Liberals: If you were in a theater w a mass shooter, would u rather have a gun or phone (911)? Pick.

With the shooter's bearing down on you....which would you rather have:

  • A gun. I want protection and a chance to fight for survival.

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • A phone. I will dial 911. SWAT will rescue me.

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Neither. I want a "Gun Free Zone" sign on the theater so the shooting never occurred at all.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
I voted none of the above.

"Alas, poor Coyote. We knew him well."

A gun is of little use in a crowded situation where people are fleeing all over

Au contraire! I would find it quite useful, thank you.

- you're just as likely to shoot an innocent person as the shooter. Responsible gun owners realize that.

Responsible gun owners train in the use of the firearm in a combat situation.

A phone would be my choice if it's solely a one or the other

You'll be fine. Just don't stand up when I've engaged the shooter. :laugh:

There really is no training for that sort of situation. A responsible gun owner I know, when we were talking about situations like the Colorado Theatre shooting - where it's dim, chaotic and panicked - said he wouldn't try shooting, he'd dive for cover. That seems like some who is responsible vs a wannabe.

Yes. He's mostly right. Homeland Security trainers for active shooters say you have 3 choices: Run, Hide or Fight. Running is the best option. Hiding is great if you can.'s an option.

The untrained may not fight. But ex military and police have trained for this. Many have small lights fixed to their weapons and have trained in the tactic of rapidly closing the distance to the target and focusing a "contact shot" in the crowd onto the target. Takes a lot of training to do that under stress. But it's very possible.

But the average gun owner? Would he be likely to take that training and be able to focus in stress like that? I have my doubts.

Varies person to person.

That's one gun law I support. Vastly expanding the training for concealed carry. Make it free. But make it high stress/high quality.

We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
I voted none of the above.

"Alas, poor Coyote. We knew him well."

A gun is of little use in a crowded situation where people are fleeing all over

Au contraire! I would find it quite useful, thank you.

- you're just as likely to shoot an innocent person as the shooter. Responsible gun owners realize that.

Responsible gun owners train in the use of the firearm in a combat situation.

A phone would be my choice if it's solely a one or the other

You'll be fine. Just don't stand up when I've engaged the shooter. :laugh:

There really is no training for that sort of situation. A responsible gun owner I know, when we were talking about situations like the Colorado Theatre shooting - where it's dim, chaotic and panicked - said he wouldn't try shooting, he'd dive for cover. That seems like some who is responsible vs a wannabe.

Sorry, Coyote. That is not one of the options that bucs has given you.

Sure it is. I even said're on the top row in the corner...shielding your daughter . Hiding the best you can. Would you want a gun or phone?

The daughter's a new addition...
Trying hard to make it impossible to disagree with him. He is adjusting on the fly.
We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
Not according to the US 7th Circuit.
The right to keeps and bear arms for self-defense applies to both inside and outside the home.
This ruling forced the state of IL to pass a shall-issue permit system.
We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
Not according to the US 7th Circuit.
The right to keeps and bear arms for self-defense applies to both inside and outside the home.
This ruling forced the state of IL to pass a shall-issue permit system.

Doesn't say anything about concealed carry.
We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
Not according to the US 7th Circuit.
The right to keeps and bear arms for self-defense applies to both inside and outside the home.
This ruling forced the state of IL to pass a shall-issue permit system.
Doesn't say anything about concealed carry.
The point is that you DO have a right to carry a gun in public.
If not concealed, then open.
We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
Not according to the US 7th Circuit.
The right to keeps and bear arms for self-defense applies to both inside and outside the home.
This ruling forced the state of IL to pass a shall-issue permit system.
Doesn't say anything about concealed carry.
The point is that you DO have a right to carry a gun in public.
If not concealed, then open.

I was talking specifically about concealed carry. But even open carry you do not have an unlimited right - a property owner can refuse to allow guns on his property.
We might be on the same page with that. I think concealed carry should be tested like driver's licenses are tested for and include a test of the person's ability to safely and responsibly use a gun in a variety of situations with accuracy. I think in order to retain it, the person should - each year, or two years - be required to take some sort of ongoing training such as you mentioned, and I'm fine with it being free. Having a gun is a right, but having a conceal carry permit is a piveledge.
Not according to the US 7th Circuit.
The right to keeps and bear arms for self-defense applies to both inside and outside the home.
This ruling forced the state of IL to pass a shall-issue permit system.
Doesn't say anything about concealed carry.
The point is that you DO have a right to carry a gun in public.
If not concealed, then open.
I was talking specifically about concealed carry. But even open carry you do not have an unlimited right - a property owner can refuse to allow guns on his property.
No right is unlimited :dunno:
Point is that you DO have a right to carry a gun; requiring a permit that the state must issue does not make it any less a right.
I'd rather have a human shield. Throw them at the gunman so I have time to runaway like a bitch.
I voted none of the above.

"Alas, poor Coyote. We knew him well."

A gun is of little use in a crowded situation where people are fleeing all over

Au contraire! I would find it quite useful, thank you.

- you're just as likely to shoot an innocent person as the shooter. Responsible gun owners realize that.

Responsible gun owners train in the use of the firearm in a combat situation.

A phone would be my choice if it's solely a one or the other

You'll be fine. Just don't stand up when I've engaged the shooter. :laugh:

There really is no training for that sort of situation. A responsible gun owner I know, when we were talking about situations like the Colorado Theatre shooting - where it's dim, chaotic and panicked - said he wouldn't try shooting, he'd dive for cover. That seems like some who is responsible vs a wannabe.

Silly. Of course there is.
Ok....lots of libs still haven't answered. I don't know why....they seem to have all the answers regarding guns. I even added the 3rd option of a "Gun Free Zone" sign to completely prevent the scenario from even happening....and they wouldn't even take that.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
You do know that he won't give you an honest answer, right?
Well the question is such a retarded set up.

It's like this, you are holding a starving two year old baby in one hand and a smoked turkey leg in the other and your wife walks up and says, mmmm, that fried chicken was delicious, I'm stuffed. Would you give the turkey leg to your stuffed wife or the starving child?

OK, there are two answers here. If you are a Republican, you would share it with your wife.

For everyone else, the answer is obvious.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

and since you can't site a case of where this has happened when people with concealed carry deal with a mass should try again.....
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
You do know that he won't give you an honest answer, right?
Well the question is such a retarded set up.

It's like this, you are holding a starving two year old baby in one hand and a smoked turkey leg in the other and your wife walks up and says, mmmm, that fried chicken was delicious, I'm stuffed. Would you give the turkey leg to your stuffed wife or the starving child?

OK, there are two answers here. If you are a Republican, you would share it with your wife.

For everyone else, the answer is obvious.
Ummmmmm, what on earth are you babbling on about? Why dont you just admit that you dont have the integrity to honestly answer his question?
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Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
Well...calling 911 isn't going to speed things up that much since they've already left by the time you call. A gun? Meh. Why make yourself a target? The police will be there soon anyway or they'll shoot themselves...
So I'm just going to go with lying flat on the floor under my chair until the cops arrive. That should be cover enough.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
Well...calling 911 isn't going to speed things up that much since they've already left by the time you call. A gun? Meh. Why make yourself a target? The police will be there soon anyway or they'll shoot themselves...
So I'm just going to go with lying flat on the floor under my chair until the cops arrive. That should be cover enough.
Youre already a target, moron. That is the scenario. He is there to shoot you and everyone else. Why did you even bother to answer? You know youre lying and we know it too, so whats the point?
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.

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