Liberals On Abortion

" Purveyors Of Good Gawd "

* Goofy As The Day Is Long *

Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.
As historically 75% of those having abortion are between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , with most already having children and choosing abortion over loss of employment status that would cause them to slide further into poverty which also results from a state , also espoused by the religious reich , that negatively reinforces compensation and reward for institutional welfare , you are talking out your ass about whether those individuals choosing abortion are making responsible decisions .

The religious reich does not consider the actual meaning of an after life as it seeks to foment the proliferation of those not of their own kindred who also have a high correlation between poverty and low IQ and who are also least likely to afford or manage their own contraception .

The religious reich does not consider the public indemnity to surrogate the social welfare of the inevitable plethora of individuals even as it purports to represent institutions of charity ; in fact , the religous reich seems to need the pitiful in order to justify its facade of legitimacy .
You just make up your own way to authorize the slaughter?

Everyone recognizes what you are.

What authorizes the slaughter is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

The problem with the abortion laws you want is that they would be unenforceable. Women won't obey them, cops won't investigate them and juries will never convict.

Again, read up on Abortion in the Philippines...

Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?
Joe doesn’t believe women are smart enough to employ techniques to prevent pregnancy. Even though it’s the simplest thing anyone can do. He’s a sexist you know?

Well, women preventing pregnancy would involve them being smart, mature, sensible, and making choices with some thought behind them. If that happened, Joe would never have even the smallest hope of getting laid.
Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.

The General Social Survey includes the question of whether a woman should be allowed to get an abortion if she “wants it for any reason.” Men almost always answer "Yes" in greater numbers than women do. Anyone really believe that's because all those men are big feminists, deeply concerned about "women's rights and freedom"?
I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.

Did you intend to get pregnant every time you had sex? Of course not.
Better question...did you expect NOT to get pregnant having unprotected sex?

I will never understand why leftists think, "I would not want to have a baby with this person. Perhaps I should therefore not have sex with this person" is a completely outrageous thought process that no one could ever possibly be expected to follow.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.

I just told everyone in the family that's hysterical!
" Vanity Of The Gawds "

* Get Thee To A Convent *

I will never understand why leftists think, "I would not want to have a baby with this person. Perhaps I should therefore not have sex with this person" is a completely outrageous thought process that no one could ever possibly be expected to follow.
That’s not my experience. And while I haven’t whored around like you, we were always careful.

That's nice. I was always careful, too, and never knocked anyone up. But people I've known have. Stuff happens.

The thing is, we can't give a blob of cells more human rights than the woman it is inside. That simply won't work. Because it won't stop at abortion. You'd have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. But there's more! You'd have to limit what women can eat, drink or where they can work because they might potentially harm hypothetical fetuses.

Or you can just accept what we've already accepted, that Abortion is birth control of last resort.
No. Stuff doesn’t happen. This is the opinion of an idiot, in an effort to justify stupidity.

Dumb people do dumb things. Why kill the baby because you’re dumb?

I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.

I just told everyone in the family that's hysterical!

Why, thank you. Funny 'cause it's true. No one has ever in all honesty looked around and said, "Damn it, I'm having sex again while I wasn't paying attention. How did that happen?" With the obvious exception of rape (because we all know the leftists LOVE to try to pretend that all abortions are the result of rape), every damned one of us can look at every single sexual encounter we've had and trace the timeline of conscious decisions that led to it.
" Hue Mammon Egoism "

* Selective Justification *

You're a Progressive.
Is killing in war murder ?

Murder is a legal construct , just as the constitution which stipulates when an individual receives protected/reprised wrights that includes a wright to life .

The meaning of an after life is literally to pass ones genetic identity to their offspring ; and , that quickly becomes a complex issue .

Please don't pretend to be able to try to excuse your savagery.

Accept that you are willing to murder the least able to protect themselves.

And accept the contumely of those more humane than you are.

For clarity:
Abortion in the killing of another human being.
98.5% of all abortions don't involve rape or incest.
Nearly all abortions are for convenience.
The unborn is not part of her body any more than a 6-month old breast feeding is.
There is no way to separate late term abortion from infanticide.
Government funding for abortion...Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion illegal.

Oh...and this fact: you are a savage.
I am 51 years old, and have had three children. Never once in my life did sex "just happen". There is no angle from which I can look at sex and say, "Well, that could be totally accidental." One does not EVER trip and accidentally fall onto a penis.

Did you intend to get pregnant every time you had sex? Of course not.
Better question...did you expect NOT to get pregnant having unprotected sex?

I will never understand why leftists think, "I would not want to have a baby with this person. Perhaps I should therefore not have sex with this person" is a completely outrageous thought process that no one could ever possibly be expected to follow.

They, Leftists, have been taught that personal responsibility is passe.......the great god government will take care of all contingencies.

"We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

And that appears to include the after-sex birth control called abortion.
" Boundaries Of Legitimacy "

* Practical Realism Over Unrealistic Idealism *

Please don't pretend to be able to try to excuse your savagery.
Accept that you are willing to murder the least able to protect themselves.
And accept the contumely of those more humane than you are.
For clarity:
Abortion in the killing of another human being.
98.5% of all abortions don't involve rape or incest.
Nearly all abortions are for convenience.
The unborn is not part of her body any more than a 6-month old breast feeding is.
There is no way to separate late term abortion from infanticide.
Government funding for abortion...Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion illegal.
Oh...and this fact: you are a savage.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and hue mammon vanity has led to gluttony , so send my tax dollars to planned parenthood and not to abstinence only programs for adults .

An ascetic emphasis that life is important does not justify histrionics demanding that all life is necessary .

In case you have not noticed omnivore , you have canine teeth ; so , keep your sanctimonious accusations about animalism with respect to the ethics of abortion behind those teeth .

A legitimate reason to intervene on behalf of an other could be a common understanding for pain that requires sentience and its onset is established by histology and not by antiquated and illegitimate presumptions for the sapient homunculus .
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" Boundaries Of Legitimacy "

* Practical Realism Over Unrealistic Idealism *

Please don't pretend to be able to try to excuse your savagery.
Accept that you are willing to murder the least able to protect themselves.
And accept the contumely of those more humane than you are.
For clarity:
Abortion in the killing of another human being.
98.5% of all abortions don't involve rape or incest.
Nearly all abortions are for convenience.
The unborn is not part of her body any more than a 6-month old breast feeding is.
There is no way to separate late term abortion from infanticide.
Government funding for abortion...Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion illegal.
Oh...and this fact: you are a savage.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and hue mammon vanity has led to gluttony , so send my tax dollars to planned parenthood and not to abstinence only programs for adults .

An ascetic emphasis that life is important does not justify histrionics demanding that all life is necessary .

In case you have not noticed omnivore , you have canine teeth ; so , keep your sanctimonious accusations for yourself about animalism with respect to the ethics of abortion .

A legitimate reason to intervene on behalf of an other could be a common understanding for pain that requires sentience and its onset is established by histology and not by antiquated and illegitimate presumptions for the sapient homunculus .

So your point is that you have more in common with lower animals than human beings?

I'll accept that.
" Higher Standard Of Reality "

* Mocked By Naturalism *

o your point is that you have more in common with lower animals than human beings?
I'll accept that.
We are all animals and just because you embrace a uniform fetish to quell your anxiety about an inevitable mortality by embracing an unrealistic idealism about the inter-workings of nature does not legitimize your ethics as being better than mine .

A basis of my ethics is for non violence principles within the contexts of a social civil contract between citizens where birth is required for citizenship and also for equal protection .
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" Higher Standard Of Reality "

* Mocked By Naturalism *

o your point is that you have more in common with lower animals than human beings?
I'll accept that.
We are all animals and just because you embrace a uniform fetish to quell your anxiety about an inevitable mortality by embracing an unrealistic idealism about the inter-workings of nature does not legitimize your ethics as being better than mine .

A basis of my ethics is for non violence principles within the contexts of a social civil contract between citizens where birth is required for citizenship and also for equal protection .

You have no ethics.

You accept the law of the jungle.....

All of you Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are subscribers to death rather than life.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
" Purveyors Of Good Gawd "

* Goofy As The Day Is Long *

Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.
As historically 75% of those having abortion are between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , with most already having children and choosing abortion over loss of employment status that would cause them to slide further into poverty which also results from a state , also espoused by the religious reich , that negatively reinforces compensation and reward for institutional welfare , you are talking out your ass about whether those individuals choosing abortion are making responsible decisions .

The religious reich does not consider the actual meaning of an after life as it seeks to foment the proliferation of those not of their own kindred who also have a high correlation between poverty and low IQ and who are also least likely to afford or manage their own contraception .

The religious reich does not consider the public indemnity to surrogate the social welfare of the inevitable plethora of individuals even as it purports to represent institutions of charity ; in fact , the religous reich seems to need the pitiful in order to justify its facade of legitimacy .
Religious reich? LMFAO.
" Purveyors Of Good Gawd "

* Goofy As The Day Is Long *

Abortion has granted men an opportunity to relieve them of responsibility. The age of free sex and baby murder has benefited men a lot more than women. So, naturally Joe is for it.
As historically 75% of those having abortion are between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , with most already having children and choosing abortion over loss of employment status that would cause them to slide further into poverty which also results from a state , also espoused by the religious reich , that negatively reinforces compensation and reward for institutional welfare , you are talking out your ass about whether those individuals choosing abortion are making responsible decisions .

The religious reich does not consider the actual meaning of an after life as it seeks to foment the proliferation of those not of their own kindred who also have a high correlation between poverty and low IQ and who are also least likely to afford or manage their own contraception .

The religious reich does not consider the public indemnity to surrogate the social welfare of the inevitable plethora of individuals even as it purports to represent institutions of charity ; in fact , the religous reich seems to need the pitiful in order to justify its facade of legitimacy .
Religious reich? LMFAO.


The only religion allowed in this culture is militant secularism.
Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?

abortion isn't murder. Even when abortion was illegal, it wasn't charged as "murder".

59 Million women have have had abortions, do you want to charge them all with murder?

I get so sick and tired of the far right radical extremists going after women.

The woman didn't get pregnant on her own. Sperm from a man is needed for a pregnancy to happen.

If people are going to start arresting women for having an abortion then the man who made her pregnant should be arrested, charged and prosecuted too.

It's always so one sided. Hold that man just as responsible for that abortion as the woman.

I'm sure the anti choice people are against it but if they want to persecute the woman the man should also face the same consequences.
" Ad Hominem Flatulence From The Religious Reich "

* Blanket Generalizations Of Ignorance By Fools *

You have no ethics.
You accept the law of the jungle.....
All of you Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are subscribers to death rather than life.
I am a pro-choice republican and the only thing you are conservative about , that is conservation of authoritarian government management , is for moral puritanism of social behavior , as otherwise you are an economic liberal in that you oppose government management of economics and emphasize free enterprise .

* Non Violence Principles Explain It Better Than You *
None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).
They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.
They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
My ethics have not abandoned an emphasis on hue mammon life or its individual liberty ; it simply rejects a perspective that elective abortion by individuals equates to tyranny by authoritarian government .
Far easier for her not to get pregnant before resorting to murder.

You didn't know that?

abortion isn't murder. Even when abortion was illegal, it wasn't charged as "murder".

59 Million women have have had abortions, do you want to charge them all with murder?

I get so sick and tired of the far right radical extremists going after women.

The woman didn't get pregnant on her own. Sperm from a man is needed for a pregnancy to happen.

If people are going to start arresting women for having an abortion then the man who made her pregnant should be arrested, charged and prosecuted too.

It's always so one sided. Hold that man just as responsible for that abortion as the woman.

I'm sure the anti choice people are against it but if they want to persecute the woman the man should also face the same consequences.

There is no far right in this country.....remember how I forced you to admit it yesterday?


There is no Far Right in this country.

Only a Far Left.

Easily proven.

As documented in a number of threads, there is no Far Right in America, but certainly is a Far Left, radicals who have taken over one of the parties….the Democrats. A reminder: To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center. American traditions, values, and history represent that center. The Right, represented by the Republican Party, has no radial positions not consistent with America’s heritage…..but the Democrats sure do!

Subservient to the master they serve, that fire and brimstone guy, the Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Talk about “Far”!!!!

Your challenge:

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
" Ad Hominem Flatulence From The Religious Reich "

* Blanket Generalizations Of Ignorance By Fools *

You have no ethics.
You accept the law of the jungle.....
All of you Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are subscribers to death rather than life.
I am a pro-choice republican and the only thing you are conservative about , that is conservation of authoritarian government management , is for moral puritanism of social behavior , as otherwise you are an economic liberal in that you oppose government management of economics and emphasize free enterprise .

* Non Violence Principles Explain It Better Than You *
None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).
They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.
They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
My ethics have not abandoned an emphasis on hue mammon life or its individual liberty ; it simply rejects a perspective that elective abortion by individuals equates to tyranny by authoritarian government .

I said earlier that we can agree that you endorse murder of the least protected.

What more is there to say?
" Exceptions For Adultery "

* Least Protected Farce *

I said earlier that we can agree that you endorse murder of the least protected.
What more is there to say?
19 And the priest shall cause her to swear, and shall say unto the woman: 'If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness, being under thy husband, be thou free from this water of bitterness that causeth the curse;
20 but if thou hast gone aside, being under thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee besides thy husband--
21 then the priest shall cause the woman to swear with the oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman--the LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to fall away, and thy belly to swell;
22 and this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, and make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to fall away'; and the woman shall say: 'Amen, Amen.'
23 And the priest shall write these curses in a scroll, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness. 24 And he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that causeth the curse; and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her and become bitter.
I'm pretty sure ALL pro-lifers understand that a separate human organism begins at conception, since that's what every Embryology textbook in the world says. 'Person', on the other hand, is the sort of imprecise, feelings-based language used by 'tards like you who ditched high school biology to smoke weed behind the gym.

It'd be nice, however, if you could show us some scientific basis for this "tissue/baby demarkation [sic]" that you invented to try to pretend you had an argument.
I'm pretty sure ALL pro-choicers understand that there is a fundamental difference between a single cell, really just a blueprint for a human being, and a fully-developed human being. That cell is capable of no more than any other cell on the planet whereas that fully-developed human is capable of things no other species on the planet is capable of.
A fully developed human being? That would be a twenty five year old because that is when the human brain is fully developed.
Not in my case, but I'll let you know when it happens...

Actually, I'm willing to settle for a functioning Cerebrum

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