Liberals Keep Calling Trump Supporters Part of “Cult.” Liberals Know About Cults


Authoritarianism, the tendency to be hierarchical, conventional, and intolerant, has been implicated by research as an extreme feature of general right-wing ideology. The relationship between this ideological pattern and variables of personality and emotion was investigated in three studies. Studies 1 and 2 assessed personality traits in terms of the five-factor model, as well as right-wing authoritarianism, conservatism, and a battery of other political attitude measures. Study 3 examined the positive and negative affect of individuals with differing levels of authoritarianism. The results demonstrate that the authoritarian syndrome is primarily characterized by low openness to experience, and that it is unrelated to self-reported measures of emotion.
Trump is doing great things for the economy and he is exposing the corruption in Washington.
Trump is the most corrupt thing about Washington.

How Trump’s boundless corruption keeps tripping him up in court

"President Trump has suffered yet another defeat in court in his long battle to keep anyone from seeing his financial records. And this one comes with a vivid illustration of one paradox of the Trump presidency: No president has ever made such sweeping claims of immunity from investigation, and no president has ever had less of a right to keep his activities secret from the American public.

A federal appeals court in New York — the last stop before the Supreme Court — ruled Tuesday that Deutsche Bank and Capital One must comply with subpoenas from the House Financial Services and Intelligence committees for financial records from Trump, his children and the Trump Organization (though not his tax returns, which the banks say they do not possess; a separate case involving his accounting firm could produce those)."
He is corrupt, his admin is corrupt, his kids are corrupt, his business is corrupt, his friends are corrupt, he is the embodiment of corruption.
Trump is doing great things for the economy and he is exposing the corruption in Washington.
Trump is the most corrupt thing about Washington.

How Trump’s boundless corruption keeps tripping him up in court

"President Trump has suffered yet another defeat in court in his long battle to keep anyone from seeing his financial records. And this one comes with a vivid illustration of one paradox of the Trump presidency: No president has ever made such sweeping claims of immunity from investigation, and no president has ever had less of a right to keep his activities secret from the American public.

A federal appeals court in New York — the last stop before the Supreme Court — ruled Tuesday that Deutsche Bank and Capital One must comply with subpoenas from the House Financial Services and Intelligence committees for financial records from Trump, his children and the Trump Organization (though not his tax returns, which the banks say they do not possess; a separate case involving his accounting firm could produce those)."
He is corrupt, his admin is corrupt, his kids are corrupt, his business is corrupt, his friends are corrupt, he is the embodiment of corruption.
$2 Million and Compulsory Training for President's Children Called 'Poetic End' to Trump Charity Abuse Case
$2 Million and Compulsory Training for President's Children Called 'Poetic End' to Trump Charity Abuse Case

Ivanka, Trump Jr. were nearly charged with fraud in 2012: report
Ivanka, Trump Jr. were nearly charged with fraud in 2012: report

The Cost of Corruption: Waste and Abuse in President Trump’s Cabinet
The Cost of Corruption: Waste and Abuse in President Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress
i know but one freedom and that is freedom of the mind. Trump gives his supporters that freedom, my friends
Trump is an entertaining if not blustery speaker, who speaks in repetitive hypnotic terms.

that's exactly what Cult leader Son Yung Moon did in his cult.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
The cult where people kill others is better. You guys germinated something special over the decades. All in the name of love. We all ph uk with each other and that is what its all about.
once i saw the connection between Trump and cult leaders like Moon, i couldnt stop seeing them!

like Moon, Trump demands adoration from his followers. the similarities are uncanny, my friends
Trump manufactures problems then tells his folks he's the only one who can solve them. Trump is confident authority figure who promises to keep folks safe. Trump told Bob Woodward real power comes through fear. Trump plays on the fears of his base

people like to think they are rational, but that isnt so. cult leaders manipulate us.
Trump is doing great things for the economy and he is exposing the corruption in Washington.
Trump is the most corrupt thing about Washington.

How Trump’s boundless corruption keeps tripping him up in court

"President Trump has suffered yet another defeat in court in his long battle to keep anyone from seeing his financial records. And this one comes with a vivid illustration of one paradox of the Trump presidency: No president has ever made such sweeping claims of immunity from investigation, and no president has ever had less of a right to keep his activities secret from the American public.

A federal appeals court in New York — the last stop before the Supreme Court — ruled Tuesday that Deutsche Bank and Capital One must comply with subpoenas from the House Financial Services and Intelligence committees for financial records from Trump, his children and the Trump Organization (though not his tax returns, which the banks say they do not possess; a separate case involving his accounting firm could produce those)."
He is corrupt, his admin is corrupt, his kids are corrupt, his business is corrupt, his friends are corrupt, he is the embodiment of corruption.
Spew your bullshit talking points all you want but the numbers speak for themselves and so do the facts. Record low unemployment, stock market records being broken almost daily, Democrats defecting, FBI plots to frame him being exposed, and all you have are your worthless opinions and talking points that nobody gives a shit about. I'm gonna love rubbing your face in his victory next year, loser.
Trump is an entertaining if not blustery speaker, who speaks in repetitive hypnotic terms.

that's exactly what Cult leader Son Yung Moon did in his cult.
Blow it out your ass. Trump's gonna be re-elected in a landslide and you know it.
Conservatives are people who believe in personal freedom and the Constitution. Liberals believe in government control and to never question authority. They are also intolerant of other opinions because they and there group are smarter than everyone else. Also, liberals will follow a self-proclaimed messiah.
Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held
“Cult and the Messiah?”

Trump supporters are not conservatives. Trump supporters are cult like in their support. They will believe in any conspiracy theory no matter how crazy it is. They refuse to accept facts and reality. You are one of them.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
As I said...we know all about cults...we're watching the CRC trumpanzees worship the orange chosen one.
Trump is an entertaining if not blustery speaker, who speaks in repetitive hypnotic terms.

that's exactly what Cult leader Son Yung Moon did in his cult.
Blow it out your ass. Trump's gonna be re-elected in a landslide and you know it.
Yeah and Jesus is coming back any day now.
Yeah, well we see how well YOUR predictions have worked out.
Mueller's gonna nail Trump any day now. What happened to that? Nothing. And guess what? He's not gonna be removed from office either. Nancy's impeachment was so weak she's afraid to send it to the Senate.
You have nobody who can beat Trump and the only hope you have of getting him out of office is to slander him in the hopes of making people believe they're better off with a socialist who'll raise their taxies so high they won't have a pot to piss in. Good luck.

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