Liberals On Abortion

Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.
That's what KIng Charles III said of the Colonists. The very idea that his ownership of citizens relieves them of their civil rights is what was insane back in the 1770s. We proved that we do have rights. And we exercise them, dblack. We exercise our rights, those of our offspring, those of our loved ones. Human beings and citizens of this country have rights. As I pointed out, a baby was murdered inside its mother's womb by a crazy man. Its number made the kill at 14. It stands to this day. That baby was a person in 1966, 60,000,000 babies who were aborted were persons, but 60,000,000 times evil influences killed them off. The consequence is foreign invasion over our southern border. Our Congress was too cowardly to deem them human beings from conception, so people who do not wish to be bothered with babies claimed the right to kill those little human beings. That's right from conception on, the human being is not merely a "group of cells," it's a human being in the process of sorting out what it will be like when it grows up, arm length, height, strength, hair and eye color, shade of skin, everything. And from the beginning, that little cell mass tries its best to survive and thrive. Killing such a person because one failed to use contraceptives is not an excuse, it's a death warrant, and it's evil as sin gets.
What happens when medical science is capable of keeping the few weeks old fetus alive, outside the womb? We are very close to doing this now.
Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.
You’re crazy and murderous. You demand the right to murder. It’s sick.

Yes. Color me evil. Then you can ignore my arguments. You can ignore your hypocrisy and revel in self-righteous zeal as you build a fascist state. Go team!
You have no argument. At least not one that is accurate. You think you are protecting women’s rights but in essence, you are promoting murder.
As is the case with so very many of your hate-filled posts, there is no proof of this anti-American meme.

Actually, there's plenty of proof.

Some of descendants have the same Y Chromosone as Jefferson's White descendants.
There were newspaper articles at the time that talked about the scandal.
Not to mention the fact that poor Sally was the half-sister to Jefferson's dead wife. Poor thing never stood a chance.

s there anyone....including yourself.....that you don't hate?

I five year old screams "Why do you hate me?" when corrected. An adult reviews the criticism and evaluates it.

Once again, your child-like view of the world is quaint... It makes me laugh.
All Thomas Jefferson's male relatives had that "y" chromosome. All 12 of them.
Fifth, abortion is an escape from an obligation that is owed to another.
Doris Gordon, Coordinator of Libertarians for Life, puts it this way: "Unborn children don't cause women to become pregnant but parents cause their children to be in the womb, and as a result, they need parental care.

Fetuses aren't babies. Next.
They are human beings. They deserve a chance at life, just like you.
Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.

Rights are bestowed at birth . . . by whom? Who says? You state this like it's a universal truth known and accepted by everyone. Newsflash: it isn't. So before you rush on to making your point based on this as an accepted reality, I'd suggest you spend a little time proving this assertion.
By the US Constitution. The 14th amendment says that all persons born in the US are citizens of the US with all the rights, benefits, and protections thereof. It doesn't mention the non-existent rights of the fetus.

It is more than interesting that Democrats use the same policy for infanticide that they did for slavery:

a. If the person was in Mississippi, he was a slave; in Connecticut, the very same person would be free

b. baby in the birth canal can be slaughtered in the most brutal manner; a few centimeters later, and, as the Democrat Governor of Virginia states, it could be decided by the mother.
The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 which was after slavery was abolished, and was supported by President Grant and the Republicans of the time.

Are you really missing the point?????

Or trying to.
That's what KIng Charles III said of the Colonists.

I'm just going to leave this bit of stupidity out there a bit.


No, no, not yet!!!

The very idea that his ownership of citizens relieves them of their civil rights is what was insane back in the 1770s. We proved that we do have rights. And we exercise them, dblack. We exercise our rights, those of our offspring, those of our loved ones.

Actually, Britain had been working on individual rights long before GEORGE III had his tiff with the Founding Slave Rapists.
Fifth, abortion is an escape from an obligation that is owed to another.
Doris Gordon, Coordinator of Libertarians for Life, puts it this way: "Unborn children don't cause women to become pregnant but parents cause their children to be in the womb, and as a result, they need parental care.

Fetuses aren't babies. Next.
They are human beings. They deserve a chance at life, just like you.

Are you certain you want to go so far as to include 'it'?????
There is a lesson to be learned here, and it is one that involves politics, rather than science: haters of America attack the Founders as a proxy, and continue to lie no matter how many times they are corrected.

Look,I realize you need your child-like myth.

SO we have DNA evidence that someone at the time in Jefferson's family was fucking Sally Hemmings.

Do you think Tommy let his nephews fuck his favorite slave for fun. That would actually be WORSE than him fucking her himself.

That said, we don't need to play "Pick the Jefferson". There were reports AT THE TIME that Jefferson kept Hemmings as a mistress.

I give you, a political cartoon from 1804 published in a Federalist newspaper.

View attachment 265268

Less cut and pasting, more critical thinking would do you some good. Not much, mind you, but some.
He had less than a 10% chance of being the child's father. And he was too refined to be raping a woman.
He had less than a 10% chance of being the child's father. And he was too refined to be raping a woman.

Refined would be not owning other human beings.
I have a feeling his "slaves" were treated like human beings. Other than the drumming up of the false narrative about President Thomas Jefferson's alleged affairs, Democrats have pathetically lost their way between reality and Christine Blasey-Ford's false scenario "to achieve a goal, and it does not have to be factual."

That wipes out about 7 commandments in one fell swoop. And it's bad for America to allow baal principles to rule the roost in Christian-founded America. When push comes to shove, God's people will be in the winner's circle, and those supporting today's Jezebel, the dowager Clinton, will be on the outs.

May the 60,000,000 kids whose deaths you bless be at the gate on judgment day for those whose festering attitudes try to avoid them. All sixty million of them.
Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.
You’re crazy and murderous. You demand the right to murder. It’s sick.

Yes. Color me evil. Then you can ignore my arguments. You can ignore your hypocrisy and revel in self-righteous zeal as you build a fascist state. Go team!

Speaking of someone who colors his opponents as evil in order to ignore their arguments and his own hypocrisy . . .

Damn, dude. Pot, meet kettle.
I wonder if Alfred E Newman thinks hatchlings, nestlings, and fledglings qualify as birds

No idea, but I'm betting he/she/it considers birds to be exactly analogous to humans, and has no idea that they're radically different creatures who have little in common with mammals.

Because every leftist here seems to have dropped out of school prior to the 8th grade, when this stuff was taught.
If you have a better solution for killing living human beings because they're inconvenient than the law, I'd like to hear it.

Have you considered trying to change society through voluntary means? The real problem, politically, is that there's no consensus on the matter. Even if you manage to pass laws banning abortion, they will have a tentative hold at best - waiting to be repealed as soon as we swing back in the liberal direction.

If you really want the change to stick, you need to do the real work of building that consensus first. If you succeed at that, if you can really convince a dominant majority of voters that you're right, we probably won't need the law. And if you can't make that happen, then it shouldn't be a law.

Have YOU considered it? Because way back when the question of abortion was still being decided through voluntary means, it was restricted in most states. And then YOUR side of the argument said, "Fuck that, it's way too important to be able to kill unborn babies to let those plebe voters have a say", and they handed down YOUR position in this argument as a grand edict from on high.

So don't you stand there in all your "Babykilling is a personal choice" glory and have the sheer, hypocritical effrontery to tell ME to "consider changing society through voluntary means".

The real problem, politically, is that you and your pro-abort compatriots react like scalded cats every time any change to your baby-flushing utopia comes up, even if it comes up through those "voluntary means" you so smarmily and dishonestly tried to condescend to me about. And YOU don't react by "Oh, well, let's go convince the voters to voluntarily keep things the way we want them." No, you fucking well do NOT, Mr. "Stop worshipping government" Hypocrite. No, each and every fucking time, your comrades run right to Big Government and have them stomp the little people under their boot heel.

So let me say this with all due respect and courtesy: fuck you in your hypocritical, dishonest, condescending-without-a-single-fucking-right-to-do-so face.

You claim to want a consensus? Then you first.
One has to be crazy to believe slaughtering babies is OK.
Likewise, one has to be crazy to think putting government in charge of reproduction is OK. You can't solve every problem with a law.
Not reproduction but the "right" to murder. What Roe v Wade did was remove societal protection from those whose voices are too small to be heard, leaving it up to the adults in the room to speak for them.
I'm ready to let you choose to have an abortion or not, can't be any fairer than that.
Is it fair to the baby?
Once it’s born, do Republicans care about it?

I’m pretty sure I know the answer.

The old tired refrain of the crazy baby killer.
One has to be crazy to believe slaughtering babies is OK.
Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.
I'm not convinced the vast majority think at all but rather just embrace leftist ideology and swallow & regurgitate dutifully. Reading JoeB's silliness is like reading from their talking-point handbook. I suppose for many not-thinking is just more convenient.
I wonder if Alfred E Newman thinks hatchlings, nestlings, and fledglings qualify as birds

No idea, but I'm betting he/she/it considers birds to be exactly analogous to humans, and has no idea that they're radically different creatures who have little in common with mammals.

Because every leftist here seems to have dropped out of school prior to the 8th grade, when this stuff was taught.
My point is that these LABELS are STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT of a BIRD. It 8s a BIRD at each of these STAGES.

A HUMAN embryo of fetus is still HUMAN.

This is willful ignorance on the part of tards to justify their bloodlust.

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