Liberals On Abortion

You attempted to minimize it.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury and obstruction.....and he worked out deals to escape serious punishment for his crimes.
And he is guilty of numerous other crimes....he and his wife....and they are still escaping from any punishment.

No, guy, making a constitutional crisis over a consensual sexual relationship was crazy, and not what a majority wanted.

You guys have been after the Clintons for 25 years and the best you came up with after spending $200 MM plus was, "He lied about getting a blow job from a chubby intern!"
That's yet another lie.

If you received a nickel for every true post you authored, you'd still be looking for a nickel.

let's review.

Ken Starr found Clinton did nothing wrong with Whitewater, the FBI Files, the firing of the Travel Office Staff, the suicide of Ken Starr... but he did prove he lied about a blow job. Was that really worth $70MM?

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?

Naw, I've already have a military honor guard set up for that... what have you done with your life?
You attempted to minimize it.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury and obstruction.....and he worked out deals to escape serious punishment for his crimes.
And he is guilty of numerous other crimes....he and his wife....and they are still escaping from any punishment.

No, guy, making a constitutional crisis over a consensual sexual relationship was crazy, and not what a majority wanted.

You guys have been after the Clintons for 25 years and the best you came up with after spending $200 MM plus was, "He lied about getting a blow job from a chubby intern!"
And Trump and his campaign lied about getting help from Russia.

Not every time. Sometimes they slip.

Trump finally admits Russia helped get him elected

Clinton lied about getting a BJ.

Trump lied to protect a country that wants this one destroyed.

It's so difficult to figure out which one is worse.

Especially since Trump lied about having unprotected sex with a porn star while his wife sits at home with a new baby.

But that's today's Republicans. It's all about who they admire. Who they follow. Who they want as a "role model" for their kids.
Oh, boy, another round of Number-pointed Crazy from the Mail Order Bride From Hell.

Okay, one more time. You guys get your ban on abortion, how are you going to enforce it?

Are you going to lock up women for getting abortions? Because honestly, I don't see anything less than that as being a deterrent, now that we have DIY abortion pills.

Does ''you guys" refer to the actual Liberal who wrote the piece?

Or did it upset you when she identified you thus:

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

So unless and until that baby is breathing, it is NOT a living being. Not in the eyes of God, and not in biology. Until it is a living being, the mother has dominion over whether it becomes a living being.

If you chose to go with your "feelings" that this is your baby and it deserves to live, DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION.

As for other people going with science, religion, and the free will God gave them, IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, YOU STUPID BITCH.
Oh, boy, another round of Number-pointed Crazy from the Mail Order Bride From Hell.

Okay, one more time. You guys get your ban on abortion, how are you going to enforce it?

Are you going to lock up women for getting abortions? Because honestly, I don't see anything less than that as being a deterrent, now that we have DIY abortion pills.

Does ''you guys" refer to the actual Liberal who wrote the piece?

Or did it upset you when she identified you thus:

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

So unless and until that baby is breathing, it is NOT a living being. Not in the eyes of God, and not in biology. Until it is a living being, the mother has dominion over whether it becomes a living being.

If you chose to go with your "feelings" that this is your baby and it deserves to live, DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION.

As for other people going with science, religion, and the free will God gave them, IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, YOU STUPID BITCH.

I can't begin to tell you how fulfilling it is to see how easily I reduce you to the gutter level language, as it represents the deepest of hurt you feel.

I have no doubt that my post, revealing the immoral, bloodthirsty, uncivilized worldview that you and other Liberals/Democrats have devolved to brings out that hatred when spot-lit.

I will continue to do exactly what it requires to bring this sort of pain to you s long as this represents your aspirations:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

See if you recognize the similarity in this Margaret Mead, anthropologist, quote: The natives are superficially agreeable, but they go in for cannibalism, headhunting, infanticide, incest, avoidance and joking relationships, and biting lice in half with their teeth.

One wonders, if she were still alive, what her views of this Democrat Party would be.

BTW.....I always get a chuckle when atheistic savages like you try to hide behind the Bible....

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

The Merchant of Venice
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?

What is most bothersome, is that they are prepared to force women to have babies. If someone forced them to have children they didn't want and couldn't afford, and made it difficult for them to get proper care or protection while pregnant, they'd be screaming about their Constitutional freedoms and rights being violated to the high heavens.

But women are just incapable of making these decisions for themselves. That's why they keep forcing women to look at ultra-sounds, and suffer the indignities of unnecessary vaginal exams - governmentally mandated sexual assault. Thankfully that law requiring rape with a foreign object (aka transvaginal ultra-sound), was tossed out by the courts, but the digital penetration rapes continue.

We don't know you or how your life is going, but we're going to control whether you have a baby or not. If you decide you cannot afford to have a baby at this time, we're going to make is as expensive as possible by layering onto the costs unnecessary tests, counselling sessions, and waiting period. We're make you pay for it out of your own pocket and not through your employer group health insurance, and then we will insist that you be physically assaulted, "counselled" and made to feel terrible, about the decision you've made, as if having to come to this conclusion wasn't emotionally wrenching enough.

Women should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they are in a position have a baby.
I can't begin to tell you how fulfilling it is to see how easily I reduce you to the gutter level language, as it represents the deepest of hurt you feel.

Honestly, if you are such a weak creature that a little profanity freaks you out.... that's kind of on you.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

The Republicans are run by racist, misogynistic, xenophobic stooges who are Zionist puppets....... I think this isn't a difficult choice.
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.
Oh, boy, another round of Number-pointed Crazy from the Mail Order Bride From Hell.

Okay, one more time. You guys get your ban on abortion, how are you going to enforce it?

Are you going to lock up women for getting abortions? Because honestly, I don't see anything less than that as being a deterrent, now that we have DIY abortion pills.

Does ''you guys" refer to the actual Liberal who wrote the piece?

Or did it upset you when she identified you thus:

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

So unless and until that baby is breathing, it is NOT a living being. Not in the eyes of God, and not in biology. Until it is a living being, the mother has dominion over whether it becomes a living being.

If you chose to go with your "feelings" that this is your baby and it deserves to live, DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION.

As for other people going with science, religion, and the free will God gave them, IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, YOU STUPID BITCH.
God did not abort nor betray his creation, madam.
I can't begin to tell you how fulfilling it is to see how easily I reduce you to the gutter level language, as it represents the deepest of hurt you feel.

Honestly, if you are such a weak creature that a little profanity freaks you out.... that's kind of on you.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

The Republicans are run by racist, misogynistic, xenophobic stooges who are Zionist puppets....... I think this isn't a difficult choice.
Hardly, JoeB131. The only thing that has been shown is your brutal, hateful nature who gets a rise out of injuring female posters by any means possible.
The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

God did not abort nor betray his creation, madam.


Let's look at that. God created Adam. Then he created Eve because Adam had that dick and nothing to do with it, apparently. Then he puts this tree in the middle of the garden and says "Don't eat from this tree or you will die!"

Then he allows a TALKING SNAKE to have the run of the garden (Because snakes had legs back then) and the Snake talks them into eating the apple.

So God's response was to punish the snake by taking away its legs, the woman by forcing her to have painful childbirth, and the man by making him grow old and die.
The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

God did not abort nor betray his creation, madam.


Let's look at that. God created Adam. Then he created Eve because Adam had that dick and nothing to do with it, apparently. Then he puts this tree in the middle of the garden and says "Don't eat from this tree or you will die!"

Then he allows a TALKING SNAKE to have the run of the garden (Because snakes had legs back then) and the Snake talks them into eating the apple.

So God's response was to punish the snake by taking away its legs, the woman by forcing her to have painful childbirth, and the man by making him grow old and die.
You're blaming God for Adam's disobedience? Eve's disobedience? And for making a snake crawl?
You attempted to minimize it.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury and obstruction.....and he worked out deals to escape serious punishment for his crimes.
And he is guilty of numerous other crimes....he and his wife....and they are still escaping from any punishment.

No, guy, making a constitutional crisis over a consensual sexual relationship was crazy, and not what a majority wanted.

You guys have been after the Clintons for 25 years and the best you came up with after spending $200 MM plus was, "He lied about getting a blow job from a chubby intern!"
I'm sure that the Clintons are totally innocent.
That must be why so many of the people around them are ending up dead.....and so many of their friends in the media seem to be behind every hoax and scam they pull on Trump.
They tried getting Bill for a tiny crime knowing that he was guilty of more serious crimes.
Like the way they convicted Al Capone of income tax evasion.
They probably figured he had enough honor to resign......but the Clintons don't have any honor.
You're blaming God for Adam's disobedience? Eve's disobedience? And for making a snake crawl?

No, I'm not blaming fictional characters for doing anything to other fictional characters.

The thing was, God set Adam up to fail. That gives him the morals of a Batman Villain. You know, kind of like when the Joker put two bombs on two boats, and gave the trigger to the people on the other boat. But what God did was a little worse, because Adam and Eve had no experience or judgement. How could they, God only created them like, the day before or some such shit.

OF course, God does this sort of thing all through the bible. My favorite was when he gave David a choice between War, Famine and Plague... and David picked Plague because that seemed the least bad and most selfless choice. God rewarded him by killing 70,000 Israelites.
I'm sure that the Clintons are totally innocent.

Probably not. But nothing they were accused of was really that big of a deal.

That must be why so many of the people around them are ending up dead.....and so many of their friends in the media seem to be behind every hoax and scam they pull on Trump.

Oh, not the tired "Clinton Death List" again. Wow, yes, when you in your 70's, as the Clinton are, most of your associates will probably be dead by now.

They tried getting Bill for a tiny crime knowing that he was guilty of more serious crimes.

Which is kind of bullshit. Hey, if Bill committed a REAL CRIME I should care about, prove that, prosecute him for that, and move on. The thing is, 90% of us would have lied about an illicit affair.

Here's the thing. Back in the 1990's, I was one of those Right Wing Nuts who screamed about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. But at the end of the day, Clinton lied about getting a blow job because he was embarrassed. Nobody got hurt. Nobody died. Nobody lost his life savings.

George W. Bush lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. As a result 5000 Americans and anywhere from 100K to 1MM Iraqis died. But what I didn't see was a huge insistence on digging into every aspect of how that happened. Then his Bankster pals wrecked the economy, and most of us lost our investments and in some cases our jobs. Nobody held anyone accountable for that.

But man, that blow job. We need to get him for that BLOW JOB.

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