Liberals On Abortion

"U.K. Court Reverses Ruling That Would Have Forced Mentally Disabled Woman to Have an Abortion
According to a Press Association report, a three-judge panel overturned that decision Monday following an appeal filed by the unidentified woman’s mother, a Nigerian immigrant and former midwife who opposes the abortion and has offered to care for the child. The three judges — Lord Justice McCombe, Lady Justice King, and Lord Justice Peter Jackson — said they would provide their rationale for overturning the previous ruling at a later date."
Britain & Forced Abortion -- U.K. Court Reverses Ruling Regarding Mentally-Ill Woman | National Review
"U.K. Court Reverses Ruling That Would Have Forced Mentally Disabled Woman to Have an Abortion
According to a Press Association report, a three-judge panel overturned that decision Monday following an appeal filed by the unidentified woman’s mother, a Nigerian immigrant and former midwife who opposes the abortion and has offered to care for the child. The three judges — Lord Justice McCombe, Lady Justice King, and Lord Justice Peter Jackson — said they would provide their rationale for overturning the previous ruling at a later date."
Britain & Forced Abortion -- U.K. Court Reverses Ruling Regarding Mentally-Ill Woman | National Review

Wonder if they'll be honest and say, "Because we made ourselves look like a bunch of tyrannical, baby-hating dicks and potentially did serious damage to the pro-abort arguments"?
"U.K. Court Reverses Ruling That Would Have Forced Mentally Disabled Woman to Have an Abortion
According to a Press Association report, a three-judge panel overturned that decision Monday following an appeal filed by the unidentified woman’s mother, a Nigerian immigrant and former midwife who opposes the abortion and has offered to care for the child. The three judges — Lord Justice McCombe, Lady Justice King, and Lord Justice Peter Jackson — said they would provide their rationale for overturning the previous ruling at a later date."
Britain & Forced Abortion -- U.K. Court Reverses Ruling Regarding Mentally-Ill Woman | National Review

Wonder if they'll be honest and say, "Because we made ourselves look like a bunch of tyrannical, baby-hating dicks and potentially did serious damage to the pro-abort arguments"?

I don't believe honesty enters the equation.

For the most part, Britain is many ways.

Take the insane positions the Democrat Party has taken, and the UK is on it on steroids.

Islamism, anti-free speech, guns, ....and, it appears, abortion.
"U.K. Court Reverses Ruling That Would Have Forced Mentally Disabled Woman to Have an Abortion
According to a Press Association report, a three-judge panel overturned that decision Monday following an appeal filed by the unidentified woman’s mother, a Nigerian immigrant and former midwife who opposes the abortion and has offered to care for the child. The three judges — Lord Justice McCombe, Lady Justice King, and Lord Justice Peter Jackson — said they would provide their rationale for overturning the previous ruling at a later date."
Britain & Forced Abortion -- U.K. Court Reverses Ruling Regarding Mentally-Ill Woman | National Review

Wonder if they'll be honest and say, "Because we made ourselves look like a bunch of tyrannical, baby-hating dicks and potentially did serious damage to the pro-abort arguments"?

I don't believe honesty enters the equation.

For the most part, Britain is many ways.

Take the insane positions the Democrat Party has taken, and the UK is on it on steroids.

Islamism, anti-free speech, guns, ....and, it appears, abortion.

I guess this is where the "Abortion YAY!" position takes you: from arguing for "a woman's choice" to telling her an abortion is more important than her choice.

Ironically, the pro-aborts are the ones who LOOOOOOVE to accuse pro-lifers of "forcing women".
I guess this is where the "Abortion YAY!" position takes you: from arguing for "a woman's choice" to telling her an abortion is more important than her choice.

Ironically, the pro-aborts are the ones who LOOOOOOVE to accuse pro-lifers of "forcing women".

It sounds like this woman couldn't have made an informed choice one way or the other. But never mind.
Oh, boy, another round of Number-pointed Crazy from the Mail Order Bride From Hell.

Okay, one more time. You guys get your ban on abortion, how are you going to enforce it?

Are you going to lock up women for getting abortions? Because honestly, I don't see anything less than that as being a deterrent, now that we have DIY abortion pills.

Scratch a Leftist, find a racist EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ie, "Mail Order Bride".

Everything you accuse us of is projection Joe, everything. Thanks for proving that again.
I don't believe honesty enters the equation.

For the most part, Britain is many ways.

Take the insane positions the Democrat Party has taken, and the UK is on it on steroids.

Islamism, anti-free speech, guns, ....and, it appears, abortion.

You can always go back to Korea where you came from.

So it sounds like the Brits had to deal with a tough case....

What's your problem with immigrants, Joe? Hmmm

Or do you just love the ones who break in ILLEGALLY

You're such a bleeding hateful hypocrite. Which of course makes you the perfect Leftist
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ie, "Mail Order Bride".

Everything you accuse us of is projection Joe, everything. Thanks for proving that again.

I've been calling her that for years... because it's fucking funny.

PC Is what happens when you take a Mail Order Bride, make it listen to Hate Radio all day, and enjoy the resulting crazy.

What's your problem with immigrants, Joe? Hmmm

Nothing at all. My Dad was an immigrant.

Or do you just love the ones who break in ILLEGALLY

Naw, I just despise the ones who think that if they join in the racism, they'll get a little rub on the head from whitey.

You're such a bleeding hateful hypocrite. Which of course makes you the perfect Leftist

Again, you are the one who got on here, and spread lies about Muslims and FGM, and then went right to a hate site when you were corrected.

PC is all manner of crazy... her posts are full of OCD, which is why she is so much fun to fuck with.
Liberals on abortion: "Safe, legal and rare"

That's it. It is that simple.

That's a lie. Virginia and New York are at late term abortions and even murdering children AFTER birth.

Democrats are the part of Infanticide: They are sick disgusting demons.

All you dumbfucks who blab about science because of your fake climate change, here is some real science for you:
Scientifically, the "fetus" is a human being: He/She has human blood & human DNA, which makes him or her human; not a dog, not a cat, not a bird, but human. And when he or she is sucked through a vacuum tube and destroyed, what has just been destroyed is human life. That is science. That is fact. It cannot be disputed.

What is all too often being focused on instead though is the "legalisms" of "personhood", whether or not the child in the womb is legally a person. Does anyone know what is wrong with that? What is wrong with that is, that is what was done to the slaves. Their blood and DNA were human too, but the law denied them personhood, and that is what is being done here too.

Abortion is the destruction of human life. That's science. I don't care what a judge says or what a lawyer says: What I am saying is SCIENCE and is FACT, and judges & lawyers are not scientists or biologists. The child in the womb, scientifically is a human being, and therefore killing him or her is murder. And also, it is scientific fact that the child in the womb has a unique DNA, apart from the mother. So the babe is not part of the mother's body, but is an independent being.

(And note that I did not bring religion into it at all.)
That's a lie. Virginia and New York are at late term abortions and even murdering children AFTER birth.

Democrats are the part of Infanticide: They are sick disgusting demons.

First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion". If a pregnancy is brought to "term", it means there's a live birth.

Also, reality check. Lots of babies are born with no hope of living. And they are usually allowed to die and being made as comfortable as possible. Hint, we also do this to adults... which is why we have hospices and palliative care.

All you dumbfucks who blab about science because of your fake climate change, here is some real science for you:
Scientifically, the "fetus" is a human being: He/She has human blood & human DNA, which makes him or her human; not a dog, not a cat, not a bird, but human. And when he or she is sucked through a vacuum tube and destroyed, what has just been destroyed is human life. That is science. That is fact. It cannot be disputed.

They also aren't viable outside the womb. And as long as they depend on a womb, it's the woman's choice.

Okay, going to ask you the same question I asked PC and all the other nuts.

How are you going to enforce your abortion ban?

Because at the end of the day, you really only have one of two really bad choices.

One is to create a draconian police state where women of child bearing years have no rights, miscarriages are investigated as homicides, doctors have to inform on their patients....

The other is to have a law that makes you feel good, but will be widely ignored. (See prostitution laws, drug laws, gun bans in big cities).
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ie, "Mail Order Bride".

Everything you accuse us of is projection Joe, everything. Thanks for proving that again.

I've been calling her that for years... because it's fucking funny.

PC Is what happens when you take a Mail Order Bride, make it listen to Hate Radio all day, and enjoy the resulting crazy.

What's your problem with immigrants, Joe? Hmmm

Nothing at all. My Dad was an immigrant.

Or do you just love the ones who break in ILLEGALLY

Naw, I just despise the ones who think that if they join in the racism, they'll get a little rub on the head from whitey.

You're such a bleeding hateful hypocrite. Which of course makes you the perfect Leftist

Again, you are the one who got on here, and spread lies about Muslims and FGM, and then went right to a hate site when you were corrected.

PC is all manner of crazy... her posts are full of OCD, which is why she is so much fun to fuck with.

Oh is PC ACTUALLY a mail order bride or is that a lie? Since you accused me of spreading lies.
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

Oh is PC ACTUALLY a mail order bride or is that a lie? Since you accused me of spreading lies.

Obviously, you don't understand the concept of a "Joke"... but never mind. Baby steps. Baby Steps.

Oh. So when I'm "joking" about illegal immigration and called immigrants "wetbacks" you'd be cool with that right Joe? Oh wait no you wouldn't, I told the TRUTH about FGM and you lost your mind.

So again. If a minority does not agree with your political views it's okay to be racist toward that person.

According to you. Right Joe? Because if PC is not actually a Mail Order Bride you are a racist. Joke or not.
First, there's no such thing as a "late term abortion".

You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

Pull your head out of your ass you fucking moron.

US abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell guilty of murders
Abortion doctor guilty of murders
A Philadelphia doctor has been convicted of the first-degree murders of three babies delivered and killed with scissors in late-term abortions.
Dr Kermit Gosnell, 72, was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter of an adult patient who died of an overdose. He was acquitted on another charge of killing a fourth baby.
The case was seized on by both sides in the US debate over abortion.
You're an ignorant lying sack of shit. "Late Term Abortion" is an abortion late in the third term,in other words, days before birth.
A true story movie was made about a man sent to prison for it.

No, that would be a LATE abortion, or a Third Trimester abortion. Using the correct technical terms is important.

That you guys made an agit-prop movie that ignored key facts about the case really doesn't say that much.

The fact was, they only found him guilty on three of 100 counts they brought for "not disposing of medical waste".... er murder. Then they cut him a sweetheart deal on sentencing so he wouldn't appeal.

So second attempt at the question.

When you pass your abortion ban, how are you going to enforce it?

We'll wait.

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