Liberals On Abortion

You're blaming God for Adam's disobedience? Eve's disobedience? And for making a snake crawl?

No, I'm not blaming fictional characters for doing anything to other fictional characters.

The thing was, God set Adam up to fail. That gives him the morals of a Batman Villain. You know, kind of like when the Joker put two bombs on two boats, and gave the trigger to the people on the other boat. But what God did was a little worse, because Adam and Eve had no experience or judgement. How could they, God only created them like, the day before or some such shit.

OF course, God does this sort of thing all through the bible. My favorite was when he gave David a choice between War, Famine and Plague... and David picked Plague because that seemed the least bad and most selfless choice. God rewarded him by killing 70,000 Israelites.
Even today, there are monarchs, presidents, priests, and other human authorities who come to believe the population is there for their personal pleasure and servitude. Why we once had a president who surrounded himself with very young, voluptuous White House aides, and he thought he owned their panties and all therein.
I have a feeling you missed the essence of why God would severely punish King David for something that was not made all that obvious to the reader, take for examples context, and existing responsibilities of kings of God's people. But according to you, it's God's fault for punishing an arrogant leader, a certified ladies' man, and someone who thought he owned God's people? I don't agree with your narrative nor your placing yourself above God's judgment. I hope you do something to get yourself out of competition with God and creator of mankind, from the time he is conceived, through development, through birth, through stages of life, and the next life.
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.
The 1950s are calling you
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?

"So why are Republicans so protective of rapists? he have something against rapists?????

Then why did you Liberals/Democrats elect one as President????

A Democratic President has been convicted of rape?
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?

"So why are Republicans so protective of rapists? he have something against rapists?????

Then why did you Liberals/Democrats elect one as President????

A Democratic President has been convicted of rape?

1. Why did you feel forced to insert 'convicted,' dunce????

Everyone knows it....and even the Liberals admit it now.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?

"So why are Republicans so protective of rapists? he have something against rapists?????

Then why did you Liberals/Democrats elect one as President????

A Democratic President has been convicted of rape?

1. Why did you feel forced to insert 'convicted,' dunce????

Everyone knows it....and even the Liberals admit it now.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

In this age of grifting, your whine means nothing.
You're blaming God for Adam's disobedience? Eve's disobedience? And for making a snake crawl?

No, I'm not blaming fictional characters for doing anything to other fictional characters.

The thing was, God set Adam up to fail. That gives him the morals of a Batman Villain. You know, kind of like when the Joker put two bombs on two boats, and gave the trigger to the people on the other boat. But what God did was a little worse, because Adam and Eve had no experience or judgement. How could they, God only created them like, the day before or some such shit.

OF course, God does this sort of thing all through the bible. My favorite was when he gave David a choice between War, Famine and Plague... and David picked Plague because that seemed the least bad and most selfless choice. God rewarded him by killing 70,000 Israelites.
You have a weird perception between the two words "reward" and "punish."
David was not paying attention, and he was the leader of God's people. He needed a wakeup call, and he got one. People who do positive things with their life have a future after death, and it is a happy one. People who have near-death experiences have told what they know. Some know that there is a place they want to go back to, when they are revived. Others know that there is a bad place to which they never care to see again. So enlightened, some of them come back to clean up their act, and follow the advice of Micah's 8th chapter, which is to "do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God."

God gave David an opportunity others can only dream about--to become King of his chosen people. David not only blew it, he ignored giving credit to God.

And YOU SAID "God set Adam up to fail." For someone who says this is all about fiction, how can you continue on blaming God who you say is fiction. Your arrogance knows no limits.

60 million American unborn citizens have been killed since 1973. No President or other politician has challenged the slaughter of these babies. Since you have no intention of helping to save future unborn American citizens, based on you angst toward your former church, I'm sorry because they could have used a good man to speak for those innocents, and you're blaming God, not the people who actually do the killing and maiming of these unborn human beings. I was just sorta hoping that speaking firmly to you and pointing out where you went off track, that you'd see the light. I guess it's only you who is in charge of your lack of faith and love for other people that makes you stone-hearted enough to insist on more killing fields up in heaven where the little souls are brought to the attention of God who takes pity on them and lifts them into his caring salvation. I hope you do not let these little ones be your judge. That is entirely up to you, and you have made that plain in front of God and everybody. What will you do if they show you mercy for supporting their lives being taken away from them? Because if they do, the very people who you poxed will be higher than you forever, and some of them are only millimeters tall. :(
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I'm sure that the Clintons are totally innocent.

Probably not. But nothing they were accused of was really that big of a deal.

That must be why so many of the people around them are ending up dead.....and so many of their friends in the media seem to be behind every hoax and scam they pull on Trump.

Oh, not the tired "Clinton Death List" again. Wow, yes, when you in your 70's, as the Clinton are, most of your associates will probably be dead by now.

They tried getting Bill for a tiny crime knowing that he was guilty of more serious crimes.

Which is kind of bullshit. Hey, if Bill committed a REAL CRIME I should care about, prove that, prosecute him for that, and move on. The thing is, 90% of us would have lied about an illicit affair.

Here's the thing. Back in the 1990's, I was one of those Right Wing Nuts who screamed about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. But at the end of the day, Clinton lied about getting a blow job because he was embarrassed. Nobody got hurt. Nobody died. Nobody lost his life savings.

George W. Bush lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. As a result 5000 Americans and anywhere from 100K to 1MM Iraqis died. But what I didn't see was a huge insistence on digging into every aspect of how that happened. Then his Bankster pals wrecked the economy, and most of us lost our investments and in some cases our jobs. Nobody held anyone accountable for that.

But man, that blow job. We need to get him for that BLOW JOB.
You can accept that anything Trump is accused of has to be true......but when it comes to Teflon Bill you refuse to accept that he's ever done anything wrong.
That's sycophantic.
Bill and Hillary are guilty of so many crimes it would make your head spin.
The trick is finding anyone willing to testify against them.
Anyone who has usually has ended up dead.
Even today, there are monarchs, presidents, priests, and other human authorities who come to believe the population is there for their personal pleasure and servitude.

Really? Where is that?

Why we once had a president who surrounded himself with very young, voluptuous White House aides, and he thought he owned their panties and all therein.

Um, Bill Clinton had consensual relationships with women who wanted to have consensual relationships... Time to get your 1950's values out of here... because even in the 1950's, men fucked around on their wives.

I have a feeling you missed the essence of why God would severely punish King David for something that was not made all that obvious to the reader, take for examples context, and existing responsibilities of kings of God's people. But according to you, it's God's fault for punishing an arrogant leader, a certified ladies' man, and someone who thought he owned God's people?

Well, no. I look at the story in context. God orders David to take a census. (In 2 Samuel, anyway; in Chronicles it was Satan.) Then God gets upset that he took the census, and he punishes not David, but David's people. Being extra cruel, he makes David choose the form of punishment, and Davey tries to pick the least bad for his people.

I don't agree with your narrative nor your placing yourself above God's judgment. I hope you do something to get yourself out of competition with God and creator of mankind, from the time he is conceived, through development, through birth, through stages of life, and the next life.

I don't have to compete with God, he doesn't exist. I do have to worry about nutters like you who want to make our laws to try to please an imaginary sky man, however.

David was not paying attention, and he was the leader of God's people. He needed a wakeup call, and he got one. People who do positive things with their life have a future after death, and it is a happy one. People who have near-death experiences have told what they know. Some know that there is a place they want to go back to, when they are revived. Others know that there is a bad place to which they never care to see again. So enlightened, some of them come back to clean up their act, and follow the advice of Micah's 8th chapter, which is to "do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God."

God gave David an opportunity others can only dream about--to become King of his chosen people. David not only blew it, he ignored giving credit to God.

All David did was take a Census God ordered. Now, yeah, David made other mistakes, like banging Bathsheba, where God punished the baby they created by killing it.

I want to put this in the context. God killed a baby. (He actually killed lots of babies, but I digress.) So I find it amusing that you guys really think he'd be that upset about abortion.

Um, when discussing fiction... people talk about characters like they are real. Why do you think so many folks get worked up about Game of Thrones?
60 million American unborn citizens have been killed since 1973. No President or other politician has challenged the slaughter of these babies. Since you have no intention of helping to save future unborn American citizens, based on you angst toward your former church, I'm sorry because they could have used a good man to speak for those innocents, and you're blaming God, not the people who actually do the killing and maiming of these unborn human beings.

No, ZERO people have been killed in abortion. Fetuses aren't people under the law or in science.

I was just sorta hoping that speaking firmly to you and pointing out where you went off track, that you'd see the light. I guess it's only you who is in charge of your lack of faith and love for other people that makes you stone-hearted enough to insist on more killing fields up in heaven where the little souls are brought to the attention of God who takes pity on them and lifts them into his caring salvation.

Okay, all your superstition aside, I'm a pragmatist.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, easy access to contraception. THAT'S how you get to less abortions. Making unenforceable laws and screaming JESUS at people doesn't get you there.

The on thing I learned in 12 years of Catholic School was those girls listened to the nuns, then went out, got laid and had abortions. The ironic thing being that they really thought an abortion was one sin, but taking a birth control pill was a sin every time you took one.

I hope you do not let these little ones be your judge. That is entirely up to you, and you have made that plain in front of God and everybody. What will you do if they show you mercy for supporting their lives being taken away from them? Because if they do, the very people who you poxed will be higher than you forever, and some of them are only millimeters tall.

Uh, there is no God.

I did an effective field test of this.

"GOD, Please, please, please don't let my mom die of cancer."

She died.

No God.

This isn't fucking complicated.

That's pretty much when I stopped accepting these fairy stories in the bible as truth and looked at them critically. Yahweh is no more real than Zeus or Odin, and not half as cool.
You can accept that anything Trump is accused of has to be true......but when it comes to Teflon Bill you refuse to accept that he's ever done anything wrong.

I just can't see lying about a blow job as being wrong. I'm sorry, I just can't at this point.

Bill and Hillary are guilty of so many crimes it would make your head spin.

Yeah, but you see, you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to prove that and have come up empty every fucking time. Obviously, you've never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf. At a certain point, we don't care if there is a wolf or not.
60 million American unborn citizens have been killed since 1973. No President or other politician has challenged the slaughter of these babies. Since you have no intention of helping to save future unborn American citizens, based on you angst toward your former church, I'm sorry because they could have used a good man to speak for those innocents, and you're blaming God, not the people who actually do the killing and maiming of these unborn human beings.

No, ZERO people have been killed in abortion. Fetuses aren't people under the law or in science.

I was just sorta hoping that speaking firmly to you and pointing out where you went off track, that you'd see the light. I guess it's only you who is in charge of your lack of faith and love for other people that makes you stone-hearted enough to insist on more killing fields up in heaven where the little souls are brought to the attention of God who takes pity on them and lifts them into his caring salvation.

Okay, all your superstition aside, I'm a pragmatist.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, easy access to contraception. THAT'S how you get to less abortions. Making unenforceable laws and screaming JESUS at people doesn't get you there.

The on thing I learned in 12 years of Catholic School was those girls listened to the nuns, then went out, got laid and had abortions. The ironic thing being that they really thought an abortion was one sin, but taking a birth control pill was a sin every time you took one.

I hope you do not let these little ones be your judge. That is entirely up to you, and you have made that plain in front of God and everybody. What will you do if they show you mercy for supporting their lives being taken away from them? Because if they do, the very people who you poxed will be higher than you forever, and some of them are only millimeters tall.

Uh, there is no God.

I did an effective field test of this.

"GOD, Please, please, please don't let my mom die of cancer."

She died.

No God.

This isn't fucking complicated.

That's pretty much when I stopped accepting these fairy stories in the bible as truth and looked at them critically. Yahweh is no more real than Zeus or Odin, and not half as cool.
Well, I think you devalue people's spirits too much, in particular the unborn.

I'm sorry you had issues over not being able to have your mother around for your whole life long. She must have been a very wonderful mother whose love and friendship made your life a good place, and how the world seemed not as good a place without her in it. Bless your dear mother.
Well, I think you devalue people's spirits too much, in particular the unborn.

I'm sorry you had issues over not being able to have your mother around for your whole life long. She must have been a very wonderful mother whose love and friendship made your life a good place, and how the world seemed not as good a place without her in it. Bless your dear mother.

not the point at all... I recognize that we are all mortal.

I also don't think she was supposed to be around my whole life. (She'd by 89 if she lived this long, and no one in my family lives that long.)

The thing is, I only go by what i can prove. Yes, it would be REALLY NICE if there's a heaven of sunshine and puppies and unlimited calories... but the reality is - no evidence.

And if you read the bible, you don't get the impression that Yahweh is the kind of God Christians pretend he is. He's mean, petty, jealous and vindictive. Which why I am glad he doesn't exist.
Liberals on Abortion

Women get to decide for themselves if they should have an abortion
Well, I think you devalue people's spirits too much, in particular the unborn.

I'm sorry you had issues over not being able to have your mother around for your whole life long. She must have been a very wonderful mother whose love and friendship made your life a good place, and how the world seemed not as good a place without her in it. Bless your dear mother.

not the point at all... I recognize that we are all mortal.

I also don't think she was supposed to be around my whole life. (She'd by 89 if she lived this long, and no one in my family lives that long.)

The thing is, I only go by what i can prove. Yes, it would be REALLY NICE if there's a heaven of sunshine and puppies and unlimited calories... but the reality is - no evidence.

And if you read the bible, you don't get the impression that Yahweh is the kind of God Christians pretend he is. He's mean, petty, jealous and vindictive. Which why I am glad he doesn't exist.
Yes, he exists and he gave us life. Blessed be the Lord God who forgets not his own who are despised of men--namely the unborn, the widowed, and the fatherless child.
Yes, he exists and he gave us life. Blessed be the Lord God who forgets not his own who are despised of men--namely the unborn, the widowed, and the fatherless child.

Yeah, thing is, I see children born with horrible diseases, and just can't believe there is a loving God...

Only a nut would say, "Let's bring those kids into the world, anyway, so they can live short and horrible lives..."


Holy shit!
…the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion…
Can you not focus on ONE concern of yours and present a good argument for it?
And not paint with a super wide brush?

Not all “liberals” have the same beliefs/arguments, just like not all “conservatives” or independently-minded folks think alike.

Go ahead, let’s see your MAIN claim about how bad abortion is ...
…the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion…
Can you not focus on ONE concern of yours and present a good argument for it?
And not paint with a super wide brush?

Not all “liberals” have the same beliefs/arguments, just like not all “conservatives” or independently-minded folks think alike.

Go ahead, let’s see your MAIN claim about how bad abortion is ...

"Not all “liberals” have the same beliefs/arguments...."

How about you grow up and wise up.

It doesn't matter what any particular Liberals, Progressive, socialist, CLAIM they believe.......Politics is binary: you pull the lever for Democrat or the other party.

If you choose 'Democrat' this is what you support:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

See if you recognize the similarity in this Margaret Mead, anthropologist, quote: The natives are superficially agreeable, but they go in for cannibalism, headhunting, infanticide, incest, avoidance and joking relationships, and biting lice in half with their teeth.

One wonders, if she were still alive, what her views of this Democrat Party would be.
Yes, he exists and he gave us life. Blessed be the Lord God who forgets not his own who are despised of men--namely the unborn, the widowed, and the fatherless child.

Yeah, thing is, I see children born with horrible diseases, and just can't believe there is a loving God...

Only a nut would say, "Let's bring those kids into the world, anyway, so they can live short and horrible lives..."

View attachment 265603
Holy shit!
Joe. You wouldn't, would you? You just couldn't, could you? Don't you know it's bad policy to put words in somebody else's mouth that they never said.
Do it again, and I will tell you to go stand in the corner, junior.
Joe. You wouldn't, would you? You just couldn't, could you? Don't you know it's bad policy to put words in somebody else's mouth that they never said.
Do it again, and I will tell you to go stand in the corner, junior.

Again, since I don't have a womb, it's not really my decision to make... the problem is, you fucking religious nutbags are happy to tell people that they should bring deformed freaks into the world because it's "God's Will" or some such shit like that.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

You keep repeating this shit like you've made a point.... Kind of like when Marco Rubio kept repeating the same line... someone called him on it, and he said it again like some kind of robot.

The only real conflict in this country is between the rich and working folks. As Warren Buffet said, we do have a class war in this country, and his side is winning.

They do this by keeping stupid people like you upset about non-issues like abortion.
Joe. You wouldn't, would you? You just couldn't, could you? Don't you know it's bad policy to put words in somebody else's mouth that they never said.
Do it again, and I will tell you to go stand in the corner, junior.

Again, since I don't have a womb, it's not really my decision to make... the problem is, you fucking religious nutbags are happy to tell people that they should bring deformed freaks into the world because it's "God's Will" or some such shit like that.

Poor Joe, locked in that bounded and locked-shut mind where conservatives and defenders of the nation are all bad, and liberals spending other people's money, enslaving the common man to a life of ever-higher taxes is all good.

We conservatives are such bubble-poppers when we refuse to let their lewd, care-free elitist world crumble reality into subjugation by our failure of finding enough funds to kill all their babies, give them free everything for just being here with no responsibilities other than to spittle and piddle on workers who are determined to hold on to something our parents before us bestowed--a constitution guaranteeing we are free to fight off freeloading elitists, avoid lock-stepping educators who beget madness with false scenarios that give bad people the right to suppress the common person who aligns themselves by the growing mounds of dead flim-flam of our preborn infants bodies and tissues mounting up from small shards of cellular development to disattached little fingers, toes, legs, arms, beheaded states, and decimated torsos, namelessly into killing piles reminding one of the mass burials of Jews at Sobibor, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Chelmno, Dachau.

Poor Joe, reveling in all those dead bodies, flattening the world of American patriots, and blessing the mothers for compliance of killing their own with poison or violence to satisfy the fat atheists who hate Christian Pilgrims for conquering taxation of common people by the greedy rich monarchs who profited from their hard labors, back as unaccountable atheists take their place in the bread line furnished by American serfs who have to work to pay taxes and rents to entitlement elites employing former agencies that served the people, but now are at the whim and fancy of the liberal give-a-mint snobs who plan to destroy their champions for once and for all by bestowing monarchy, genocide, rewards for silence, glamorizing all the sins of the wealthy to titillate the ignorant into making a stand, starting out with sin and abortion of future generations until the elitists say otherwise.

Joe and his unnatural world turning rain into piss, freedom into pain, the pursuit of happiness to untenable taxation. *sigh*

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