Liberals Converting to Conservatism - Why Not The Other Way Around?

It's been going back and forth for some years now. But after DumBama came in with an all Democrat Congress and Senate, people got a taste of what true liberalism/ Socialism was, and we didn't like it.

Since that time, people started to become more conservative and especially more Republican. With the exception of Obama's reelection (since people liked him personally so much) he lost ground almost every year and we gained.

So let's hope the bad taste of Socialism stays with Americans for at least a generation. Remember what it was like when we went there before.
Socialism is actually growing in popularity in spite of the Democrats(who are actually just fascists).

White millenials will always like socialism, but they won't always like the Democrats(who largely hate white people unabashedly now).

Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Oh, I agree with you there. Those whites who are starting to realize their party is against them are leaving the party as well.

But it's all about numbers. Every other race votes a majority Democrat every election: the Arabs, the Asians, the Hispanics, the blacks, the Jews, everybody else. White millennials can switch as they become more aware, but minority groups less likely. Once whites are a minority, then we will experience the end of the great experiment. It will be a one-party government forever, or until the country implodes.
Once whites become a minority, this country will cease to exist(likely much sooner than that).

It is already teetering on the edge just because of how pathetic baby boomers are compared to their parents. Millennials are just a bunch of robots who don't have a clue how to run a country.
Dark skin people scare you I see. I love my black , brown and inbetween brothers and sisters.
Some of the best people and friends I've had are people of color.
My nephew was raised in a conservative household. After a few years of college, he came over and started to go on about some liberal nonsense, I forget what it was now. Anyway, I straightened him out right there and he quickly came back to his senses. I don't know if that would have been possible if he had liberal relatives.

The indoctrination starts early. First in primary school, then Hollywood and media as they grow up, then college. Some people have strong enough minds to resist brainwashing and others have very weak minds and just do as they are told.

Liberals operate on the edict that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. A person might be washed ashore as a child onto some deserted island, but on his own, conservative principles would be self-evident to him. No one comes to the conclusions all by themselves that liberal policies are just self-evident--- liberals are created by a constant badgering from all sides, first the grade schools with their rewritten history and flaky teachers, television which of course is all made in California (or NYC), then you have your politicians evoking laws which reflect liberal views while they go about the nation stumping the public with liberal speeches. Then they get to college where the professors absolutely hammer them with liberalism in a militant way, getting the kids by then worked up into a froth that the world is about to end tomorrow if they do not act and that some horrible injustice is being perpetrated, finally, they get to the workplace where all the liberals try to surround you and if you check out, they absorb you like a protein molecule, indoctrinate you, motivate you and get you enlisted into some activist liberal function, because you know, there is just so much urgent work to be done and if you DON'T smell liberal to them, they shun you, oppose you, despise you, reject you and try to drive you out.

Therefore conservatism is a natural state that happens all by itself which is why many in the GOP often don't exactly agree on things because they all see and operate a bit independently as free-thinking people, whereas liberalism is not a free, natural state, it requires a great amount of energy put into the system constantly to keep it afloat and produces only one single product cookie-cutter style: liberals.
Look at your first sentence. That sums up DT to a " T".
As if by magic, my point is proven again! Just today in the news, another democrat turns republican! This time a GOVERNOR! The governor of West Virginia likes Trump so much he is switching parties! That now makes 34 out of 50 governors a republican. Despite all of the hoo haa in the media flapping its arms quacking like a duck trying to attack President Trump at every turn, he remains more popular than ever with people waiting SEVEN HOURS in the hot sun to hear him speak!

When was the last time anyone waited seven hours to see and listen to any democrat?
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

Some liberals mature and see the world for what it is and they go to the right. Rarely do people regress and go from being mature back to being a simple-minded liberal.
As if by magic, my point is proven again! Just today in the news, another democrat turns republican! This time a GOVERNOR! The governor of West Virginia likes Trump so much he is switching parties! That now makes 34 out of 50 governors a republican. Despite all of the hoo haa in the media flapping its arms quacking like a duck trying to attack President Trump at every turn, he remains more popular than ever with people waiting SEVEN HOURS in the hot sun to hear him speak!

When was the last time anyone waited seven hours to see and listen to any democrat?

Governor Who Switched Parties For Trump Owes Millions In Taxes After Deal With Russian Company

It was a nice photo-op for the West Virginia governor, but there seems to be more to the story than a simple change of heart.…
Some liberals mature and see the world for what it is and they go to the right. Rarely do people regress and go from being mature back to being a simple-minded liberal.
Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Indeed, many far Left lunatics say they're for the downtrodden, but they certainly don't care about White America's downtrodden, or even America's downtrodden anymore.

It's all about refugees, and illegals, to the far Left lunatics, their lives matter more than Americans, which all just cuts us down, they bring them in at our expense.'

But, that's not to say the very Capitalist Conservative lunatics are any better, if anything they're even worse, their the ones hiring illegals, just because it's cheaper.

This is why we're in this situation, because both sides gave us the royal flush.
It will be interesting to see if blacks ever realize that Hispanics want to kill them too.

Far more interesting will be the Asians and Arabs interactions with Hispanics after they reach critical mass in America.

Hispanics are most certainly a threat to Blacks, why IM2 thinks otherwise is beyond me.

True. Most black people are against illegal immigration because they lose jobs to them.

NO, not jobs.

Black people are never worried or care about jobs, especially jobs that are done by illegal aliens.
It's been going back and forth for some years now. But after DumBama came in with an all Democrat Congress and Senate, people got a taste of what true liberalism/ Socialism was, and we didn't like it.

Since that time, people started to become more conservative and especially more Republican. With the exception of Obama's reelection (since people liked him personally so much) he lost ground almost every year and we gained.

So let's hope the bad taste of Socialism stays with Americans for at least a generation. Remember what it was like when we went there before.
Socialism is actually growing in popularity in spite of the Democrats(who are actually just fascists).

White millenials will always like socialism, but they won't always like the Democrats(who largely hate white people unabashedly now).

Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Oh, I agree with you there. Those whites who are starting to realize their party is against them are leaving the party as well.

But it's all about numbers. Every other race votes a majority Democrat every election: the Arabs, the Asians, the Hispanics, the blacks, the Jews, everybody else. White millennials can switch as they become more aware, but minority groups less likely. Once whites are a minority, then we will experience the end of the great experiment. It will be a one-party government forever, or until the country implodes.
Once whites become a minority, this country will cease to exist(likely much sooner than that).

It is already teetering on the edge just because of how pathetic baby boomers are compared to their parents. Millennials are just a bunch of robots who don't have a clue how to run a country.


Just look at Zimbabwe or South Africa.

The sad fact is that while the white victims of black vengeance there had a place to escape to, the white victims of black vengeance in America will have no place to escape to, except, maybe to Australia or Canada.
Socialism is actually growing in popularity in spite of the Democrats(who are actually just fascists).

White millenials will always like socialism, but they won't always like the Democrats(who largely hate white people unabashedly now).

Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Oh, I agree with you there. Those whites who are starting to realize their party is against them are leaving the party as well.

But it's all about numbers. Every other race votes a majority Democrat every election: the Arabs, the Asians, the Hispanics, the blacks, the Jews, everybody else. White millennials can switch as they become more aware, but minority groups less likely. Once whites are a minority, then we will experience the end of the great experiment. It will be a one-party government forever, or until the country implodes.
Once whites become a minority, this country will cease to exist(likely much sooner than that).

It is already teetering on the edge just because of how pathetic baby boomers are compared to their parents. Millennials are just a bunch of robots who don't have a clue how to run a country.
Dark skin people scare you I see. I love my black , brown and inbetween brothers and sisters.
Some of the best people and friends I've had are people of color.

Even people of orange color?
Socialism is actually growing in popularity in spite of the Democrats(who are actually just fascists).

White millenials will always like socialism, but they won't always like the Democrats(who largely hate white people unabashedly now).

Democrats don't hate white people. They became the anti-white party to create a one-party government. Once they can make whites a minority in this country, they will have the ability to disable Republican leadership forever. That's why they are trying so hard to make us a minority.
White Democrat cucks might want that to happen, but the non-white Democrats mostly just want to enslave us or destroy us entirely, and the non-whites are the real power players in the party now(as you will see in 2020).

In reality, making whites a minority would be pretty much unnecessary if Democrats weren't anti-white, because millennials are all left wing on basically every issue, and we are the future of the country.

It is the anti-whiteness that moves millenials to the Republican Party, nothing else.

Oh, I agree with you there. Those whites who are starting to realize their party is against them are leaving the party as well.

But it's all about numbers. Every other race votes a majority Democrat every election: the Arabs, the Asians, the Hispanics, the blacks, the Jews, everybody else. White millennials can switch as they become more aware, but minority groups less likely. Once whites are a minority, then we will experience the end of the great experiment. It will be a one-party government forever, or until the country implodes.
Once whites become a minority, this country will cease to exist(likely much sooner than that).

It is already teetering on the edge just because of how pathetic baby boomers are compared to their parents. Millennials are just a bunch of robots who don't have a clue how to run a country.
Dark skin people scare you I see. I love my black , brown and inbetween brothers and sisters.
Some of the best people and friends I've had are people of color.

That's so funny. It was a line used back in the 60's and 70's: Some of my best friends are black. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, you liberals know black people, but not one of you will go move into one of their neighborhoods. I remember when my neighborhood changed. We had liberals here who talked about how "too white" our suburb was; how we needed more diversity. When their wish finally started to come true, they were the first to sell their home and get out of dodge. Now they preach their brotherhood message from another all white neighborhood.
Actually both parties are losing numbers, while Independents make up a larger number than either party. It's becoming a long term trend.
People are sick of narrow-minded partisan politics that get nothing done that is targeted for all citizens benefits.
In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents
The Fastest-Growing Voting Bloc In America Isn't What You Think It Is
The question asks more than examples of individuals who have converted from liberalism to conservatism or the other way around. Rather: "What is the natural political state of Americans?"
Oh, that's easy!

The answer is: Independent.

Except that statistic is very misleading.
Most political independents actually aren’t

What this tells me is that Americans are becoming MORE partisan and more entrenched in parties but for some odd reason are less likely to admit to even themselves that they are.

It is a sad state of affairs.

Both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party are seeing dropping numbers in regard to affiliation.
Party Affiliation
Here's an interesting article you might find interesting.
Independents Rule but GOP, Dem, & Media Establishment Says Everything Is Fine
The point is that by party affiliation people are becoming 'independent' but that Independence is not actually showing up at the pools. Those independents vote reliably down party lines with which way that the 'lean.'

IOW, it is an illusion that people are becoming more independent. This last election highlighted that very well - at a time when both candidates enjoyed the worst numbers ever in trust and support the independent candidates were still unable to attain anywhere near the 15 percent required to even get on stage let alone actually challenge the political parties.

What's really taking place is that people are trying to get even with their party. They are trying to teach their party a lesson by dropping out of it to express their anger.

I hear them on the radio all the time. Their views never changed, only their party affiliation. They still vote as conservative as they can. But when Republicans do something (or don't do something) that pisses some people off, they drop out of the party.

Yeah and the democratic party represented that 25% in ideology for the last twenty years and this is the results.
68% got sick and tired of it.
You can't ignore the majority and expect to win anything.

The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

Yeah and the democratic party represented that 25% in ideology for the last twenty years and this is the results.
68% got sick and tired of it.
You can't ignore the majority and expect to win anything.

The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

Yeah and the democratic party represented that 25% in ideology for the last twenty years and this is the results.
68% got sick and tired of it.
You can't ignore the majority and expect to win anything.

The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?
Yeah and the democratic party represented that 25% in ideology for the last twenty years and this is the results.
68% got sick and tired of it.
You can't ignore the majority and expect to win anything.

The Moderates vote Democrat in every presidential election.

Not the ones I know do that.

Try getting out of the bunker more.

Kerry won the Moderate vote by 9 points, Obama won moderate vote by 20 and 15 points, Hillary Clinton won moderate vote by 12 points.

Self-identified Moderates are, on balance, left of center.

And there are just as many if not more who are right of center who are ignored by the Dems.

lol, there can't be a majority of Moderates left of center AND a majority of Moderates right of center.

WTF Cletus?

Half of the country is split right now. Lisa

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