Liberals On Abortion

If people would start voting on more than one issue, and start voting on the ability to govern, we would be a different country. The GOP is such a sell out. Back in the 60's, all major Republicans were pro choice. They only switched sides to win elections. Family values never. Political gain always.

But you have to get WHY the parties switched on this.

In the 1960's, EVERYONE knew the abortion laws were unworkable, neither party really had the balls to strike them down. If anything, the Democrats were more anti-abortion, because Catholics (the only religion making a stink about contraception at the time) were a major constituency. Evangelicals were more concerned about integration and their daughters dating black men.

So not surprisingly, when the Courts passed Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Boland, effectively legalizing abortions, Republicans just didn't make a big deal about it. Five Republican Justices and two Democrats voted for these decisions.

Then the Evangelicals needed an issue to get asses back into pews, after they had clearly lost the argument on immigration. So suddenly, Abortion became an issue for them.

The gag, of course, is that Republicans were never that serious about overturning Roe, because that would be chaos. So for every Scalia they put on SCOTUS, they added a Sandra Day. This is why Roe is still the law of the land despite Republicans appointing 10 of the last 14 SCOTUS vacancies.

The knuckle-draggers in the Jesus-Land states could pass these laws knowing they'd never be enforced.

Now this whole issue rests on Justice Roberts, who knows overturning Roe would be a disaster. It would mobilize millions of women to vote against the GOP. It would allow a lot of bad, largely unenforceable laws.
YOU are the liar. Here he is:

He explained that if a baby was delivered, a “discussion” would follow between the physicians and the mother about what to do next.
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

You realize that he was talking SPECIFICALLY about babies born alive who had no prospect of surviving, right? Ones with fatal conditions who would only have their agony prolonged by medical treatment.

"Oooh, we kept this dying baby alive for six more days in excruciating pain! Praise Jesus."
YOU are the liar. Here he is:

He explained that if a baby was delivered, a “discussion” would follow between the physicians and the mother about what to do next.
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

You realize that he was talking SPECIFICALLY about babies born alive who had no prospect of surviving, right? Ones with fatal conditions who would only have their agony prolonged by medical treatment.

"Oooh, we kept this dying baby alive for six more days in excruciating pain! Praise Jesus."

You claimed earlier in this thread that this was the only occasion in which late term abortions happened, and I proved to you this was not the case from data. People absolutely have their babies killed beyond 20 weeks just because they don't want them, and that's a fact.
You claimed earlier in this thread that this was the only occasion in which late term abortions happened, and I proved to you this was not the case from data. People absolutely have their babies killed beyond 20 weeks just because they don't want them, and that's a fact.

And that's their choice if they do.

SOme women have the good sense to abort sick fetuses.

Some women realize they've given birth to defective babies, and allow nature to take its course.

And some women insist that their baby will be the one to survive, and the medical staff goes through the motions to humor them. Hospitals even have an acronym for these actions. They call it "CTF" for "Cleetus the Fetus".
You realize that he was talking SPECIFICALLY about babies born alive who had no prospect of surviving, right?

He never said that. Are you tired of getting slapped down yet you imbecile?

The context of the whole thing was the late term abortion law you dope.

Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth

A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during the moment of birth.

: “If a mother is in labor… the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother,”

Once again. Here is his quote. Notice nothing about euthanizing the infant.

if she wants to eliminate.

This is ElRushbo's opinion, which you take for fact. You believe a lie. He never said it. Any doctor would tell you that the discussion would be based on the condition the baby was born with, the prognosis, treatment and probable outcome. No option to simply kill the baby would be offered.

You posted the proof of exactly what he said.

Rush. :laugh2:
Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during the moment of birth.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. "I should have said: 'Clearly, no, because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.' "

Virginia lawmaker at the center of abortion bill 'infanticide' uproar says she misspoke
USA Today: Ralph Northam should be remembered for advocating the slaughtering of deformed babies
Ralph Northam should be remembered for advocating the slaughtering of deformed babies

Except for the quiet sobbing of a grieving mother, silence filled a dark hospital room in the middle of the night. Holding her daughter, whose spirit had slipped quietly into heaven before her body emerged into this world, the mother wept until her tear ducts ran dry.

There is no more desperate feeling than that of a parent holding a dead child. You would do anything. You would pay anything.

But at that moment there is nothing to do but pray. And cry.

Those memories flooded back to me last week as I watched Democrats in Virginia calmly describe their ghoulish plans to murder babies as they were being delivered, and after. Democratic State Delegate Kathy Tran testified in favor of her legislation allowing abortions up to the moment of birth:

"I mean, through the third trimester," Tran said. "The third trimester goes up to 40 weeks."

"OK, but to the end of the third trimester?" Republican Majority Leader Todd Gilbert asked her.

"Yup, I don't think we have a limit in the bill," Tran replied.

"Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she's about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?" Gilbert asked. "She's dilating," he added.

"My bill would allow that. Yes," Tran said, as calmly as any grocery store butcher goes about their business
Hypocrisy, 'Homicide', and 'Horrors': New York's Brand New 'License to Kill' Viable Babies Sparks Intense Outrage
Hypocrisy, 'Homicide', and 'Horrors': New York's Brand New 'License to Kill' Viable Babies Sparks Intense Outrage

The shocked response has been rolling in across the nation after Democrat lawmakers in the state of New York did the unthinkable Tuesday, legalizing the abortion of unborn babies all the way up until the point of birth. The response on has been stunning as more than a million readers simply can't fathom why any state would allow viable babies to be killed.

Pro-life advocates point out the law is presented under the guise of protecting women's health, but it permits late-term abortions of unborn babies who could otherwise survive outside the womb.

News of the new law sent shockwaves through the pro-life community. Many are grieving about what it will mean for lost human lives and pointing out the sheer hypocrisies behind what the Left has just done, especially as they try to claim the moral high ground on so many other cultural issues. The stunning developments out of New York appear to be galvanizing the pro-life movement to fight abortion with renewed fervor.

Dr. James Dobson is condemning the NY legislation as barbaric.

"It is not overstating the matter to say I am horrified by the New York State Senate's vote to pass the euphemistic Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This bill is not about reproductive health at all. It is pure barbarism on a scale rarely seen since the Middle Ages," Dobson says. "There is a battle raging for millions of lives preordained by God himself, and it is we who must stand for them so that they might have a chance at life."

Dr. Jack Graham, the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, says, "Those who are applauding the passage of New York's so-dubbed Reproductive Health Act are not celebrating and promoting a step forward in women's health rights. They are celebrating cold-blooded murder. This act is nothing short of a license to kill unborn babies, even when they could survive outside the womb."
He never said that. Are you tired of getting slapped down yet you imbecile?

The context of the whole thing was the late term abortion law you dope.

actually, it wasn't... but never mind, you are kind of a simpleton.

Nobody can CHOOSE to murder another human being you stupid POS. That's the whole point.

Fetuses aren't people.

Her body... her choice.
YOU are the liar. Here he is:

He explained that if a baby was delivered, a “discussion” would follow between the physicians and the mother about what to do next.
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

You realize that he was talking SPECIFICALLY about babies born alive who had no prospect of surviving, right? Ones with fatal conditions who would only have their agony prolonged by medical treatment.

"Oooh, we kept this dying baby alive for six more days in excruciating pain! Praise Jesus."

You claimed earlier in this thread that this was the only occasion in which late term abortions happened, and I proved to you this was not the case from data. People absolutely have their babies killed beyond 20 weeks just because they don't want them, and that's a fact.

Even the Guttmacher Institute is clear on the fact that the primary reasons for late-term abortions are not the extreme hard cases that the left uses as their human shields. But then, these are the same people who want to pretend that we need abortion-on-demand strictly because of rape and incest. They're all about lying to themselves and everyone else.
Fetuses aren't people.

They are human beings you moron.

Her body... her choice.

Its NOT her body you dumbfuck. I am a woman, and I knew that the baby I carried was her own person.

Besides, DNA science proves its not the woman's body you science-denier.

The woman owns the baby factory and has the right to choose to shut down production.

I'm guessing you feel very proud of how "clever" you are to have compared a living baby to an inanimate object on an assembly line.

The woman owns the "baby factory" - and I cannot tell you how vile I, as a woman, find that manner of reference to my reproductive system - but the "production" happens during sex, not after it, and the time for her to "shut down production" is THEN, not once the "product" is already made.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

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