Liberals deface police memorial

So.... To sum up this thread. Libs don't care if a police memorial is vandalized.
Oh? Who said they didn't care? Name names.

Everyone objecting to the the term 'Liberal' in the title. One would think this obvious but then we're talking to stupid people.

Where is it in the actual story?

Still waiting. Since post 2.


Posted. See your eye doctor.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"

Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.
Gotta be *******. Only black filth would defend a CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER because he's black. This humanoid subspecies is so full of mindless evil, they need to slither back under their rocks to do what they do best: randomly killing each other like clockwork every time the newest version of the Nike Air Jordan hits stores. They're not human; they're a humanoid subspecies genetically close enough to us to breed with us, but not close enough to have a human brain that's wired for empathy for innocents. These primates are the only demographic in America that turn every neighborhood they infest into a war zone, courtesy of their 85-average-I.Q.

Also, they're a public eyesore to look at because their noses are shaped like an upside-down wheelbarrow. And lips shaped like the giant alien egg sac Sigourney Weaver torpedoed in one of those space movies.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.

For using 'Liberal' as a catch-all term for Lefties? That's pretty lame.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.

For using 'Liberal' as a catch-all term for Lefties? That's pretty lame.
While every thinking person rejects your premise of hatred for the police, I find it unfortunate that you reject the concept of accountability. Authoritarianism accepts any and all police tactics as legitimate. Are you a Conservative, or an Authoritarian?

How well does government work? Conservatives generally answer not well at all. Authoritarians generally answer that government needs no accountability.
While every thinking person rejects your premise of hatred for the police, I find it unfortunate that you reject the concept of accountability. Authoritarianism accepts any and all police tactics as legitimate. Are you a Conservative, or an Authoritarian?

How well does government work? Conservatives generally answer not well at all. Authoritarians generally answer that government needs no accountability.

Who are you speaking to? None of this applies to me.
Assuming away this wasn't a false flag, which is a tiny possibility, the person who did this, anti police, is very very very likely to vote Democrat. Going to deny this?

Going to link it?
I see we're backtracking from "liberal" to "likely to vote Democrat".

Give me forty acres and I'll turn this thread around?
at least ISIS steps up when they do their thing. Too bad liberals can't. At least they spelled correctly.

Yyyyyyeahhhh ummmm..... if you could go ahead and point out, quote, screenshot, link, whatever, the part where it says anything at all anywhere about "liberals", that'd be great.

Are you saying it was conservatives that did it?

Denial is one symptom of the Liberal disease.

Fabrication is the symptom of the fabricators.
I bet you fabricated that.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.
how do you say this word? Ploiticizibng
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.
I agree, when can we hold the suspect accountable for all of this. WE're all waiting.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.

I never even mentioned "the police". I simply called out the OP to document his title. And he utterly failed.

That's it, end of story. Period, full stop, waiter check please, cue fat lady.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.
how do you say this word? Ploiticizibng
Blame the iPad keyboard.
Yes, because conservatives do this especially with anti police messages YOU FUCKING MORON.
I don't believe political ideology had anything to do with this. I think it's a matter of Blacks being justifiably suspicious and not trusting police.

Ploiticizibng it shows not only a shallowness of intellect, but a cheapening of the actual problem.

Zackly. A vandalism, a murder, an assault, whatever, and the first thing some cretins think is "oboy! I can go on the internet and score some points!!"


Oh knock it off. We already know you hate the police.
It's not hatred of the police. It's a call for accountability.
I agree, when can we hold the suspect accountable for all of this. WE're all waiting.
Is it your belief that the police can never do wrong? That's an unusual belief for a Conservative. The basic tenet of your ideology is government does absolutely nothing right.

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