Liberals On Abortion

Fetuses aren't people.

They are human beings you moron.

Her body... her choice.

Its NOT her body you dumbfuck. I am a woman, and I knew that the baby I carried was her own person.

Besides, DNA science proves its not the woman's body you science-denier.

The woman owns the baby factory and has the right to choose to shut down production.

I'm guessing you feel very proud of how "clever" you are to have compared a living baby to an inanimate object on an assembly line.

The woman owns the "baby factory" - and I cannot tell you how vile I, as a woman, find that manner of reference to my reproductive system - but the "production" happens during sex, not after it, and the time for her to "shut down production" is THEN, not once the "product" is already made.

Poor cupcake, I really don't care how you feel about that terminology, but everything that happens in the factory, is post deposit. But I do agree that it is best not to produce a bun in the first place, then no choice is necessary.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?
Fetuses aren't people.

They are human beings you moron.

Her body... her choice.

Its NOT her body you dumbfuck. I am a woman, and I knew that the baby I carried was her own person.

Besides, DNA science proves its not the woman's body you science-denier.

The woman owns the baby factory and has the right to choose to shut down production.

I'm guessing you feel very proud of how "clever" you are to have compared a living baby to an inanimate object on an assembly line.

The woman owns the "baby factory" - and I cannot tell you how vile I, as a woman, find that manner of reference to my reproductive system - but the "production" happens during sex, not after it, and the time for her to "shut down production" is THEN, not once the "product" is already made.

Poor cupcake, I really don't care how you feel about that terminology, but everything that happens in the factory, is post deposit. But I do agree that it is best not to produce a bun in the first place, then no choice is necessary.

Well, "cupcake", thank you for clarifying that you're far more interested in "defending women's rights" as you perceive them than you are in what ACTUAL women ACTUALLY think or want. I wouldn't have wanted anyone to get confused by your slogans and think you felt anything but dismissive and condescending toward women themselves.

Also, I will NOT be thanking you for your "generous" agreement that clear, basic biological fact has somehow met with your personal approval.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?


Link or lie.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?
"Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism
New poll finds Biden could lose support over taxpayer abortion funding flip-flop

American voters reject the extreme abortion positions that leading Democratic presidential contenders have embraced in the run-up to the primary.

A poll of more than 1,000 Americans conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 55 percent of likely general election voters oppose the use of taxpayer funding of abortion. Voters are very concerned about the issue with more than 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the practice..."

Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism
Fetuses aren't people.

They are human beings you moron.

Her body... her choice.

Its NOT her body you dumbfuck. I am a woman, and I knew that the baby I carried was her own person.

Besides, DNA science proves its not the woman's body you science-denier.

The woman owns the baby factory and has the right to choose to shut down production.

I'm guessing you feel very proud of how "clever" you are to have compared a living baby to an inanimate object on an assembly line.

The woman owns the "baby factory" - and I cannot tell you how vile I, as a woman, find that manner of reference to my reproductive system - but the "production" happens during sex, not after it, and the time for her to "shut down production" is THEN, not once the "product" is already made.

Poor cupcake, I really don't care how you feel about that terminology, but everything that happens in the factory, is post deposit. But I do agree that it is best not to produce a bun in the first place, then no choice is necessary.

Well, "cupcake", thank you for clarifying that you're far more interested in "defending women's rights" as you perceive them than you are in what ACTUAL women ACTUALLY think or want. I wouldn't have wanted anyone to get confused by your slogans and think you felt anything but dismissive and condescending toward women themselves.

Also, I will NOT be thanking you for your "generous" agreement that clear, basic biological fact has somehow met with your personal approval.

I see you've appointed yourself the sole arbitrator of what women want. The only folks I disagree with are those who seek ownership of all the baby factories.
"Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism
New poll finds Biden could lose support over taxpayer abortion funding flip-flop

American voters reject the extreme abortion positions that leading Democratic presidential contenders have embraced in the run-up to the primary.

A poll of more than 1,000 Americans conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 55 percent of likely general election voters oppose the use of taxpayer funding of abortion. Voters are very concerned about the issue with more than 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the practice..."

Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism

79% support abortion rights.

"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Still waiting to hear how this is relevant to the fact that she doesn't want the abortion, her family doesn't want the abortion, and the courts have decided that whole "My body, my choice" thing is bullshit the instant the choice doesn't suit them.

If the family was "protecting someone", they'd be more likely to want the evidence - ie, the baby - destroyed. And what is it you're trying to say? That it's okay for the government to negate "my body, my choice" for YOUR notions of what's best for everyone? I call hypocrisy.
"Love and Other Disabilities
A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil.

Yesterday, a British judge, Nathalie Lieven, ruled that an intellectually disabled woman should be forced to have an abortion against her will. The woman—who remains unnamed, ostensibly out of respect for her privacy—wants to have the child, but, because of her disability, she is presumed incompetent to make this decision. Attending medical doctors have judged that her giving birth and eventually having the child removed from her custody would be extremely traumatic because of her intellectual disabilities. Based on this assessment, the judge has ruled that it is in the woman’s “best interests” that the pregnancy be terminated. I beg to differ, and do so based on some experience. For I am an intellectually disabled woman’s son."
Love and Other Disabilities

Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will
Are they going to let the rapist of this women have visitation rights?

Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will

So you post that as evidence of what?
They are human beings you moron.

Its NOT her body you dumbfuck. I am a woman, and I knew that the baby I carried was her own person.

Besides, DNA science proves its not the woman's body you science-denier.

The woman owns the baby factory and has the right to choose to shut down production.

I'm guessing you feel very proud of how "clever" you are to have compared a living baby to an inanimate object on an assembly line.

The woman owns the "baby factory" - and I cannot tell you how vile I, as a woman, find that manner of reference to my reproductive system - but the "production" happens during sex, not after it, and the time for her to "shut down production" is THEN, not once the "product" is already made.

Poor cupcake, I really don't care how you feel about that terminology, but everything that happens in the factory, is post deposit. But I do agree that it is best not to produce a bun in the first place, then no choice is necessary.

Well, "cupcake", thank you for clarifying that you're far more interested in "defending women's rights" as you perceive them than you are in what ACTUAL women ACTUALLY think or want. I wouldn't have wanted anyone to get confused by your slogans and think you felt anything but dismissive and condescending toward women themselves.

Also, I will NOT be thanking you for your "generous" agreement that clear, basic biological fact has somehow met with your personal approval.

I see you've appointed yourself the sole arbitrator of what women want. The only folks I disagree with are those who seek ownership of all the baby factories.

I haven't "appointed" myself anything, in stark contrast to you and every other pro-abort who has nothing to say beyond chanting, "Women's right to choose!" What I have done is established the incontrovertible fact that I am a woman, which certainly makes MY point of view PART of "what women want". I have also pointed out that your alleged concern for "women's rights" clearly is all about some abstract construct of "women" and "women's rights", and has not a damned thing to do with actual, flesh-and-blood women.

I disagree with a lot of people, and those who ignore real people in favor of political constructs and indentity groups are right up at the top.
Why do you ask? In what way is that relevant to the topic?

Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will

So you post that as evidence of what?

That you claimed that she had been raped, with zero evidence, no links, and the usual sort of reliability you evince.

In short, you represent the "I" in "team."
"Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism
New poll finds Biden could lose support over taxpayer abortion funding flip-flop

American voters reject the extreme abortion positions that leading Democratic presidential contenders have embraced in the run-up to the primary.

A poll of more than 1,000 Americans conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 55 percent of likely general election voters oppose the use of taxpayer funding of abortion. Voters are very concerned about the issue with more than 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the practice..."

Majority Rejects Dem Abortion Extremism

79% support abortion rights.


Only if you're dishonest enough to pretend that people who only want to allow it in hard cases are "abortion supporters".

But then, we all know you ARE that dishonest, so . . .
Its relevant because the women in question operates at a 6 to 9-year mental capacity. Clearly she is unable to provide consent to sexual activity or possibly understand it. It is quite possible the family is protecting someone.

Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will

So you post that as evidence of what?

That you claimed that she had been raped, with zero evidence, no links, and the usual sort of reliability you evince.

In short, you represent the "I" in "team."

Old man, how can she be pregnant without having given consent to sex?

Are you suggesting god did it?
Why did you lie about the woman having been raped?

Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will

So you post that as evidence of what?

That you claimed that she had been raped, with zero evidence, no links, and the usual sort of reliability you evince.

In short, you represent the "I" in "team."

Old man, how can she be pregnant without having given consent to sex?

Are you suggesting god did it?

Since you hypothesized rape, I suppose you can hypothesize that Obama is responsible.....does he have an alibi, old woman?

Just admit you've been caught lying.

After all, you don't have a reputation to uphold.

Looking forward to your picture on a milk carton.
Informed consent that she cannot give dictates a rape.

No you've been caught lying.

I can link.

"We don’t currently know the conditions surrounding the conception of this baby and UK officials are supposedly looking into it, but we do know that this woman and her family want this baby. That ought to be enough for everyone to unite behind her and support her in keeping this child, not an opportunity for some Orwellian court to override her desires and schedule an abortion anyway."
A British Judge Tried To Force A Disabled Woman To Abort Her Child Against Her Will

So you post that as evidence of what?

That you claimed that she had been raped, with zero evidence, no links, and the usual sort of reliability you evince.

In short, you represent the "I" in "team."

Old man, how can she be pregnant without having given consent to sex?

Are you suggesting god did it?

Since you hypothesized rape, I suppose you can hypothesize that Obama is responsible.....does he have an alibi, old woman?

Just admit you've been caught lying.

After all, you don't have a reputation to uphold.

Looking forward to your picture on a milk carton.

I'm still looking for the evidence that she wasn't raped from you>

You think that coming don old dude.
Even the Guttmacher Institute is clear on the fact that the primary reasons for late-term abortions are not the extreme hard cases that the left uses as their human shields. But then, these are the same people who want to pretend that we need abortion-on-demand strictly because of rape and incest. They're all about lying to themselves and everyone else.

Actually, given the levels of medical confidentiality, I doubt Guttmacher or anyone else can get accurate figures on medical reasons. I'm sure a lot of people they asked said, "none of your damned business".

So you have to apply a bit of common sense. What woman would go through SIX MONTHS of pregnancy if she already knew she didn't want to keep the fetus?

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