Liberals Converting to Conservatism - Why Not The Other Way Around?


Yeah and the democratic party represented that 25% in ideology for the last twenty years and this is the results.
68% got sick and tired of it.
You can't ignore the majority and expect to win anything.

The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

JANUARY 3, 2017

US Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

  • 36% of Americans now conservative, 25% liberal
  • Liberal figure has inched up from 17% in 1990s
  • Conservatives mainly steady, while moderates decline
US Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin
The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

If the country is split then I'm right about Moderates.
People may become more conservative as they get older, but the conservatism they embrace is always less conservative than the conservatism of the past. That's how progress works.
Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

If the country is split then I'm right about Moderates.

Moderates: Who Are They, and What Do They Want?

They lean center right.
Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Oh, I agree with you there. Those whites who are starting to realize their party is against them are leaving the party as well.

But it's all about numbers. Every other race votes a majority Democrat every election: the Arabs, the Asians, the Hispanics, the blacks, the Jews, everybody else. White millennials can switch as they become more aware, but minority groups less likely. Once whites are a minority, then we will experience the end of the great experiment. It will be a one-party government forever, or until the country implodes.
Once whites become a minority, this country will cease to exist(likely much sooner than that).

It is already teetering on the edge just because of how pathetic baby boomers are compared to their parents. Millennials are just a bunch of robots who don't have a clue how to run a country.
Dark skin people scare you I see. I love my black , brown and inbetween brothers and sisters.
Some of the best people and friends I've had are people of color.

That's so funny. It was a line used back in the 60's and 70's: Some of my best friends are black. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, you liberals know black people, but not one of you will go move into one of their neighborhoods. I remember when my neighborhood changed. We had liberals here who talked about how "too white" our suburb was; how we needed more diversity. When their wish finally started to come true, they were the first to sell their home and get out of dodge. Now they preach their brotherhood message from another all white neighborhood.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

If the country is split then I'm right about Moderates.

Moderates: Who Are They, and What Do They Want?

They lean center right.

How can Moderates lean center/right and Obama wins them twice by double digits?
And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

If the country is split then I'm right about Moderates.

Moderates: Who Are They, and What Do They Want?

They lean center right.

How can Moderates lean center/right and Obama wins them twice by double digits?
"Moderate" is a superficial, self imposed designation.

Most moderates are absolute lunatics who are too uneducated and stupid to understand where they actually fall on the spectrum.
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

now you look at the NYT, troll boy?

what part of "may" is beyond your comprehension?

Now you suddenly ignore the NYT?
lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

If the country is split then I'm right about Moderates.

Moderates: Who Are They, and What Do They Want?

They lean center right.

How can Moderates lean center/right and Obama wins them twice by double digits?
"Moderate" is a superficial, self imposed designation.

Most moderates are absolute lunatics who are too uneducated and stupid to understand where they actually fall on the spectrum.

Or too gutless to pick a side.
Actually both parties are losing numbers, while Independents make up a larger number than either party. It's becoming a long term trend.
People are sick of narrow-minded partisan politics that get nothing done that is targeted for all citizens benefits.
In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents
The Fastest-Growing Voting Bloc In America Isn't What You Think It Is

However, the OP was not addressing political parties but rather ideology.

I think it more likely that smart people who embrace liberalism/progressivism/statism/leftism or by whatever name among those, and are blessed with a moment of clarity that bypasses their programming, cannot help but see the irrationality of that ideology.

They are able to see that more than 50 years of a 'war on poverty' has not only not eliminated poverty but has created a lot of new forms of it.

They are able to see that more than 50 years of government meddling in healthcare, education, and social services has not increased its efficiency, cost effectiveness, or quality but rather all have declined even as they became more unaffordable.

They are able to grasp the concept that a market driven economy based on supply, demand, and individual initiative produces superior products, services, and innovation at a price people can afford.

They are able to see and understand how a $20 trillion dollar debt growing at a staggering rate is a drag on the economy and is unsustainable as well as putting us more at the mercy of those who don't love us and who don't have our best interests at heart. We long ago ran out of other people's money and there is only so much that can be borrowed.

And finally they comprehend that personal liberty is a valuable thing and in order to have it, it must be universal and not only for certain groups targeted for favor.

And when that happens, we have a new conservative.

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