Liberals On Abortion

By the US Constitution. The 14th amendment says that all persons born in the US are citizens of the US with all the rights, benefits, and protections thereof. It doesn't mention the non-existent rights of the fetus.

It is more than interesting that Democrats use the same policy for infanticide that they did for slavery:

a. If the person was in Mississippi, he was a slave; in Connecticut, the very same person would be free

b. baby in the birth canal can be slaughtered in the most brutal manner; a few centimeters later, and, as the Democrat Governor of Virginia states, it could be decided by the mother.
The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 which was after slavery was abolished, and was supported by President Grant and the Republicans of the time.

Are you really missing the point?????

Or trying to.
Republicans abolished slavery over 150 years ago, but now pro-birther republicans want to enslave women. Don't know why they want to force unwilling women to give birth, especially since they don't give a shit about the kid once it's born. Then they wail and moan about lousy parents, welfare moochers, and societal parasites.
Killing children is easy for you isn't it tard.
Ask yourself that the next time repugs cut aid programs to needy mothers with kids.
By the US Constitution. The 14th amendment says that all persons born in the US are citizens of the US with all the rights, benefits, and protections thereof. It doesn't mention the non-existent rights of the fetus.

It is more than interesting that Democrats use the same policy for infanticide that they did for slavery:

a. If the person was in Mississippi, he was a slave; in Connecticut, the very same person would be free

b. baby in the birth canal can be slaughtered in the most brutal manner; a few centimeters later, and, as the Democrat Governor of Virginia states, it could be decided by the mother.
The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 which was after slavery was abolished, and was supported by President Grant and the Republicans of the time.

Are you really missing the point?????

Or trying to.
Republicans abolished slavery over 150 years ago, but now pro-birther republicans want to enslave women. Don't know why they want to force unwilling women to give birth, especially since they don't give a shit about the kid once it's born. Then they wail and moan about lousy parents, welfare moochers, and societal parasites.

Republicans pried the slaves out of Democrat's hands, and now wish to protect the defenseless from the Democrats/Fascists.

The unique distinct human being that the mother is temporarily nourishing is not 'her body'......

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.
Yeah, the kid she is breastfeeding is born, and therefore a person and citizen with rights. The fetus isn't. One is murder, the other isn't.
By the US Constitution. The 14th amendment says that all persons born in the US are citizens of the US with all the rights, benefits, and protections thereof. It doesn't mention the non-existent rights of the fetus.

It is more than interesting that Democrats use the same policy for infanticide that they did for slavery:

a. If the person was in Mississippi, he was a slave; in Connecticut, the very same person would be free

b. baby in the birth canal can be slaughtered in the most brutal manner; a few centimeters later, and, as the Democrat Governor of Virginia states, it could be decided by the mother.
The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 which was after slavery was abolished, and was supported by President Grant and the Republicans of the time.

Are you really missing the point?????

Or trying to.
Republicans abolished slavery over 150 years ago, but now pro-birther republicans want to enslave women. Don't know why they want to force unwilling women to give birth, especially since they don't give a shit about the kid once it's born. Then they wail and moan about lousy parents, welfare moochers, and societal parasites.
To a nut-job having a baby is enslaving.

As your Messiah said, “I don’t want my daughters punished with a baby.” The sicko wants to murder his grandchild. WTF!

Do you get context or just the stupid?
I mean real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

I came across an interesting real-Liberal essay opposing abortion, and it is instructive to peruse.

2.“Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life
Consistency demands concern for the unborn

The abortion issue, more than most, illustrates the occasional tendency of the Left to become so enthusiastic over what is called a "reform" that it forgets to think the issue through. It is ironic that so many on the Left have done on abortion what the conservatives and Cold War liberals did on Vietnam: They marched off in the wrong direction, to fight the wrong war, against the wrong people.

3. Some of us … are now active in the right-to-life movement. We do not enjoy opposing our old friends on the abortion issue, but we feel that we have no choice. We are moved by what pro-life feminists call the "consistency thing" -- the belief that respect for human life demands opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and war. We don't think we have either the luxury or the right to choose some types of killing and say that they are all right, while others are not. A human life is a human life; and if equality means anything, it means that society may not value some human lives over others.

4. Until the last decade, people on the Left and Right generally agreed on one rule: We all protected the young. This was not merely agreement on an ethical question: It was also an expression of instinct, so deep and ancient that it scarcely required explanation. Protection of the young included protection of the unborn, for abortion was forbidden by state laws throughout the United States. Those laws reflected an ethical consensus, not based solely on religious tradition but also on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. The prohibition of abortion in the ancient Hippocratic Oath is well known.

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

Thinking Liberals, largely an oxymoron today, continue embracing rectitude over party loyalty.

Liberals believe that it is the right of the women to decide how many children to have in her family.

Not the state or a rapist.


"New Study Shows Link Between Sex, Pregnancy
June 7th, 2016

ANN ARBOR, MI—Researchers at the University of Michigan announced Tuesday that a comprehensive, decade-long study has discovered a strong correlation between sexual intercourse and pregnancy in women—a groundbreaking conclusion that is sure to have far-reaching implications.

According to Dr. Michael Citino, who led the study, nearly every one of the tens of thousands of test subjects had engaged in sexual intercourse at least once in the several months immediately preceding pregnancy.

“The correlation is dramatic and astounding, and gives us fresh insight into how and why women become pregnant,” Citino said at a press conference, noting also that the results of this study can be immediately beneficial for humankind, especially in the area of family planning.

“For instance, extrapolating the data would seem to indicate that for anyone who wishes to avoid becoming pregnant with a child—or impregnating someone else—abstaining from sexual intercourse should, according to the study, be one very effective way to achieve that result.”
New Study Shows Link Between Sex, Pregnancy

Nobody told you about this study??????
Educating libs is a hoot...

But ya' need all them big colored crayons, and paper and stuff....

That was added in case trump reads this board.
Pondering a progressive price list for a baby brain I found none at any price.

So I called their "help the pregnant" hotline and asked.

They said they never get any because only liberals sign up with them and though they get plenty of mouthes and assholes they've never seen a "patient" with a brain......
Pondering a progressive price list for a baby brain I found none at any price.

So I called their "help the pregnant" hotline and asked.

They said they never get any because only liberals sign up with them and though they get plenty of mouthes and assholes they've never seen a "patient" with a brain......

Is that what passes as conservative humor?

No wonder there isn't any conservative comedians.
I mean real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

I came across an interesting real-Liberal essay opposing abortion, and it is instructive to peruse.

2.“Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life
Consistency demands concern for the unborn

The abortion issue, more than most, illustrates the occasional tendency of the Left to become so enthusiastic over what is called a "reform" that it forgets to think the issue through. It is ironic that so many on the Left have done on abortion what the conservatives and Cold War liberals did on Vietnam: They marched off in the wrong direction, to fight the wrong war, against the wrong people.

3. Some of us … are now active in the right-to-life movement. We do not enjoy opposing our old friends on the abortion issue, but we feel that we have no choice. We are moved by what pro-life feminists call the "consistency thing" -- the belief that respect for human life demands opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and war. We don't think we have either the luxury or the right to choose some types of killing and say that they are all right, while others are not. A human life is a human life; and if equality means anything, it means that society may not value some human lives over others.

4. Until the last decade, people on the Left and Right generally agreed on one rule: We all protected the young. This was not merely agreement on an ethical question: It was also an expression of instinct, so deep and ancient that it scarcely required explanation. Protection of the young included protection of the unborn, for abortion was forbidden by state laws throughout the United States. Those laws reflected an ethical consensus, not based solely on religious tradition but also on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. The prohibition of abortion in the ancient Hippocratic Oath is well known.

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

Thinking Liberals, largely an oxymoron today, continue embracing rectitude over party loyalty.

Liberals believe that it is the right of the women to decide how many children to have in her family.

Not the state or a rapist.
Then she should have decided to use birth control you butcher.
I mean real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

I came across an interesting real-Liberal essay opposing abortion, and it is instructive to peruse.

2.“Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life
Consistency demands concern for the unborn

The abortion issue, more than most, illustrates the occasional tendency of the Left to become so enthusiastic over what is called a "reform" that it forgets to think the issue through. It is ironic that so many on the Left have done on abortion what the conservatives and Cold War liberals did on Vietnam: They marched off in the wrong direction, to fight the wrong war, against the wrong people.

3. Some of us … are now active in the right-to-life movement. We do not enjoy opposing our old friends on the abortion issue, but we feel that we have no choice. We are moved by what pro-life feminists call the "consistency thing" -- the belief that respect for human life demands opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and war. We don't think we have either the luxury or the right to choose some types of killing and say that they are all right, while others are not. A human life is a human life; and if equality means anything, it means that society may not value some human lives over others.

4. Until the last decade, people on the Left and Right generally agreed on one rule: We all protected the young. This was not merely agreement on an ethical question: It was also an expression of instinct, so deep and ancient that it scarcely required explanation. Protection of the young included protection of the unborn, for abortion was forbidden by state laws throughout the United States. Those laws reflected an ethical consensus, not based solely on religious tradition but also on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. The prohibition of abortion in the ancient Hippocratic Oath is well known.

5. …it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion. One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born.

When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."

Thinking Liberals, largely an oxymoron today, continue embracing rectitude over party loyalty.

Liberals believe that it is the right of the women to decide how many children to have in her family.

Not the state or a rapist.
Then she should have decided to use birth control you butcher.

Well that interesting, since conservative want to outlaw those too.
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?
It’s so much easier to just kill the baby.
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?
It’s so much easier to just kill the baby.
Have you ever been raped?

Have you ever been forced to bear a child conceived by rape?


So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?
It’s so much easier to just kill the baby.
Have you ever been raped?

Have you ever been forced to bear a child conceived by rape?


Kill it!!!!
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?

"So why are Republicans so protective of rapists? he have something against rapists?????

Then why did you Liberals/Democrats elect one as President????
Not my job, Joe. God will square all the accounts before he moves when we put away the foolery of killing human beings at any stage of life. All else is dross.

There is no god. Even if there were, what makes you think he gives a shit about fetuses. You'd have a hard time, reading the bible, to prove he gives a shit about grown-ass people.
Not my job, Joe. God will square all the accounts before he moves when we put away the foolery of killing human beings at any stage of life. All else is dross.

There is no god. Even if there were, what makes you think he gives a shit about fetuses. You'd have a hard time, reading the bible, to prove he gives a shit about grown-ass people.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.
I have a feeling his "slaves" were treated like human beings. Other than the drumming up of the false narrative about President Thomas Jefferson's alleged affairs, Democrats have pathetically lost their way between reality and Christine Blasey-Ford's false scenario "to achieve a goal, and it does not have to be factual."

Uh, sorry, Jefferson's affairs were established back in the 1990's

Now, Crazy is the so-called Party of Lincoln wanting to defend confederate monuments... that's what losing your way looks like.

That wipes out about 7 commandments in one fell swoop. And it's bad for America to allow baal principles to rule the roost in Christian-founded America. When push comes to shove, God's people will be in the winner's circle, and those supporting today's Jezebel, the dowager Clinton, will be on the outs.

Actually, Ba'al sounded like a pretty cool God. He wasn't a judgemental prick like Yahweh was.

Reality- as people become more techologically and culturally sophisticated, the less need they have for fairies in the sky.
So why are Republicans so protective of rapists?
They want to give parental rights to children of rapists? How can that be?
Is that taking men’s rights over women’s rights to the extreme?
It’s so much easier to just kill the baby.
Have you ever been raped?

Have you ever been forced to bear a child conceived by rape?


Republicans want to give the new dad visitation rights and even shared custody.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

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