Liberals Keep Calling Trump Supporters Part of “Cult.” Liberals Know About Cults

Trump is an entertaining if not blustery speaker, who speaks in repetitive hypnotic terms.

that's exactly what Cult leader Son Yung Moon did in his cult.
Blow it out your ass. Trump's gonna be re-elected in a landslide and you know it.
Yeah and Jesus is coming back any day now.
Yeah, well we see how well YOUR predictions have worked out.
Mueller's gonna nail Trump any day now. What happened to that? Nothing. And guess what? He's not gonna be removed from office either. Nancy's impeachment was so weak she's afraid to send it to the Senate.
You have nobody who can beat Trump and the only hope you have of getting him out of office is to slander him in the hopes of making people believe they're better off with a socialist who'll raise their taxies so high they won't have a pot to piss in. Good luck.
They have been tearing him down since he beat Hillary like a pimp keeping his hand strong.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
As I said...we know all about cults...we're watching the CRC trumpanzees worship the orange chosen one.
No, we have seen them with Rev. Jones and Obama. They share the same political beliefs.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
As I said...we know all about cults...we're watching the CRC trumpanzees worship the orange chosen one.
No, we have seen them with Rev. Jones and Obama. They share the same political beliefs.
LOL..Rev. Jones would have been a Trumper through and through. Drink the kool-aid and never question your loyalty to the one and only dear leader is Trumpism in a nut shell.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
As I said...we know all about cults...we're watching the CRC trumpanzees worship the orange chosen one.
No, we have seen them with Rev. Jones and Obama. They share the same political beliefs.
LOL..Rev. Jones would have been a Trumper through and through. Drink the kool-aid and never question your loyalty to the one and only dear leader is Trumpism in a nut shell.
Not even close. Read your history before you post inane nonsense.
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats |
Conservatives are people who believe in personal freedom and the Constitution. Liberals believe in government control and to never question authority. They are also intolerant of other opinions because they and there group are smarter than everyone else. Also, liberals will follow a self-proclaimed messiah.
Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held
“Cult and the Messiah?”

No sillier than when these kids were praying to a cardboard Bush... Which was actually smarter than the real Bush.

Democratic Party today has the same political beliefs as Rev. Jim Jones.

can we have show of hands?


Conservatives are people who believe in personal freedom and the Constitution. Liberals believe in government control and to never question authority. They are also intolerant of other opinions because they and there group are smarter than everyone else. Also, liberals will follow a self-proclaimed messiah.
Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held
“Cult and the Messiah?”

No sillier than when these kids were praying to a cardboard Bush... Which was actually smarter than the real Bush.

Pentecostals. Must have been after 9-11 when everyone was praying for our President and our troops on the field of battle. Pentecostals are different...especially that speaking in tongues stuff. But hey, were talking about Trump here aren’t we?
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
As I said...we know all about cults...we're watching the CRC trumpanzees worship the orange chosen one.
No, we have seen them with Rev. Jones and Obama. They share the same political beliefs.
LOL..Rev. Jones would have been a Trumper through and through. Drink the kool-aid and never question your loyalty to the one and only dear leader is Trumpism in a nut shell.
Not even close. Read your history before you post inane nonsense.
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats |
Wrong...attitude and following a leader to the very end no matter what the consequences is Trumpism. Cultism is the closest explanation for Trumpism.
Pentecostals. Must have been after 9-11 when everyone was praying for our President and our troops on the field of battle. Pentecostals are different...especially that speaking in tongues stuff. But hey, were talking about Trump here aren’t we?

I didn't see any mention of troops on the battlefield in that clip. But you were talking about the brainwashing with Obama, but there was just as much brainwashing with Bush and Trump.

Maybe we need to teach these kids not to trust any politicians.
attitude and following a leader to the very end no matter what the consequences
Sorta like you following Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi as they drive their party over a cliff with a failed impeachment attempt?
What is it about these modern republicans who love ignorant bums like trump and bush jr.? They now attribute Obama's economy which has been on a roll for almost a decade, to trump. Even if it were true that trump was putting more people to work than ever, well so what. Hitler put people to work also. However, those people were desperate while we aren't.
"The Battle for Work"

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