Liberals On Abortion

It’s always amusing when a non-believer posts their thoughts on God and the Bible.

Thanks for the laugh but really, you just exposed yourself as entirely ignorant.

Can you actually refute the points that I make?

Didn't think so.

The difference between Atheists and Christians is that when an Atheist reads the bible, he actually critically interprets the words, as opposed to a Christian, who lets his priest/minister/pastor/cult leader TELL him what it means.

Now, for those playing along at home, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years before I realized it was all kind of nonsense and left. But even then, it was pretty clear to me that these guys were just making it up as they went.

"Um, Sister, the Bible says God wants no graven images, so why do we have all these statues?" WHACK!

"Why do the Gospels of Luke and Matthew have two different list of ancestors for Jesus, and they both go through Joseph, who wasn't Jesus' dad!" WHACK!

"Why did God drown all the babies in the world?" "Because they were WICKED babies... WIIIIIICKED!" (This is something a nun actually said. It's a good thing it cool to be a lesbian now and we don't have women picking up this awful lifestyle of becoming nuns!)
What’s the point Joe? You’ve proven you’re uneducable.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

Because fetuses aren't babies. Smart people do dumb things, too.

I just don't see anything morally wrong with abortion. When the right wing stops snatching food out of the mouths of hungry children to pay for tax breaks for billionaires, THEN I will take your mewling about "the babies" seriously. Not before.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

Because fetuses aren't babies. Smart people do dumb things, too.

I just don't see anything morally wrong with abortion. When the right wing stops snatching food out of the mouths of hungry children to pay for tax breaks for billionaires, THEN I will take your mewling about "the babies" seriously. Not before.
Why do you approve of killing babies. I thought you believed in “thou shalt not kill.”
I'm pretty sure ALL pro-lifers understand that a separate human organism begins at conception, since that's what every Embryology textbook in the world says. 'Person', on the other hand, is the sort of imprecise, feelings-based language used by 'tards like you who ditched high school biology to smoke weed behind the gym.

It'd be nice, however, if you could show us some scientific basis for this "tissue/baby demarkation [sic]" that you invented to try to pretend you had an argument.
I'm pretty sure ALL pro-choicers understand that there is a fundamental difference between a single cell, really just a blueprint for a human being, and a fully-developed human being. That cell is capable of no more than any other cell on the planet whereas that fully-developed human is capable of things no other species on the planet is capable of.
A fully developed human being? That would be a twenty five year old because that is when the human brain is fully developed.
Why do you approve of killing babies. I thought you believed in “thou shalt not kill.”

Fetuses aren't babies.

Now, I've actually taken you off of ignore to try to see if you were capable of debate. It's clear that you aren't. Back on Ignore you go, buddy.
What are fetuses?

a. Aliens
b. UFOs
c. Worms
d. Insects
e. All of the above
" Pro-Choice Republican Here Hear "

* Deciding Between Political Party Incompetence *

The religious reich believes that anti-choice is a consensus held by the majority members of the republican party when in fact the anti-choice position is the least of major concerns held by the significant number of pro-choice members in the republican party .

The anti-choice clowns are losing in the courts , so there is not a need to jump ship to defend pro-choice over defending against open borders , over defending against indiscriminate immigration , over defending against gun control and over defending against the egalitarian bureaucratic collective .

Also , the liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery .
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" Pro-Choice Republican Here Hear "

* Deciding Between Political Party Incompetence *

The religious reich believes that anti-choice is a consensus held by the majority members of the republican party when in fact the anti-choice position is the least of major concerns held by the pro-choice members in the republican party .

The anti-choice clowns are losing in the courts , so there is not a need to jump ship to defend pro-choice over defending against open borders , over opposing indiscriminate immigration , over opposing gun control and over opposing the egalitarian bureaucratic collective .

Also , the liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery .


You're a Progressive.
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Well, women preventing pregnancy would involve them being smart, mature, sensible, and making choices with some thought behind them. If that happened, Joe would never have even the smallest hope of getting laid.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Well, women preventing pregnancy would involve them being smart, mature, sensible, and making choices with some thought behind them. If that happened, Joe would never have even the smallest hope of getting laid.
BINGO!!! Nailed it.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.
Oh damn that’s good. You are on a roll.

....fall onto a penis. LMFAO!
" Hue Mammon Egoism "

* Selective Justification *

You're a Progressive.
Is killing in war murder ?

Murder is a legal construct , just as the constitution which stipulates when an individual receives protected/reprised wrights that includes a wright to life .

The meaning of an after life is literally to pass ones genetic identity to their offspring ; and , that quickly becomes a complex issue .
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Well, women preventing pregnancy would involve them being smart, mature, sensible, and making choices with some thought behind them. If that happened, Joe would never have even the smallest hope of getting laid.
Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.
I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.

Did you intend to get pregnant every time you had sex? Of course not.
Better question...did you expect NOT to get pregnant having unprotected sex?
Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.

The Middle Ages called, they want their morality back.

The thing that you guys don't get is that women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade. The birth rate did not drop dramatically in 1973. (It actually went up starting in 1974).

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