Liberals On Abortion

First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

That is just idiotic. Therei s no such thing as abortion days before birth. At that point it is a cesaerian. Abortion late in pregnancy is rare and ususlly restricted to the mother's life, health or severe fetal deformaty.

Easily proven that you are a low-life lying cur:

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children." The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.

Sometimes late term abortions are necessary. No State allows for the killing of a baby born alive, even from a botched abortion.

So what? The single celled Zygote has unique human DNA and is greater than the sum of it's parts. It lives.

"Although it's uncomfortable to be so imprecise, the right answer may lie in accepting that there are degrees of right to life, and the foetus gets a stronger right to life as it develops.

This answer has the value of reflecting the way many people feel about things when they consider abortion: the more developed the foetus, the more unhappy they are about aborting it, and the more weight they give the rights of the foetus in comparison with the rights of the mother.

This view is sometimes called 'gradualism'."

BBC - Ethics - Abortion: When is the foetus 'alive'?

Aren't you the one who said this?

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

Liberals On Abortion

Slither off, snake

I was speaking in the third person of my perception of Gipper's position on helping raise those unwanted children.

But coming up with false narratives is part an parcel for pseudo-cons, isn't it?

Probably have courses on it at Pseudo-conn U.

Is this you attempt to repudiate, to rescind, the disgusting post in favor of the slaughter of the innocent, the bland statement in favor of murder???

No. What do you think "I guess that's a no," signifies in that sentence you used in your attempted false narrative attack.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.
Aren't you the one who said this?

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

Liberals On Abortion

Slither off, snake

I was speaking in the third person of my perception of Gipper's position on helping raise those unwanted children.

But coming up with false narratives is part an parcel for pseudo-cons, isn't it?

Probably have courses on it at Pseudo-conn U.

Is this you attempt to repudiate, to rescind, the disgusting post in favor of the slaughter of the innocent, the bland statement in favor of murder???

No. What do you think "I guess that's a no," signifies in that sentence you used in your attempted false narrative attack.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

You can run, but you can't hide.
The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

Only in the fevered minds of the anti-choice SJWers.

Even severely deformed infants cannot be euthanized and must receive ordinary care. At no point did the Governor refer to ending the babies life as part of the necessary discussion a doctor would have with the unfortunate parents or an unexpectedly deformed child.

It is an often repeated lie by the anti-choice SJWers.
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

That is just idiotic. Therei s no such thing as abortion days before birth. At that point it is a cesaerian. Abortion late in pregnancy is rare and ususlly restricted to the mother's life, health or severe fetal deformaty.

Easily proven that you are a low-life lying cur:

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children." The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.

Time to update your cut'n'paste library of canards, though I doubt you will - honesty and integrity are not part of your rightwing playbook.

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks under two specific conditions: if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

Those two conditions only. Not your claim of unrestricted abortion up to birth.

Given that, it would seem that you oppose abortion if the mother's life is in danger, and you oppose abortion if the fetus is not viable.

Keep up the lies...they provide an endless source of amusement :)

I was speaking in the third person of my perception of Gipper's position on helping raise those unwanted children.

But coming up with false narratives is part an parcel for pseudo-cons, isn't it?

Probably have courses on it at Pseudo-conn U.

Is this you attempt to repudiate, to rescind, the disgusting post in favor of the slaughter of the innocent, the bland statement in favor of murder???

No. What do you think "I guess that's a no," signifies in that sentence you used in your attempted false narrative attack.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

You can run, but you can't hide.

I have no need to run from a liar. All you can do is lie and take a partial sentence out of context to propagate your false narrative.
No, it's actually nothing like that. It's not even like "make guns illegal and only criminals will have guns". It's a simple fact. Make abortion illegal and you will create hundreds of Kurt Gosnells all over the country. People that poor women go to for abortions if you succeed in making abortion illegal. Rich women will always be able to get safe abortions, you will just make it dangerous for poor women.

What you don't understand is that women have a constitutional right to an abortion.
Mr. Seawytch, with all due respect for your loyalty to your country backed up by your service in the US Navy, what you may not understand is that many Americans believe that having children makes life a lot more wonderful than not, and just as many believe that conception is just a stage in a human being's life, kind of like losing one's two front teeth when transiting from toddler to a child. Of course, there's nothing clumsier than a 14-year-old boy who is also going through a stage in life, as is settling down with one person and having a flock of children who favor this uncle or that aunt, his daddy, or her mother. Getting an education and getting a job are also stages that usually (but not always) precede having children. Having aches and slowing down when one grows old is a stage in life, as is death, which ends life on earth, and for believers, is the beginning of life in the spirit. Speaking of believers, we believe life is sacred, particularly when it's first starting out. We believe--like scientists do--that on earth, human beings lives start at conception. We have no questions about this, because of what the Bible tells us, and we believe that as a human being, you are entitled to be left alone inside your mother as nature intends, until you are born. At that point, if the mother does not want the baby, she can arrange for it to be adopted out to parents who want, but who cannot have children. It's an arrangement that allows the woman's body to birth and heal and gives someone the joy of a lifetime through their old age. Also, if her male partner prefers, he can take on the child's needs and raise the baby within his family if the mother isn't ready for marriage. There always seem to be more people who want babies than there are spare babies to be had, so it would work out well.

Why not push for that end--a happy ending--and not for a truly regrettable one that ends in the painful end of a baby who fought for his life by swishing back and forth in the womb when pursued by an abortion suction device. If you have seen a video of this phenomenon, you will notice the fetus behavior is his panic to stay alive, but he doesn't do very well with a stealthy abortion practitioner who doesn't get paid if the baby stays. Just sayin'.
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

That is just idiotic. Therei s no such thing as abortion days before birth. At that point it is a cesaerian. Abortion late in pregnancy is rare and ususlly restricted to the mother's life, health or severe fetal deformaty.

Easily proven that you are a low-life lying cur:

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children." The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.

Time to update your cut'n'paste library of canards, though I doubt you will - honesty and integrity are not part of your rightwing playbook.

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks under two specific conditions: if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

Those two conditions only. Not your claim of unrestricted abortion up to birth.

Given that, it would seem that you oppose abortion if the mother's life is in danger, and you oppose abortion if the fetus is not viable.

Keep up the lies...they provide an endless source of amusement :)

You simply can't stop lying, can you.

" if the mother's health" is a catch-all Chimera.

Anyone who can get a doctor to say she would be 'depressed' gets that loophole filled.

You reflect your predecessors, the other Bolsheviks.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

You gave neither the morality nor the courage to confront the infanticide of your elites.
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

That is just idiotic. Therei s no such thing as abortion days before birth. At that point it is a cesaerian. Abortion late in pregnancy is rare and ususlly restricted to the mother's life, health or severe fetal deformaty.

Easily proven that you are a low-life lying cur:

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children." The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.

Time to update your cut'n'paste library of canards, though I doubt you will - honesty and integrity are not part of your rightwing playbook.

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks under two specific conditions: if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

Those two conditions only. Not your claim of unrestricted abortion up to birth.

Given that, it would seem that you oppose abortion if the mother's life is in danger, and you oppose abortion if the fetus is not viable.

Keep up the lies...they provide an endless source of amusement :)

You simply can't stop lying, can you.

" if the mother's health" is a catch-all Chimera.

Anyone who can get a doctor to say she would be 'depressed' gets that loophole filled.

You reflect your predecessors, the other Bolsheviks.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

You gave neither the morality nor the courage to confront the infanticide of your elites.

Silly maggot.

Depression is not mother's life. On the other hand, my friend, who died of a cerebral hemorrage late in her pregnancy, is. You do come up with all kinds of reason's to deny a woman her right to life. That's what's so funny about you right to some-lifers. You're kinda picky.
Is this you attempt to repudiate, to rescind, the disgusting post in favor of the slaughter of the innocent, the bland statement in favor of murder???

No. What do you think "I guess that's a no," signifies in that sentence you used in your attempted false narrative attack.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

You can run, but you can't hide.

I have no need to run from a liar. All you can do is lie and take a partial sentence out of context to propagate your false narrative.

I never lie.

I provided the link, so any reader can see that I quoted you accurately.

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

Liberals On Abortion

You're simply scum, and we've proven it together.
No. What do you think "I guess that's a no," signifies in that sentence you used in your attempted false narrative attack.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

You can run, but you can't hide.

I have no need to run from a liar. All you can do is lie and take a partial sentence out of context to propagate your false narrative.

I never lie.

I provided the link, so any reader can see that I quoted you accurately.

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

Liberals On Abortion

You're simply scum, and we've proven it together.

You lied about the NY bill.
Speaking of believers, we believe life is sacred, particularly when it's first starting out. We believe--like scientists do--that on earth, human beings lives start at conception.

And what of those who don't think human life is all that sacred? Just because a would be mom takes a bun out of the oven doesn't mean the oven can't bake anymore buns does it?

All mammals alive on earth had their lives start at conception too. That phenomenon is not unique to the human animal.
Speaking of believers, we believe life is sacred, particularly when it's first starting out. We believe--like scientists do--that on earth, human beings lives start at conception.

And what of those who don't think human life is all that sacred? Just because a would be mom takes a bun out of the oven doesn't mean the oven can't bake anymore buns does it?

All mammals alive on earth had their lives start at conception too. That phenomenon is not unique to the human animal.
BB: And what of those who don't think human life is all that sacred?​
They'll live on after the baby is born. ;)

BB: Just because a would be mom takes a bun out of the oven doesn't mean the oven can't bake anymore buns does it?​
Aw, BB, dear fellow, you know I can't deal with marginalizing a human being into an inanimate object, don't you? That isn't a fair argument, imho. That's a living, breathing, feeding, excreting, and organizing human being in there who wants to be alive like the big guys on the other side of the placenta do.

BB, You've seen videos of the fetus trying to escape the abortionist's equipment, haven't you? There's nothing laid-back about the way the fetus fights for its existence with almost violent elusive movements. It knows it needs to get away from threats--that's human attitude, not an "oh, eat me. I'm just a formless bun." Live human beings fight or flight. The fetus cannot fight, but it sure as hell takes flight when attacked. That is 100% acting like a human being, and not a piece of baked dough waiting to be eaten.

Come on. Let's let the little peeps grow and be born. Mommie can work out the details of adoption later.
You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

That is just idiotic. Therei s no such thing as abortion days before birth. At that point it is a cesaerian. Abortion late in pregnancy is rare and ususlly restricted to the mother's life, health or severe fetal deformaty.

Easily proven that you are a low-life lying cur:

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children." The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.

Time to update your cut'n'paste library of canards, though I doubt you will - honesty and integrity are not part of your rightwing playbook.

The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks under two specific conditions: if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

Those two conditions only. Not your claim of unrestricted abortion up to birth.

Given that, it would seem that you oppose abortion if the mother's life is in danger, and you oppose abortion if the fetus is not viable.

Keep up the lies...they provide an endless source of amusement :)

You simply can't stop lying, can you.

" if the mother's health" is a catch-all Chimera.

Anyone who can get a doctor to say she would be 'depressed' gets that loophole filled.

You reflect your predecessors, the other Bolsheviks.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

You gave neither the morality nor the courage to confront the infanticide of your elites.

Silly maggot.

Depression is not mother's life. On the other hand, my friend, who died of a cerebral hemorrage late in her pregnancy, is. You do come up with all kinds of reason's to deny a woman her right to life. That's what's so funny about you right to some-lifers. You're kinda picky.

Watch me smash your current lie with the others.

Abortion contributes to negative outcomes for at least some women
The 2008 report of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion (TFMHA) concluded that “it is clear that some women do experience sadness, grief, and feelings of loss following termination of a pregnancy, and some experience clinically significant disorders, including depression and anxiety.”4
The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature review of common ground agreements, disagreements, actionable recommendations, and research opportunities

"Many international investigations have identified depression as a significant contributor to the burden of disease1. Its high life-time prevalence, associated disability, chronic course and recurrence have been highlighted. Its frequent association with other common chronic medical conditions (e.g. diabetes mellitus, angina, asthma, arthritis, etc.) and the incremental worsening of their outcomes have been documented2. Its contribution to suicide is widely recognised. Depression is acknowledged as a major public health problem by many national governments and international agencies."
Depression: a major public health problem in need of a multi-sectoral response

In truth.....nearly all abortions are for convenience and nothing else.

They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.
The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.

. The vast majority of abortion performed in the United States are carried out for reasons that can be broadly categorized as “matters of convenience.”

Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.

In a study of 27 nations, reasons for abortion services were found to be the following:

a. “Worldwide, the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment; lack of support from the father; desire to provide schooling for existing children; and poverty, unemployment or inability to afford additional children. In addition, relationship problems with a husband or partner and a woman's perception that she is too young constitute other important categories of reasons.” Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries

b. A 2004 study of American women yielded similar results: “The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

c. We must reject the view that inconvenience of a mother’s informed choice outweighs the unalienable right to life of the child she bears by virtue of that choice.
There's nothing laid-back about the way the fetus fights for its existence with almost violent elusive movements. It knows it needs to get away from threats--that's human attitude, not an "oh, eat me. I'm just a formless bun." Live human beings fight or flight.

Again not quality unique to humans. All life fights to continue to exist.
There's nothing laid-back about the way the fetus fights for its existence with almost violent elusive movements. It knows it needs to get away from threats--that's human attitude, not an "oh, eat me. I'm just a formless bun." Live human beings fight or flight.

Again not quality unique to humans. All life fights to continue to exist.
Bingo! Life! And such cute little living ones-to-be. They need us, BB. They need us on their side. And we need them more sometimes. Just sayin'...
Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Yeah, that's much better. Reducing the quote to a partial sentence gives your false narrative a better sense of truthiness.

Nice edit.

Let's remind all of what you said in a discussion of abortion and infanticide:

" I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

You can run, but you can't hide.

I have no need to run from a liar. All you can do is lie and take a partial sentence out of context to propagate your false narrative.

I never lie.

I provided the link, so any reader can see that I quoted you accurately.

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

Liberals On Abortion

You're simply scum, and we've proven it together.

You lied about the NY bill.

I never lie. I'm not a Liberal.

"New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth"
New York Governor Signs Unfathomable Law That Allows Abortions All the Way Up to Birth | American Center for Law and Justice

"9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions"
9 States Now Allow Killing Babies Up to Birth After Illinois Legalized All Abortions -

And Democrat Governor Northam for murder of the infant AFTER birth:
“So in this particular example if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” The “discussion” refers to ending the baby’s life or not, even though it had been born — another radical step to the left.

As mentioned earlier, Roman parents would kill the child as a form of birth control. What Northam said is no different than what the evil Roman empire would do to newly-born children."
The Modern-Day Democratic Party Treats The Unborn The Same Way The Roman Empire Did

What beasts you Democrats/Liberals are.
There's nothing laid-back about the way the fetus fights for its existence with almost violent elusive movements. It knows it needs to get away from threats--that's human attitude, not an "oh, eat me. I'm just a formless bun." Live human beings fight or flight.

Again not quality unique to humans. All life fights to continue to exist.
Bingo! Life! And such cute little living ones-to-be. They need us, BB. They need us on their side. And we need them more sometimes. Just sayin'...

Okay, I have no problem with that. Some people would never choose an abortion. Some people don't see it that way.

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