Liberals On Abortion

Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.

Bullshit. The kind of man who expects his wife to be a virgin on their wedding night is either emotionally immature or gay. Every guy I know who married a virgin, cheated on her.

I know one such virgin bride whose husband convinced her that his STD was “mono”, and that she needed to take antibiotics because of his “mono”.

They divorced after she caught him in bed with her hairdresser.

Has it occurred to you that your little anecdote tells us nothing about how normal relationships should be, and everything about how you hang around with really shitty people?
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.

Bullshit. The kind of man who expects his wife to be a virgin on their wedding night is either emotionally immature or gay. Every guy I know who married a virgin, cheated on her.

I know one such virgin bride whose husband convinced her that his STD was “mono”, and that she needed to take antibiotics because of his “mono”.

They divorced after she caught him in bed with her hairdresser.

Has it occurred to you that your little anecdote tells us nothing about how normal relationships should be, and everything about how you hang around with really shitty people?
She has to hang around with shitty people because it fits her world view.
Notice, not a single Republican talks about what is best for women?
It's best for women to avoid sex before marriage, keeping in mind her boyfriend might be immature, not ready for responsibility, has made commitments he hasn't kept in the past, has a bad reputation of sexual misconduct and disrespects women in thought, word, and deed.

The up side of a high standard means she will not become sterile due to an std, will not get pregnant, will not get her heart broken after the wedding, and will enjoy having respect for herself and others for life.

Bullshit. The kind of man who expects his wife to be a virgin on their wedding night is either emotionally immature or gay. Every guy I know who married a virgin, cheated on her.

I know one such virgin bride whose husband convinced her that his STD was “mono”, and that she needed to take antibiotics because of his “mono”.

They divorced after she caught him in bed with her hairdresser.

Has it occurred to you that your little anecdote tells us nothing about how normal relationships should be, and everything about how you hang around with really shitty people?
She has to hang around with shitty people because it fits her world view.

And decent people tend to file restraining orders, most likely.
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...
Has it occurred to you that your little anecdote tells us nothing about how normal relationships should be, and everything about how you hang around with really shitty people?

I'm curious what a 'normal' relationship is by you?


This is a fantasy! reality is relationships are complicated and have problems. Sorry.

Any guy who expects his wife to be a virgin while he plays the field (the old "Double Standard") is kind of a hypocrite. But that's what society kind of expected for a long time up until the 1970's, when women could sew their wild oats, too.

Now, I got to know this couple when I was in the Army. She was Asian-American, brought up in a strict Catholic household, and she got an abortion because her boyfriend wouldn't make good on his promise to marry her and she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Then a year later, she got back with the same guy and did it again.
There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

If we did love death, the Bible is the ultimate bit of snuff literature.

Yahweh had no problem offing babies when it amused him to do so. He killed every first born child in Egypt. He killed the baby of David and Bathsheba to teach David a lesson. (Not sure what that lesson was, since David kept on being a horn dog until the day he died.)

My personal favorite story is how Jephthah the Gileadite appeased the Lord by sacrificing his virgin daughter as a burnt offering.
Has it occurred to you that your little anecdote tells us nothing about how normal relationships should be, and everything about how you hang around with really shitty people?

I'm curious what a 'normal' relationship is by you?

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This is a fantasy! reality is relationships are complicated and have problems. Sorry.

Any guy who expects his wife to be a virgin while he plays the field (the old "Double Standard") is kind of a hypocrite. But that's what society kind of expected for a long time up until the 1970's, when women could sew their wild oats, too.

Now, I got to know this couple when I was in the Army. She was Asian-American, brought up in a strict Catholic household, and she got an abortion because her boyfriend wouldn't make good on his promise to marry her and she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Then a year later, she got back with the same guy and did it again.
Yeah. Let’s go back to the fifties. Much better time.
Yeah. Let’s go back to the fifties. Much better time.

Not if you were black. Or a woman. Or Gay.

I guess it was better for White Males...

But most of you guys fail to realize the reason it was is that you had unions and a government that put workers over corporations.

Not to worry, the GOP fixed that shit... and got dumb people like you to blame the darkies.
Yeah. Let’s go back to the fifties. Much better time.

Not if you were black. Or a woman. Or Gay.

I guess it was better for White Males...

But most of you guys fail to realize the reason it was is that you had unions and a government that put workers over corporations.

Not to worry, the GOP fixed that shit... and got dumb people like you to blame the darkies.
Works for me.
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?
There is nothing better in the amusement department than death lovers like you trying to find support in the Bible.

If we did love death, the Bible is the ultimate bit of snuff literature.

Yahweh had no problem offing babies when it amused him to do so. He killed every first born child in Egypt. He killed the baby of David and Bathsheba to teach David a lesson. (Not sure what that lesson was, since David kept on being a horn dog until the day he died.)

My personal favorite story is how Jephthah the Gileadite appeased the Lord by sacrificing his virgin daughter as a burnt offering.

You couldn’t be more wrong if your goal was to be more wrong.

As Prager notes, the Bible orders believers to concentrate on life, not death.

The Bible "wants human beings to focus on this life. … in contradistinction to Egypt’s holy work, The Book of the Dead, the Torah commands its followers to choose life: 19This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live; (Deuteronomy 30:19).

The Torah is so focused on this world, it forbids Jewish priests (kohanim) from having contact with dead bodies (Leviticus 21:1). I could find no other religion that forbade its priests from contact with the dead."
Prager, “Genesis”

See what you learned today?
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

You will never see a happy, uplifting post by Joe.......Walter.

Walter hates everyone and everything.

It appears that he chose that rather than admitting to himself who he really hates.
At least it keeps the pistol out of his mouth, so we put up with it.
Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?

abortion isn't murder. Even when abortion was illegal, it wasn't charged as "murder".

59 Million women have have had abortions, do you want to charge them all with murder?

I simply want them to see the light.
You couldn’t be more wrong if your goal was to be more wrong.

As Prager notes, the Bible orders believers to concentrate on life, not death.

Look,I realize that you guys need to "Disney" the Bible up to make it less awful than it really is, but the Old Testament was nothing of the sort. It was "God" inflicting horrible death on people who displeased him or ordering his followers to go around murdering people for breaking his laws or just to take their land. It's hundreds of pages of plagues, famines, murder, genocide and cruelty.

See what you learned today?

That you try to find an obscure verse to promote your point.

Let's just take one of the many stories in the bible that say the opposite. God killed David and Bathsheba's baby. Okay. David did wrong. He seduced (or raped, depending on your point of view) Uriah the Hittite's wife, then conspired to do a bad thing and got Uriah killed on the battlefield so he could swoop in and marry her. God went in and made their baby sick and it died.

Why did the BABY deserve to die for what David did? One could argue what Bathsheba's culpability was, whether she was coerced into sex or whether she was trading up, but the baby was innocent. God killed it to punish David.

Speaking of David and the Old Testament God acting like a Batman Villain, then you have the Census. God (or Satan) made David take a census. Then God was upset that David took the census, so he gave David a choice. Three years of Famine, three months of War or three days of pestilence. David took the latter one as the less evil, and God went about and smote 70,000 Israelites.

This is a God who celebrates life by you?

The message of the Bible isn't "God Loves you and wants you to live", it's "You better not make God angry or he'll straight up murder you!"

Now, I doubt you'll actually read either of these questions or engage in any intellectual debate on them. I suspect some canned Number Pointed Crazy we've come to expect from you.
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Um, actually, what I've found is that most women and men are kind of dumb, especially when it comes to sex and relationships.

Most people do an okay job preventing pregnancy, but no system is perfect. Birth control fails. People have sex with people who aren't good marriage material. Stuff happens.

As I said, maybe in this thread, when I was in the service, I knew a gal who was engaged to a fellow NCO. Asian American, college educated, strict religious background (Catholic). She wasn't stupid, by any means. But she managed to convince herself that if she got knocked up, suddenly he'd become a better boyfriend. Instead he dumped her. An abortion followed.

A year later... she got back with the same guy, got knocked up again. Abortion number 2. I lost track of her after that.

Now, yeah, this person made really bad choices. But you and PC, what's your solution? Make her have the babies? Put her in prison if she got an abortion from a shady provider?

We can talk all day about what people should do. Policy should be based on what they actually do.
You couldn’t be more wrong if your goal was to be more wrong.

As Prager notes, the Bible orders believers to concentrate on life, not death.

Look,I realize that you guys need to "Disney" the Bible up to make it less awful than it really is, but the Old Testament was nothing of the sort. It was "God" inflicting horrible death on people who displeased him or ordering his followers to go around murdering people for breaking his laws or just to take their land. It's hundreds of pages of plagues, famines, murder, genocide and cruelty.

See what you learned today?

That you try to find an obscure verse to promote your point.

Let's just take one of the many stories in the bible that say the opposite. God killed David and Bathsheba's baby. Okay. David did wrong. He seduced (or raped, depending on your point of view) Uriah the Hittite's wife, then conspired to do a bad thing and got Uriah killed on the battlefield so he could swoop in and marry her. God went in and made their baby sick and it died.

Why did the BABY deserve to die for what David did? One could argue what Bathsheba's culpability was, whether she was coerced into sex or whether she was trading up, but the baby was innocent. God killed it to punish David.

Speaking of David and the Old Testament God acting like a Batman Villain, then you have the Census. God (or Satan) made David take a census. Then God was upset that David took the census, so he gave David a choice. Three years of Famine, three months of War or three days of pestilence. David took the latter one as the less evil, and God went about and smote 70,000 Israelites.

This is a God who celebrates life by you?

The message of the Bible isn't "God Loves you and wants you to live", it's "You better not make God angry or he'll straight up murder you!"

Now, I doubt you'll actually read either of these questions or engage in any intellectual debate on them. I suspect some canned Number Pointed Crazy we've come to expect from you.
It’s always amusing when a non-believer posts their thoughts on God and the Bible.

Thanks for the laugh but really, you just exposed yourself as entirely ignorant.
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Um, actually, what I've found is that most women and men are kind of dumb, especially when it comes to sex and relationships.

Most people do an okay job preventing pregnancy, but no system is perfect. Birth control fails. People have sex with people who aren't good marriage material. Stuff happens.

As I said, maybe in this thread, when I was in the service, I knew a gal who was engaged to a fellow NCO. Asian American, college educated, strict religious background (Catholic). She wasn't stupid, by any means. But she managed to convince herself that if she got knocked up, suddenly he'd become a better boyfriend. Instead he dumped her. An abortion followed.

A year later... she got back with the same guy, got knocked up again. Abortion number 2. I lost track of her after that.

Now, yeah, this person made really bad choices. But you and PC, what's your solution? Make her have the babies? Put her in prison if she got an abortion from a shady provider?

We can talk all day about what people should do. Policy should be based on what they actually do.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.
It’s always amusing when a non-believer posts their thoughts on God and the Bible.

Thanks for the laugh but really, you just exposed yourself as entirely ignorant.

Can you actually refute the points that I make?

Didn't think so.

The difference between Atheists and Christians is that when an Atheist reads the bible, he actually critically interprets the words, as opposed to a Christian, who lets his priest/minister/pastor/cult leader TELL him what it means.

Now, for those playing along at home, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years before I realized it was all kind of nonsense and left. But even then, it was pretty clear to me that these guys were just making it up as they went.

"Um, Sister, the Bible says God wants no graven images, so why do we have all these statues?" WHACK!

"Why do the Gospels of Luke and Matthew have two different list of ancestors for Jesus, and they both go through Joseph, who wasn't Jesus' dad!" WHACK!

"Why did God drown all the babies in the world?" "Because they were WICKED babies... WIIIIIICKED!" (This is something a nun actually said. It's a good thing it cool to be a lesbian now and we don't have women picking up this awful lifestyle of becoming nuns!)

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