preserves. It is intrinsically in harmony with nature. There is a fundamental rightness to it because it is valid. More intelligent people with basic common sense lean that way. Note that I did not say they had to be educated, because many educated people are not very intelligent------ what better place to be indoctrinated with liberalism than in the major universities?

So what would possibly attract a conservative? The promise of bisexual bathrooms? Fetuses used as spare body parts? Everyone smoking dope? Sitting around while other people work hard to pay your way through life? Or maybe your whole neighborhood filled with people who are not even U.S. Citizens? Really big government that takes all your money in taxes?

Whatever "message" the democrats have in the past or future, it is always a lie written to sound like something you should want, because if they were to ever tell the public what they really want and intend, NO SANE PERSON WOULD VOTE FOR THEM!

When I was younger I was more liberal and my father more conservative. My dad was always a hard working guy, and when I was younger, a long haired pot smoking lead guitarist in bands. I didn't believe in the death penalty, and of course against any kind of war.

Your mind starts changing when you go out and work for a living. When you see people living on the money you work for, you finally start putting the puzzle pieces together.

Now my father is more liberal because the old guy is 85, and he buys into all the liberal bullshit of what Republicans want to take away from him. Now he is helpless and can't get a job to support himself. Like many older folks, he relies on what he saved his entire life, Social Security, and mostly his pension from the bricklayers union.
I think the happy medium is Libertarianism. As Reagan said, that's the "soul of conservatism" and some logically minded liberals can get on board as well. It's the alt-left, socialist, neo-communist that have ruined liberals.

I think I would be more libertarian if not for their stance on drugs and our military. But fighting is something that must be done at times and unleashing all these dangerous drugs would weaken the US labor force and put more people on the dole which we really don't need now.
When I was younger I was more liberal and my father more conservative. My dad was always a hard working guy, and when I was younger, a long haired pot smoking lead guitarist in bands. I didn't believe in the death penalty, and of course against any kind of war. Your mind starts changing when you go out and work for a living. When you see people living on the money you work for, you finally start putting the puzzle pieces together.

EXACTLY. You understand. You grew out of the dreams and idealism for that "perfect world" and how it should be and your mind finally grew up to how it really is.
Hillary was once a "Goldwater girl". The dirty little secret is that peer pressure and academic pressure by liberal professors in institutes of higher learning cause ten times more conservative kids to convert to liberalism. It's a rare courageous kid who comes out of college a conservative.
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When I was younger I was more liberal and my father more conservative. My dad was always a hard working guy, and when I was younger, a long haired pot smoking lead guitarist in bands. I didn't believe in the death penalty, and of course against any kind of war. Your mind starts changing when you go out and work for a living. When you see people living on the money you work for, you finally start putting the puzzle pieces together.

EXACTLY. You understand. You grew out of the dreams and idealism for that "perfect world" and how it should be and your mind finally grew up to how it really is.

It was a time (back in the 70's) when political correctness and taxing people into submission because the new norm in the US. All of a sudden, everybody started to be offended.

One of my first jobs when I was younger was delivering home medical equipment, and many times that took me inside of the homes of so-called poor people. I seen how they lived, I seen how care less they were, I seen the size of families they had.

When I was in training, me and my supervisor went into the ghetto to deliver a hospital bed. This was an apartment above some closed down store. There were clothes and filth everywhere. Food was spattered on the wall in the kitchen. She had four kids running around--half of them naked.

When the delivery was completed and we went back into the van, I didn't know what to say without sounding un-compassionate. So I turned to my supervisor and said "It's a shame people have to live that way," His reply to me was "A bar of soap is only ten cents."

I spent about ten years doing that job. I've been to every project building in Cleveland multiple times, not to mention projects in other Ohio cities as well. I guess that's why I'm so heartless about the poor today. In most of my thousands of experiences, poverty was an option, not a factor that one could not control.
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

now you look at the NYT, troll boy?

what part of "may" is beyond your comprehension?

Snappy comeback, hack.

How's it feel on the sidelines ?

Watching Trump run the show.

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