Liberal's Demonize Confederate Flag and Secession, but...

Since the controversy has erupted over S.C. flying the Confederate Battle Standard and the secession of the South from the would American liberals react when Scotland secedes from Great Britain and it's union with them? Should the PM send in troops and slash and burn everything in their way just as Union Army did in the South circa 1862-65? I bet not because Scotland is a socialist territory and American liberals would scream, whine and cry. Hypocrites.

Didn't Dylann Roof demonize the Confederate Flag?

America was founded on the belief that all men are created equal.

The Confederacy was founded on the belief that whites are superior to blacks.

Most of the founding fathers were slave owners. By men they meant white men. THINK
The u.s.a. was founded in spite of slavery, the Confederacy, because of it. There is a vast difference between a nation founded on the equality of men, however imperfect the initial implementation, and a nation founded on the idea that some races are inferior to others. Our nation's founding ideals have enabled it to grow into a nation where the rights of all are protected... While the very founding cornerstone of the Confederacy ensured it would be mired in white supremacy for all eternity.
citing a source that is wrong doesn't make you right. it's settled, unilateral secession is illegal

So you think america should return itself to england? THINK
hmm... were the colonies operating under the constitution? THINK

Hey Einstein. The constitution hadn't even been written when the revolutionary war was fought. HAHAHA. Liberals are so ignorant.

That's exactly his point you blubbering idiot. The Articles of Confederation and Constitution is an act of voluntary association binding its members into a perpetual union - the Colonies were not voluntarily associated with Britain, but rather, that association was imposed on them.

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