Liberals: If you were in a theater w a mass shooter, would u rather have a gun or phone (911)? Pick.

With the shooter's bearing down on you....which would you rather have:

  • A gun. I want protection and a chance to fight for survival.

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • A phone. I will dial 911. SWAT will rescue me.

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Neither. I want a "Gun Free Zone" sign on the theater so the shooting never occurred at all.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
Well...calling 911 isn't going to speed things up that much since they've already left by the time you call. A gun? Meh. Why make yourself a target? The police will be there soon anyway or they'll shoot themselves...
So I'm just going to go with lying flat on the floor under my chair until the cops arrive. That should be cover enough.
Youre already a target, moron. That is the scenario. He is there to shoot you and everyone else. Why did you even bother to answer? You know youre lying and we know it too, so whats the point?
Oh, because the shooters are totally going to notice somebody going down to the floor in the top row and target that a theatre full of people they're shooting down. And because they will have time to walk between aisles shooting people a second time before the cops arrive. In the scenario, you're sitting in the back. You're the last person they'll get to. You're not their main target until the second you pull a gun and start firing back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against guns. The scenario is asking what I would do. That's it. If I HAD to choose though, I'd pick the gun.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
"Internet heros"... is that your slap at responsible gun owners?

I'll tell you right now, I could put one right between some sons a bitches eyes, even in dim light, given a clean shot. I'm sixty years old and have been shooting since I was old enough to fire a rifle/pistol without it either knocking me over or flying out of my hands, and I shot a BB gun before that in competition and took second place in the state, and was a Marksman in the military. So your doubt may be a little on the misplaced side. There are people that are VERY good shots.

Google Annie Oakley.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
"Internet heros"... is that your slap at responsible gun owners?

I'll tell you right now, I could put one right between some sons a bitches eyes, even in dim light, given a clean shot. I'm sixty years old and have been shooting since I was old enough to fire a rifle/pistol without it either knocking me over or flying out of my hands, and I shot a BB gun before that in competition and took second place in the state, and was a Marksman in the military. So your doubt may be a little on the misplaced side. There are people that are VERY good shots.

Google Annie Oakley.
Real life rarely plays out so cinematically. Too many idiots armed with guns and faux movie courage. A dangerous combination.

And since when did "responsible gun owner" equal competent marksman?
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I would want a gun so that no more innocent lives were taken if any had already been taken out.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Killing the shooter would never be my intention of course, but if that is what it took to make sure that everyone else was safe, then so be it. Why should a shooter's life mean more than everyone else's when killing other people is obviously the only thing on the shooter's mind?
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
I don't care if it's an old lady with a missing eye, she is still less likely to accidentally shoot an innocent, than the shooter who is TRYING to shoot an innocent.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
I don't care if it's an old lady with a missing eye, she is still less likely to accidentally shoot an innocent, than the shooter who is TRYING to shoot an innocent.
Right. The best thing in a panicked situation is more lead flying around.

Only a certifiable idiot would imagine his reality is that of a movie star. And you seem to have a vivid imagination.
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Ok....lots of libs still haven't answered. I don't know why....they seem to have all the answers regarding guns. I even added the 3rd option of a "Gun Free Zone" sign to completely prevent the scenario from even happening....and they wouldn't even take that.

Buc... I gave you similar mass shooting scenario in a class room from your other post... You abandoned me bc you cannot or do not have explanation nor excuses. But your gun nuts buddies told me I'm fantasizing. Then you turn around you using a theater mass shooting.
Mass shooting in theatre. Realistically. First shot every single soul inside that theater will start running with massive panic and confusions. I will be shielding my daughter while we are running. If I have my gun with me (which I will never do) it's impossible for me stop and start shooting. Because the person next to me and the next and the next will start pushing then will end up on the floor being trampled to death. Second it's dark how, who and where should I aim? Do I keep firing hoping I will get the bad guy? Then end up killing more people? Just imagine 2 or 3 of these dumb gun nuts wannabe a hero inside this theater. My honest answer to you is I will call 911 is the responsible way.
NOW...back to my mass shooting scenario in a class room. Arming teachers or professors to stop mass shootings in class room.
1. Do you expect these educators having one gun in one hand and a book in one hand while inside a classroom so he/she can shoot back?
2. Do you expect the shooter will notify them when they start shooting? I'm here to shoot you pull your gun now..
3. Do you expect these educators will even dare to engage in gun battle?
4. When first shot rang there will be lots of students running from different directions panic at massive scale. A professor or students might engage in gun battle. Just imagine the casualties of this gun battle by untrained people?
So what made you think that flooding this country with more guns on top of what we have now will solve these shootings? Maybe we should sell them at all liquor stores like cigarettes so ALL citizens have guns?
I do not have a solution but since you are the expert hoping you can enlighten us. Thank you.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

and since you can't site a case of where this has happened when people with concealed carry deal with a mass should try again.....
How about 12 cases.
12 Times Mass Shootings Were Stopped by Good Guys With Guns
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

and since you can't site a case of where this has happened when people with concealed carry deal with a mass should try again.....

I have not tried to pick off a bad guy standing in the middle of a crowed elevator through an open door at 50 yards with a 50 cal. machine gun, either, but I suspect that if I did, a lot of innocent people would get hurt.
"Liberals: If you were in a theater w a mass shooter, would u rather have a gun or phone (911)? Pick."

This fails as a false dilemma fallacy, typical of the ignorance and lack of sound reasoning skills common to most on the right.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

and since you can't site a case of where this has happened when people with concealed carry deal with a mass should try again.....

I have not tried to pick off a bad guy standing in the middle of a crowed elevator through an open door at 50 yards with a 50 cal. machine gun, either, but I suspect that if I did, a lot of innocent people would get hurt.

This goes to the idiocy of armed private citizens trying to act as 'law enforcement,' and failing with tragic consequences.

Every American has the right to carry a concealed firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, as guaranteed by the Constitution – self-defense, not 'law enforcement'; it is the responsibility of citizens carrying concealed firearms in the event of an incident to seek safety first, not seek out an 'active shooter.'

If a citizen carrying a concealed firearm should encounter an armed criminal while seeking safety, then using his gun in self-defense is warranted.

The last thing law enforcement needs during a shooting incident is nitwits with guns running around trying to be 'heroes,' such a notion is a ridiculous fantasy.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
No one should answer the 'question' because it's an idiotic fallacy.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
Wow, you really thought this out.

I want a different movie.

So you refuse to answer. Noted. I expect the same from almost all liberals.

We all go to movies or malls. And as you libs say....these mass shootings happen "every week " right?

So it's not an unrealistic scenario. You and your daughter. In a mall or movie or bank or whatever. Pinned in a corner. Gunmen with pistols slaughtering everyone....and headed your way. You want gun? A 911 cell phone? Or a gun free zone sign?

It is a very very realistic scenario.

Which one you want?

Surely you can quote multiple liberals saying they happen "every week", right?
I voted none of the above. A gun is of little use in a crowded situation where people are fleeing all over - you're just as likely to shoot an innocent person as the shooter. Responsible gun owners realize that. Wannabe's don't. A phone would be my choice if it's solely a one or the other but the votes as outline are intended to ridicule that choice.

What options did I leave out?'re saying the cops who arrive....shouldn't bring guns? you say...a gun is useless in a crowded environment.

By the way....the intent is to have the gun for when the shooter is directly upon you. Up close and personal when he's ready to kill you. Not to take a 30 yard shot in a crowd. REAL gun users know that also.

If he's ready to kill me I would choose a gun, if he's running amuck in general, a gun wouldn't necessarily be the best choice.

Agree. Pistols aren't all that accurate at a distance under stress anyway. But yeah....when he is up close ready to kill you....we'd all want a gun. Thanks for chiming in.
I think the reason everyone is laughing at you is that most people dont go to the movies worried about a shooter singling them out to kill. Your OP reeks of desperation for approval of CCW. Why I cant figure out.
The reason why everyone is laughing at the OP is because the thread premise is partisan idiocy.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
No one should answer the 'question' because it's an idiotic fallacy.

The OP is not a fan of the "reasonable response to an unreasonable situation." Sure you'd want something to defend yourself.

A guy walks into the movie theater whose father was mistakenly killed by our troops in Iraq. He lines you up to ask if you voted for Bush during the 2000 or 2004 election. The first guy offers "yes" and is shot. The second guy says "no" and is spared. The third guys says "yes" and is shot, the fourth guy says "no" and is spared. You're the fifth guy and you voted for Bush both times; Are you going to be a coward or tell the truth? Nobody would expect you to tell the truth. Why? Because it's a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.

You can craft any bullshit scenario you need to to prove a point. That you are forced into a situation where your only recourse is to craft a bullshit scenario should tell you quite a bit about your position.
Liberals sure don't like answering questions about situations involving guns. Sure....they'll preach more gun laws. But can't seem to answer questions about the outcome.

How about this one liberals.

You are in a crowded theater. Top row. At the bottom....two maniacs enter with 45 caliber pistols. Open fire. They're slaughtering everyone....from row 1...up towards you.

If you could only pick one item....which would it be...a gun...or a phone to call 911?? They'll probably be up to your row in about 30 seconds. And yes...they have a lot of ammo. the poll can vote neither...and instead pick a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the door to prevent the shooting from ever happening.
My marksmanship, and yours too would make me a danger to innocent bystanders if I opened fire. Have you thought about that, Dirty Harry?
Are you saying you'd fire off a round without knowing it was going to hit what you wanted it to? You'd just blast away and let lead hit whatever?

Then you either shouldn't have a gun, or should learn how hit what you're aiming at. No responsible gun owner just lets fly willy nilly and says fuck it, I hit what I hit.
Yes, I am not a skilled marksman. And I doubt any of the Internet heroes are safe marksmen when suddenly put in a dark theater with scores of panicked people and the tension of a lunatic gun,an on the loose.
"Internet heros"... is that your slap at responsible gun owners?

I'll tell you right now, I could put one right between some sons a bitches eyes, even in dim light, given a clean shot. I'm sixty years old and have been shooting since I was old enough to fire a rifle/pistol without it either knocking me over or flying out of my hands, and I shot a BB gun before that in competition and took second place in the state, and was a Marksman in the military. So your doubt may be a little on the misplaced side. There are people that are VERY good shots.

Google Annie Oakley.
No thats reality. Youre full of shit and no one thinks you could nail someone in a crowded dark theater without hitting someone else. its always the clowns telling tall tales about their shooting prowess that freeze up.
It would be much better to have a gun. There is nothing like a 100 or so people blazing away at each other in the dark! Very few people would survive, but it would probably be a lot more exciting than watching the movie!

You didn't answer my question. What would you pick? You're hiding in that dark top row corner of the theater. The gunmen are slaughtering everyone in there...and slowly but surely going row to row....up to where you are.

Do you want a gun? Or a phone to call 911? OR...a gun free zone sign.

**Now the wild card. You are shielding your 10 year old daughter....who is crying desperately for help. Gunmen are coming. About 20 seconds away now...

Which do you want?
No one should answer the 'question' because it's an idiotic fallacy.
To be fair he added the wild card in after he realized everyone saw his motive from the start. He was trying desperately to turn a once in a lifetime situation into a rationale for everyone to carry. He didnt realize it only made him appear to be more of sniveling coward that is afraid of his own shadow. :laugh:

To me it was like asking if I wanted a boat engine or a cell phone if I was in a canoe that was about to go over a waterfall. He tried to make it like I should carry the boat engine with me everywhere I went.

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