liberals & irresponsible blacks are digging a serious hole

Actually they're not just digging a hole, they're digging their own graves. This is quickly reaching a point where the public no longer has any sympathy for the left, for BLM, or for minorities as a whole.
Yeah...yeah...we've been hearing that song and dance for over 10 years now.
I have had neighbors & customers who i can't imagine would ever express the things they are saying now. The daily murders or injuries of police by blacks AFTER the calls to action by blm & other liberal groups is turning the country against you. ANY sympathy for blacks because of the police is long forgotten.

Blacks & liberals are just too stupid to effect the change they're demanding but instead are CREATING racism & racists.
You and other conservatives are actually contriving irresponsible lies, your thread is one of many examples.
Tell that to the widow of the slain Texas trooper.
That was definitely murder.....Deputy Goforth was brutally ambushed and killed on the 28th of August. Who was killed on the 29th? the 30th? the 31st? the 1st? today?
In my world it is the conservatives and white nationalists are destroying the nation. But then it has been a long road since Reagan was elected until today for the naybobs of negativism to destroy what good men built.

So you think it's conservatives, Republicans, and white people who are stirring up this nation's unrest, calling for the murders of white cops?

Come on, really?
Stop begging. Its embarrassing.

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