Liberals On Abortion

Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.

What the far right radical extremists want is unconstitutional.

It violates the 4th Amendment. Which is the right to privacy or be secure in our person among other things.

The 14th Amendment guarantees that all laws including the 4th Amendment are applied to everyone equally.

It's unconstitutional to violate anyone's right to privacy with their own body.

We have very strict medical privacy laws. They apply to everyone equally.

The constitution and our laws very clearly prevent the government from doing what the far right radical extremists want to do to the women of our nation.

The text of the 4th Amendment

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Did you really want to refer to a number of deaths??????


Fetuses aren't people. So there are no "Deaths".

Of course they are, Walter.

Homo sapiens.

Unless you'd like to claim otherwise. Please feel certainly won't damage your reputation to be wrong yet again.

"Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’
A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.”

...Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying:
The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.”

Ms Andersson then pointed out Carhart’s use of the word “baby” rather than “fetus”, asking why he would use that word when others prefer more dehumanizing terms.

“I think that it is a baby,” Carhart interrupted. “And I use [the word baby] with patients.”

Ms Andersson then asked if Carhart had any problem with killing a baby?

“Absolutely not,” Carhart coldly replied.

Much time and energy is spent trying to persuade pro-abortion apologists that an unborn baby is a human life, as though that fact wasn’t bleeding obvious to everyone."
WATCH: Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’

I don't think we spend time trying to convince them it's true, so much as we spend time trying to convince them to admit it.
The money given to Planned Butcherhood is fungible.

Better look that up, dunce.
Link or lie? I didn't need to look up the word and I'm 100% certain that PP keeps an account of every penny of gov't $ they spend on abortion services.

You simply parrot every lie the Left tells you to.

Let's start here:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…
Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

"....past-President Cecile Richards falsely claimed her organization provided mammograms. Even the Washington Post debunked that claim. Ultimately, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was forced to admit under oath in a congressional hearing that the abortion giant doesn’t provide mammograms."
Planned Parenthood on the Defensive

What do they do with the taxpayer funds?

A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which masquerades as a “health care” provider, receives half a billion dollars in government money annually, which they claim is merely reimbursement for services rendered under Medicaid. The largest provider of abortions, garnering 35 percent of the nation’s market share, implies that these funds do not pay for abortions.

But the hundreds of millions in government dollars Planned Parenthood receives are fungible, acting to free up other dollars which would normally be used for salaries, facility rent, and general overhead. Planned Parenthood nets millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.

Watch the Live Action video below to get a better understanding of fungibility and how our tax dollars do, in fact, pay for abortions:
Did you really want to refer to a number of deaths??????


Fetuses aren't people. So there are no "Deaths".

Of course they are, Walter.

Homo sapiens.

Unless you'd like to claim otherwise. Please feel certainly won't damage your reputation to be wrong yet again.

"Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’
A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.”

...Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying:
The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.”

Ms Andersson then pointed out Carhart’s use of the word “baby” rather than “fetus”, asking why he would use that word when others prefer more dehumanizing terms.

“I think that it is a baby,” Carhart interrupted. “And I use [the word baby] with patients.”

Ms Andersson then asked if Carhart had any problem with killing a baby?

“Absolutely not,” Carhart coldly replied.

Much time and energy is spent trying to persuade pro-abortion apologists that an unborn baby is a human life, as though that fact wasn’t bleeding obvious to everyone."
WATCH: Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’

I don't think we spend time trying to convince them it's true, so much as we spend time trying to convince them to admit it.

I never expect them to admit it.......we have to post for the majority who don't post, and have never seen us prove the facts.

Don't stop!
The money given to Planned Butcherhood is fungible.

Better look that up, dunce.
Link or lie? I didn't need to look up the word and I'm 100% certain that PP keeps an account of every penny of gov't $ they spend on abortion services.

You simply parrot every lie the Left tells you to.

Let's start here:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…
Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

"....past-President Cecile Richards falsely claimed her organization provided mammograms. Even the Washington Post debunked that claim. Ultimately, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was forced to admit under oath in a congressional hearing that the abortion giant doesn’t provide mammograms."
Planned Parenthood on the Defensive

What do they do with the taxpayer funds?

A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which masquerades as a “health care” provider, receives half a billion dollars in government money annually, which they claim is merely reimbursement for services rendered under Medicaid. The largest provider of abortions, garnering 35 percent of the nation’s market share, implies that these funds do not pay for abortions.

But the hundreds of millions in government dollars Planned Parenthood receives are fungible, acting to free up other dollars which would normally be used for salaries, facility rent, and general overhead. Planned Parenthood nets millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.

Watch the Live Action video below to get a better understanding of fungibility and how our tax dollars do, in fact, pay for abortions:
Federal dollars for Title X Has Never Paid for Abortions

If you want to talk about fungible monies, what about that road in front of the abortion clinic? Or road in front that church? Who pays for the powerplant that supplies both with electricity?
The money given to Planned Butcherhood is fungible.

Better look that up, dunce.
Link or lie? I didn't need to look up the word and I'm 100% certain that PP keeps an account of every penny of gov't $ they spend on abortion services.

You simply parrot every lie the Left tells you to.

Let's start here:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…
Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

"....past-President Cecile Richards falsely claimed her organization provided mammograms. Even the Washington Post debunked that claim. Ultimately, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was forced to admit under oath in a congressional hearing that the abortion giant doesn’t provide mammograms."
Planned Parenthood on the Defensive

What do they do with the taxpayer funds?

A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which masquerades as a “health care” provider, receives half a billion dollars in government money annually, which they claim is merely reimbursement for services rendered under Medicaid. The largest provider of abortions, garnering 35 percent of the nation’s market share, implies that these funds do not pay for abortions.

But the hundreds of millions in government dollars Planned Parenthood receives are fungible, acting to free up other dollars which would normally be used for salaries, facility rent, and general overhead. Planned Parenthood nets millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.

Watch the Live Action video below to get a better understanding of fungibility and how our tax dollars do, in fact, pay for abortions:
Federal dollars for Title X Has Never Paid for Abortions

If you want to talk about fungible monies, what about that road in front of the abortion clinic? Or road in front that church? Who pays for the powerplant that supplies both with electricity?

I just proved that a lie.....but being a liar was never a problem for you, was it.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.
The money given to Planned Butcherhood is fungible.

Better look that up, dunce.
Link or lie? I didn't need to look up the word and I'm 100% certain that PP keeps an account of every penny of gov't $ they spend on abortion services.

You simply parrot every lie the Left tells you to.

Let's start here:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…
Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

"....past-President Cecile Richards falsely claimed her organization provided mammograms. Even the Washington Post debunked that claim. Ultimately, former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was forced to admit under oath in a congressional hearing that the abortion giant doesn’t provide mammograms."
Planned Parenthood on the Defensive

What do they do with the taxpayer funds?

A new Live Action video release unmasks the oft-repeated claim that taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood do not fund abortions. The abortion corporation, which masquerades as a “health care” provider, receives half a billion dollars in government money annually, which they claim is merely reimbursement for services rendered under Medicaid. The largest provider of abortions, garnering 35 percent of the nation’s market share, implies that these funds do not pay for abortions.

But the hundreds of millions in government dollars Planned Parenthood receives are fungible, acting to free up other dollars which would normally be used for salaries, facility rent, and general overhead. Planned Parenthood nets millions of dollars in excess revenue almost every year.

Watch the Live Action video below to get a better understanding of fungibility and how our tax dollars do, in fact, pay for abortions:
Federal dollars for Title X Has Never Paid for Abortions

If you want to talk about fungible monies, what about that road in front of the abortion clinic? Or road in front that church? Who pays for the powerplant that supplies both with electricity?

I just proved that a lie.....but being a liar was never a problem for you, was it.

If simply parrot a line that an anti-abortion site tells you, you have proved nothing.
The fetus is not a "person", and that stance is supported by both religion and biology. According to the Bible, Adam was not a human being, while he was being formed. Adam, became a human being when God "breathed life" into him: Genesis 2:7

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

God did not abort nor betray his creation, madam.


Let's look at that. God created Adam. Then he created Eve because Adam had that dick and nothing to do with it, apparently. Then he puts this tree in the middle of the garden and says "Don't eat from this tree or you will die!"

Then he allows a TALKING SNAKE to have the run of the garden (Because snakes had legs back then) and the Snake talks them into eating the apple.

So God's response was to punish the snake by taking away its legs, the woman by forcing her to have painful childbirth, and the man by making him grow old and die.

The christian god did give instructions on how to perform an abortion.

christians claim that the bible is the world of their god. The book of Numbers gives detailed instructions on how to perform an abortion.

There isn't one word in the bible about abortion being against the christian god's law.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.

There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.

Bullshit. The kind of man who expects his wife to be a virgin on their wedding night is either emotionally immature or gay. Every guy I know who married a virgin, cheated on her.

I know one such virgin bride whose husband convinced her that his STD was “mono”, and that she needed to take antibiotics because of his “mono”.

They divorced after she caught him in bed with her hairdresser.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.

There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

There is nothing more amusing that watching you pretend to care about unborn children when you have no concern or empathy for other women.

You have no knowledge of or concern for the financial issues working women deal with every day, which means you look at the issue of abortion from an intellectual, elitist position with no basis in fact or reality.

That natural response of any intelligent being reading the steaming pile of shit that forms the OP, is “what the actual fuck is this idiot posting?” but we do you the courtesy of forming a intellectually challenging response which you are incapable of refuting so you then turn to outrage over the profanity.

How can you support Donald Trump who uses profanity all of the time? Isn’t that hypocritical of you? isn’t this evidence of his moral unfitness to govern?

Enquiring mind want to know how, with your high moral standards for public discourse you can support a man who speaks at a grade 4 level and used bc profanity in a speech to the Boy Scouts.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.

There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

There is nothing more amusing that watching you pretend to care about unborn children when you have no concern or empathy for other women.

You have no knowledge of or concern for the financial issues working women deal with every day, which means you look at the issue of abortion from an intellectual, elitist position with no basis in fact or reality.

That natural response of any intelligent being reading the steaming pile of shit that forms the OP, is “what the actual fuck is this idiot posting?” but we do you the courtesy of forming a intellectually challenging response which you are incapable of refuting so you then turn to outrage over the profanity.

How can you support Donald Trump who uses profanity all of the time? Isn’t that hypocritical of you? isn’t this evidence of his moral unfitness to govern?

Enquiring mind want to know how, with your high moral standards for public discourse you can support a man who speaks at a grade 4 level and used bc profanity in a speech to the Boy Scouts.

I know you aren't the brightest....far from it....but, sentences like this are like fingernails on the backboard to the educated.
"... pretend to care about unborn children when you have no concern or empathy for other women.

They are not book-ends in the dunce.

More to the point...your use of "unborn children."


Are these accurate quotes of yours?

“It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus….”

Pro-abortion? Why?

“…pretend that those who are not yet living, are alive and have rights.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“…a zygote is not a human being.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“ It's not a "human being", until it's sentient, aware, and able to breathe on its own. “

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

“The fetus is NOT a human being. “

The Politics of Pregnancy.

You seem.....let me be kind: "confused."
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.

There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

There is nothing more amusing that watching you pretend to care about unborn children when you have no concern or empathy for other women.

You have no knowledge of or concern for the financial issues working women deal with every day, which means you look at the issue of abortion from an intellectual, elitist position with no basis in fact or reality.

That natural response of any intelligent being reading the steaming pile of shit that forms the OP, is “what the actual fuck is this idiot posting?” but we do you the courtesy of forming a intellectually challenging response which you are incapable of refuting so you then turn to outrage over the profanity.

How can you support Donald Trump who uses profanity all of the time? Isn’t that hypocritical of you? isn’t this evidence of his moral unfitness to govern?

Enquiring mind want to know how, with your high moral standards for public discourse you can support a man who speaks at a grade 4 level and used bc profanity in a speech to the Boy Scouts.

"You have no knowledge of or concern for the financial issues working women deal with every day, which means you look at the issue of abortion from an intellectual, elitist position with no basis in fact or reality."

Why is that an alibi for murder?

I do know this: 98.5% of all abortions are for nothing more than convenience.

. The vast majority of abortion performed in the United States are carried out for reasons that can be broadly categorized as “matters of convenience.”

Nearly every abortion is based on convenience.....Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of consideration in deciding to execute the child you've created.

In a study of 27 nations, reasons for abortion services were found to be the following:

a. “Worldwide, the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment; lack of support from the father; desire to provide schooling for existing children; and poverty, unemployment or inability to afford additional children. In addition, relationship problems with a husband or partner and a woman's perception that she is too young constitute other important categories of reasons.” Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries

b. A 2004 study of American women yielded similar results: “The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

c. We must reject the view that inconvenience of a mother’s informed choice outweighs the unalienable right to life of the child she bears by virtue of that choice.
You better hope you’re right, because you likely are headed straight to Hell otherwise. I will pray for your poor deluded soul.

again, if the universe is so badly designed that the God of the Bible (A real prick who drowned every baby in the world, and then killed the baby of his Favorite king to teach him a lesson), I really don't mind NOT spending eternity with him.

Not that the bible says jack about abortion one way or the other, so I'm probably good.

Yes the bible does say something about abortion.

The bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of Numbers.

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion being murder or against the christian god's law.

The bible doesn't say that life begins at conception either. The bible says life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

What honest facts say is that what the anti choice people base their beliefs on is a lie.

There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

There is nothing more amusing that watching you pretend to care about unborn children when you have no concern or empathy for other women.

You have no knowledge of or concern for the financial issues working women deal with every day, which means you look at the issue of abortion from an intellectual, elitist position with no basis in fact or reality.

That natural response of any intelligent being reading the steaming pile of shit that forms the OP, is “what the actual fuck is this idiot posting?” but we do you the courtesy of forming a intellectually challenging response which you are incapable of refuting so you then turn to outrage over the profanity.

How can you support Donald Trump who uses profanity all of the time? Isn’t that hypocritical of you? isn’t this evidence of his moral unfitness to govern?

Enquiring mind want to know how, with your high moral standards for public discourse you can support a man who speaks at a grade 4 level and used bc profanity in a speech to the Boy Scouts.

The vulgarity gives away your deepest fear: knowledge of how weak both your mind and your argument is.
Did you really want to refer to a number of deaths??????


Fetuses aren't people. So there are no "Deaths".

Of course they are, Walter.

Homo sapiens.

Unless you'd like to claim otherwise. Please feel certainly won't damage your reputation to be wrong yet again.

"Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’
A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.”

...Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying:
The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.”

Ms Andersson then pointed out Carhart’s use of the word “baby” rather than “fetus”, asking why he would use that word when others prefer more dehumanizing terms.

“I think that it is a baby,” Carhart interrupted. “And I use [the word baby] with patients.”

Ms Andersson then asked if Carhart had any problem with killing a baby?

“Absolutely not,” Carhart coldly replied.

Much time and energy is spent trying to persuade pro-abortion apologists that an unborn baby is a human life, as though that fact wasn’t bleeding obvious to everyone."
WATCH: Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’

I don't think we spend time trying to convince them it's true, so much as we spend time trying to convince them to admit it.

I never expect them to admit it.......we have to post for the majority who don't post, and have never seen us prove the facts.

Don't stop!

Have you ever known me to stop speaking the truth, just because fools are committed to believing convenient lies? ;)

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