Liberals On Abortion

Oh is PC ACTUALLY a mail order bride or is that a lie? Since you accused me of spreading lies.

Obviously, you don't understand the concept of a "Joke"... but never mind. Baby steps. Baby Steps.

Hey Joe, what if I were interacting with an individual Muslim on this board and I called him a towel head but then said "It was a joke!" or said, "hey you probably have four wives" or something but then said, "it was a joke"!

I'm sure you wouldn't lose your mind AT ALL right Joe?

But it's fine for you to do this with PC because she's

1. Conservative and

2. a woman

You're a pig Joe
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion"



Okay, 20 weeks is not "Term". Term is 36 weeks.

Also, abortions after 20 weeks (when the fetus still isn't viable) make up less than 1% of abortions and are only performed when the fetus is deformed or a threat to the woman's health.
You might be the most ignorant fuck in this forum, surely in the top five.

The woman's health? I am woman you little worm. Don't lecture me about a woman's health. LOL. Its a proven fact that no late term abortion is ever necessary for out health.
Hey Joe, what if I were interacting with an individual Muslim on this board and I called him a towel head but then said "It was a joke!" or said, "hey you probably have four wives" or something but then said, "it was a joke"!

I'm sure you wouldn't lose your mind AT ALL right Joe?

Well, no, I wouldn't hold you to a standard, no. We've already established you hate people who worship different sky pixies than you do.

But it's fine for you to do this with PC because she's

1. Conservative and

2. a woman

3. A batshit crazy person who doesn't really understand the concept of a "conversation".

4. Someone who cuts and pastes stuff like she had an original thought.

Seriously, I've been trying for a week now to get her and the other nuts on this board to answer a simple question...

How do you make a woman stay pregnant when she doesn't want to be pregnant?
Doctor: ‘Late-Term Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary’
Doctor: ‘Late-Term Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary’

On Feb. 8, Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, radiologist and policy advisor for The Catholic Association, said, “late-term abortion is never medically necessary.”
Christie also called out the liberal media for describing late-term abortion as “medically necessary,” and explained why this claim is not scientifically true.

“I am so frustrated by the media and the way that they describe late-term abortion as ‘medically necessary,’” Christie said in a video posted to Twitter. “As a physician, I can tell you, with perfect confidence, that if a pregnant woman’s health is endangered in the third trimester, there is never a reason to stop the child’s heart with an injection and dismember the child on the way out – in other words, to do a late-term abortion.”

“There is always the possibility of delivering the child immediately, through a live birth or a c-section, and then letting that child – even if the child is premature, at 24 or 25 weeks, a time at which many children survive – that child can take his or her chances and can be cared for in the neonatal ICU,” Christie explained.

“In these ICUs, children are cared for with so much passion by the people who love them, their doctors and their nurses and also their parents,” he said.

“So late-term abortion is never medically necessary,” Christie concluded. “This is an absolute scientific reality.”
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion"



Okay, 20 weeks is not "Term". Term is 36 weeks.

Also, abortions after 20 weeks (when the fetus still isn't viable) make up less than 1% of abortions and are only performed when the fetus is deformed or a threat to the woman's health.

Absolutely not the truth. An outright falsehood.

Arizona reported 714 abortions in 2012-2013 and 2015-2017 at >20 weeks' gestation. Of these, maternal medical conditions were cited for only 19 (3%) and fetal medical conditions for only 129 (18%). Thus 79% of these abortions were not health-related.

Utah reported 134 abortions in 2008-2017 at >20 weeks' gestation. Numbers (and percentage) by reason given were: maternal life, 8 (6%); abnormal fetus, 84 (63%); therapeutic, 35 (26%); and elective, 3 (2%). It should be noted that many or most of those for "therapeutic" reasons are not, in fact, for reasons of physical health, given that "therapeutic" reasons were claimed for 84% of abortions at any gestational period in this period in Utah, in stark contrast to other states (Johnston, 2016).

Florida reported 230 abortions in 2000-2007 at >24 weeks' gestation. Numbers (and percentage) by reason given were: personal choice, 89 (39%); maternal physical condition, 6 (3%); maternal mental condition, 15 (7%); abnormal fetus, 90 (39%); and other, 29 (13%).

Data on late-term abortions in the United States
Doctor: ‘Late-Term Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary’
Doctor: ‘Late-Term Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary’

On Feb. 8, Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, radiologist and policy advisor for The Catholic Association, said, “late-term abortion is never medically necessary.”
Christie also called out the liberal media for describing late-term abortion as “medically necessary,” and explained why this claim is not scientifically true.

“I am so frustrated by the media and the way that they describe late-term abortion as ‘medically necessary,’” Christie said in a video posted to Twitter. “As a physician, I can tell you, with perfect confidence, that if a pregnant woman’s health is endangered in the third trimester, there is never a reason to stop the child’s heart with an injection and dismember the child on the way out – in other words, to do a late-term abortion.”

“There is always the possibility of delivering the child immediately, through a live birth or a c-section, and then letting that child – even if the child is premature, at 24 or 25 weeks, a time at which many children survive – that child can take his or her chances and can be cared for in the neonatal ICU,” Christie explained.

“In these ICUs, children are cared for with so much passion by the people who love them, their doctors and their nurses and also their parents,” he said.

“So late-term abortion is never medically necessary,” Christie concluded. “This is an absolute scientific reality.”

Gee, who should we believe, this doctor or punkassbitch JoeB131
Hey Joe, what if I were interacting with an individual Muslim on this board and I called him a towel head but then said "It was a joke!" or said, "hey you probably have four wives" or something but then said, "it was a joke"!

I'm sure you wouldn't lose your mind AT ALL right Joe?

Well, no, I wouldn't hold you to a standard, no. We've already established you hate people who worship different sky pixies than you do.

But it's fine for you to do this with PC because she's

1. Conservative and

2. a woman

3. A batshit crazy person who doesn't really understand the concept of a "conversation".

4. Someone who cuts and pastes stuff like she had an original thought.

Seriously, I've been trying for a week now to get her and the other nuts on this board to answer a simple question...

How do you make a woman stay pregnant when she doesn't want to be pregnant?

1. You have NEVER established that I "hate" people who worship a different god than I do. You're projecting, Joe, because you're small-minded. I must be blunt because that's the only way to get through to you.

2. Disagreeing with someone is STILL no reason to be racist. I have disagreed with Muslims without calling them "towel heads". I have disagreed with Hispanics without calling them "wetbacks".

You disagreed with an Asian American woman and resorted to calling her a Mail Order Bride, which you're trying to pawn off as a joke.

You're a racist pig, Joe
Absolutely not the truth. An outright falsehood.

Arizona reported 714 abortions in 2012-2013 and 2015-2017 at >20 weeks' gestation. Of these, maternal medical conditions were cited for only 19 (3%) and fetal medical conditions for only 129 (18%). Thus 79% of these abortions were not health-related.

No, it just meant that they didn't record what the legitimate medical reason was.

Hey, here's a concept... you guys talk about liberty all day, but I think none of us want government up our junk.

Do you really think there's a woman out there who is pregnant for 8 months, and then says, "Fuck it, I'm getting an abortion!"

Gee, who should we believe, this doctor or punkassbitch

Doctors can't be religious nuts?
When my brother died, my mother cried for months. Many times she said that, if she could trade her life for his, she would. That’s how real mothers feel.

A woman who gets a late term abortion is the exact opposite. She is willing to kill her own child just to save her own ass.

Women like that are evil demons. I say that as a woman. What sort of evil person would kill their own child just to save themselves. Women who do that have a special place in hell waiting for them. I would always give my life to save my child.

Listening to evil sick liars like JoeB131 who thinks he speaks for women is pathetic and he is a joke. JoeB131 is a totally ignorant moron.

Doctors can't be religious nuts?

You're not a doctor, you're not a woman, and you're not a mother so shut your stupid ass up.
1. You have NEVER established that I "hate" people who worship a different god than I do. You're projecting, Joe, because you're small-minded. I must be blunt because that's the only way to get through to you.

Naw, honey... you go on and on about how their religion is evil because they don't like us invading their countries... then you tell lies about their practices because you don't really understand their religion.
1. You have NEVER established that I "hate" people who worship a different god than I do. You're projecting, Joe, because you're small-minded. I must be blunt because that's the only way to get through to you.

Naw, honey... you go on and on about how their religion is evil because they don't like us invading their countries... then you tell lies about their practices because you don't really understand their religion.

You're a brainwashed racist Joe
When my brother died, my mother cried for months. Many times she said that, if she could trade her life for his, she would. That’s how real mothers feel.

A woman who gets a late term abortion is the exact opposite. She is willing to kill her own child just to save her own ass.

Or she just made A CHOICE.

Women like that are evil demons. I say that as a woman. What sort of evil person would kill their own child just to save themselves. Women who do that have a special place in hell waiting for them. I would always give my life to save my child.

So you would make women die to bring fetuses into the world. That's kind of interesting. Also crazy.

You're not a doctor, you're not a woman, and you're not a mother so shut your stupid ass up.

No, i'm just a guy who knows human nature. Women will have abortions no matter what the law is.
Dr. Grazie P. Christie

The truth is you never, ever have to MURDER a baby in the third trimester to "save the life of the mother" or any of the other talking points. You attempt to save the baby by any means necessary IF an early delivery is necessary, and granted, it sometimes is.

The people who advocate for this have sick souls.

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