Liberals deface police memorial

Yyyyyyeahhhh ummmm..... if you could go ahead and point out, quote, screenshot, link, whatever, the part where it says anything at all anywhere about "liberals", that'd be great.

Only a stupid Liberal bigot would deny the pattern.

More Statues And Property Vandalized By #BlackLivesMatter ‘Protesters’

'Silent Sam' Confederate Statue At UNC Vandalized

'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Vandalize Confederate Statue in Charleston

Liberals Sign Petition to Remove ‘Racist’ George Washington Statue

A Confederate monument defaced - Hot Air

So, nothing about liberals then?
Police: Memorial officer statue vandalized


Yyyyyyeahhhh ummmm..... if you could go ahead and point out, quote, screenshot, link, whatever, the part where it says anything at all anywhere about "liberals", that'd be great.

Are you saying it was conservatives that did it?

Denial is one symptom of the Liberal disease.

Fabrication is the symptom of the fabricators.
If you were willing to bet $1000 on this, do you think it's more likely a democrat or a republican did this?
Yyyyyyeahhhh ummmm..... if you could go ahead and point out, quote, screenshot, link, whatever, the part where it says anything at all anywhere about "liberals", that'd be great.

Only a stupid Liberal bigot would deny the pattern.

More Statues And Property Vandalized By #BlackLivesMatter ‘Protesters’

'Silent Sam' Confederate Statue At UNC Vandalized

'Black Lives Matter' Protesters Vandalize Confederate Statue in Charleston

Liberals Sign Petition to Remove ‘Racist’ George Washington Statue

A Confederate monument defaced - Hot Air

So, nothing about liberals then?

'Liberal' is the catch-all term for stupid people of the Left.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.
The only fair thing to do would be to go to a statue of martin luther king jr and paint it "alton got justice".
If you were willing to bet $1000 on this, do you think it's more likely a democrat or a republican did this?

If you were willing to bet $10000000000 I could show you the world isn't simply made up of "democrats" [sic] and "republicans" [sic]

Not that you'd have the intellectual capacity to grasp the concept...

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