Liberals hire COP KILLER to TEACH their children

Adjunct professor teaching a class about cons re-entering society....really ,really prestigious......not.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

There is a difference between being indicted for something and being convicted.

Just saying.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

And in what substitutes for a mind with you, that's the same thing - which says all there is to say about you.
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |

If she has served her time, why shouldn't they hire her? I'm not a liberal but it seems to me, once you've served your time, if you are going to say they can or cannot be hired in certain positions then they are still in prison and are still being punished. And yes, I believe that sex offenders, once they've served their time, should be free, however, if it's likely they'll offend again, they should be institutionalized, not stuck in the public environment trying to make a living and living with temptation.

Either keep them institutionalized, or let them go...I just don't think we can have it both ways.
Of course you would see it that way.
it's not !! but the cop killing terrorist was indicted and convicted .

Even if that guy was found guilty of war crimes, you would still be fine with his teaching students, wouldn't you? Especially if he was a conservative.

That would depend. If he is found guilty in a court that is based on the assumption that the US does not have the right to self defense, I would consider it a sham and ignore it. If, on the other hand, it turns out he went to Iraq and killed people, I wouldn't want him around my kids.
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Except that she didn't actually shoot anyone. And she served her sentence. While in prison, she earned a doctorate and did a lot of charity work.

Isn't that what the purpose of prison is, to rehabilitate people? or do you only think they are rehabilitated when they say "Jay-zus" a bunch of times to Governor Huckabee and get paroled.

The purpose of prison is to warehouse people so idiots like you can pretend they are not afraid.
it's not !! but the cop killing terrorist was indicted and convicted .

Even if that guy was found guilty of war crimes, you would still be fine with his teaching students, wouldn't you? Especially if he was a conservative.
no i wouldn't !! why did the dems in congress support for the Iraq war ??

All Democrats in Congress supported the Iraq War?
an indictment is not a conviction...:doubt:

There was no indictment. More leftist hate site fairy tales that stupid fucks like Oldguy tell each other.

The only indictment against Gonzales was a political hackjob in 2008 that was laughed out of court - the judged refused to sign it due to the "complete lack of legal merit and due process."

Vice President Cheney and Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Have Been Indicted by a Texas Grand Jury on Charges Involving Federal Prisons

Leftists are liars and scumbags.
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |
Not to put to fine a point on it, but if she served 22 years, doesn't that mean she has paid her debt to society? If she has, then any and all opportunities she is qualified to do should be open to her.

If it bothers you or other people, I would suggest sending your kids to a different college.

Personal responsibility is the keystone of conservative principle.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

A reference like that can mean only one thing: you must be an America-hater who yearns for the end of our sovereignty, a world where tin-pot dictators at the UN can pass judgement on United Stated officials.

1. 'The religion of Leftism has its search for Utopia…albeit of this sphere…and two famous statements encapsulate the search:

a. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not ?Attributed to Robert Kennedy.

b. The other is from the words of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.” One is asked to imagine that there is no heaven or hell, that everyone lives for today; that there are no countries, nothing to kill for, and no religion; there are no possessions- therefore no greed nor hunger.

2. Conservatives don’t dream of things that never were nearly so much as Liberals do. We usually dream the same dream that our forefathers did: an America that is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” And, judging by history, we have seen that ‘utopian dreams’ are more likely to end up as nightmares.' Prager, “Still The Best Hope,” chapter two.
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |
Not to put to fine a point on it, but if she served 22 years, doesn't that mean she has paid her debt to society? If she has, then any and all opportunities she is qualified to do should be open to her.

If it bothers you or other people, I would suggest sending your kids to a different college.

Personal responsibility is the keystone of conservative principle.

Would that include gun ownership?
Even if that guy was found guilty of war crimes, you would still be fine with his teaching students, wouldn't you? Especially if he was a conservative.

You are a leftist, ergo stupid as a fucking lamppost; still - explain what an attorney general has to do with "war crimes?"
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |
Not to put to fine a point on it, but if she served 22 years, doesn't that mean she has paid her debt to society? If she has, then any and all opportunities she is qualified to do should be open to her.

If it bothers you or other people, I would suggest sending your kids to a different college.

Personal responsibility is the keystone of conservative principle.

Would that include gun ownership?
That would depend. If they were locked up initially for using a weapon, no.

However, if they were locked up for killing students in their classroom, I would oppose their position in a job of education.

It does not alter the fact that one of two things must happen for Me to be outraged by this.

We must decide that any crimes are life sentences, because no debt will ever be repaid to society by their incarceration; or we accept that if they behaved themselves, served their time, they should be allowed to pursue opportunities to help them become productive members of society. Reasonable limits can be imposed, but this isn't one of those cases.

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