Liberals Pathetically Pretend that They Suddenly Care About Police Officers

It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?
Don't be silly, we've always cared. Just because we think the bad ones should pay for their crimes doesn't mean we don't support the good ones.
Read the OP again. Try to understand it this time. The contrast of the two different liberal reactions refer to the Antifa/BLM riots that killed innocent people and cops; and the Antifa/BLM actions at the Capitol Building that killed one cop. Neither case involves criminal action by the cops.

The fact that you liberal numbnuts do NOT support the cops is quite evident in your drive to defund them.
Shouldn't this go into the conspiracy section?
How is something that's operating right up in everyone's grill a conspiracy?

Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters
We know that happened.....Numerous witnesses saw them being brought in on private buses.

Of course, loons like you reject such realities and substitute them for hallucinations of your own.

The same bus bringing Trump back in to be president again. Just wait...........LOL.

Now your reply shows you have quickly run out of arguments, just empty babble is all you have left.

It's funny how Trump supporters are even so embarrassed by what they did that they have to try and blame others.


Still no new argument just more babble comes from you. You haven't addressed this statement at all:

Because it never happened.
So dozens ( hundreds?) of eyewitnesses are hallucinating and/or lying, and pknopp the moonbat who wasn't even there holds all the revealed truths about the day?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laugh2:

Many claimed Trump was going to triumphantly ride back into D.C. and be president many times now also, so yeah, hallucinating or whatever you want to blame it on.
Another content free non-argument.

You have no idea what any one of the eyewitnesses believed, let alone "many".

I'm sure they "believe" all kinds of things.
Shouldn't this go into the conspiracy section?
How is something that's operating right up in everyone's grill a conspiracy?

Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters
We know that happened.....Numerous witnesses saw them being brought in on private buses.

Of course, loons like you reject such realities and substitute them for hallucinations of your own.

The same bus bringing Trump back in to be president again. Just wait...........LOL.

Now your reply shows you have quickly run out of arguments, just empty babble is all you have left.

It's funny how Trump supporters are even so embarrassed by what they did that they have to try and blame others.


Still no new argument just more babble comes from you. You haven't addressed this statement at all:

Because it never happened.
So dozens ( hundreds?) of eyewitnesses are hallucinating and/or lying, and pknopp the moonbat who wasn't even there holds all the revealed truths about the day?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laugh2:

Many claimed Trump was going to triumphantly ride back into D.C. and be president many times now also, so yeah, hallucinating or whatever you want to blame it on.
Another content free non-argument.

You have no idea what any one of the eyewitnesses believed, let alone "many".

I'm sure they "believe" all kinds of things.
You're not a mind reader....Dozens of eyewitnesses saw Pantifa punks in Trump garb getting off of private buses, and that is a fact.

Now go play on the freeway, moonbat.
Shouldn't this go into the conspiracy section?
How is something that's operating right up in everyone's grill a conspiracy?

Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters
We know that happened.....Numerous witnesses saw them being brought in on private buses.

Of course, loons like you reject such realities and substitute them for hallucinations of your own.

The same bus bringing Trump back in to be president again. Just wait...........LOL.

Now your reply shows you have quickly run out of arguments, just empty babble is all you have left.

It's funny how Trump supporters are even so embarrassed by what they did that they have to try and blame others.


Still no new argument just more babble comes from you. You haven't addressed this statement at all:

Because it never happened.
So dozens ( hundreds?) of eyewitnesses are hallucinating and/or lying, and pknopp the moonbat who wasn't even there holds all the revealed truths about the day?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao: :laugh2:

Many claimed Trump was going to triumphantly ride back into D.C. and be president many times now also, so yeah, hallucinating or whatever you want to blame it on.
Another content free non-argument.

You have no idea what any one of the eyewitnesses believed, let alone "many".

I'm sure they "believe" all kinds of things.

When are you going to answer this statement?

"We know that happened.....Numerous witnesses saw them being brought in on private buses."

Several people here have been waiting.... waiting, waiting

Waiting for you to stop with the stupid evasions and answer the freaking statement!
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

No one on the left has killed a police officer, or attacked and beaten police officers, with American flags.

Given that your post blames the left for the injuries and the violence last summer, when nearly all of the arrests made last summer for violence and destruction involved right wing militia groups, and 4chan anarchists, shows you utter ignorance about the protests. No members of BLM were arrested for any violence or destruction. The same cannot be said of the right, including Kyle Rittenhaus - a right winger facing two murder charges and an attempted murder charge.

The whole point of the radical right causing violence at these protests was to discredit the left and have them blamed for the violence, and here you are, right on cue, trying to do just that.

It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

No one on the left has killed a police officer, or attacked and beaten police officers, with American flags.

Given that your post blames the left for the injuries and the violence last summer, when nearly all of the arrests made last summer for violence and destruction involved right wing militia groups, and 4chan anarchists, shows you utter ignorance about the protests. No members of BLM were arrested for any violence or destruction. The same cannot be said of the right, including Kyle Rittenhaus - a right winger facing two murder charges and an attempted murder charge.

The whole point of the radical right causing violence at these protests was to discredit the left and have them blamed for the violence, and here you are, right on cue, trying to do just that.

It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

You don't seem to care about the 140 capitol officers who were injured in the capitol riots by Trump supporters. Or the one who was killed. You are hypocrites.
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?
Don't be silly, we've always cared. Just because we think the bad ones should pay for their crimes doesn't mean we don't support the good ones.
There are no good cops.
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

Uh, guy, less cops were killed in 2020 than were killed in 2019.

According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, when you take out the deaths due to TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), only 128 officers were killed in the line of duty in 2020, compared to 150 in 2019.

35 civilians were killed in last years "TRUMP RIOTS(TM)" But only one police officer? I don't consider that to be that big of a deal.

I don't get worked up about police cars or buildings that were damaged because people finally got fed up over decades of police misconduct. Things can be replaced, lives cannot.
Law and Order without Justice is under attack. Not the millions of LE deputies, agents and officers but the few rogues who abuse the law and the use of force policy. A very few radicals support defunding police agencies; the vast majority of Americans understand that without LE to enforce the laws we would live in an anarchy. Such we saw on 6 January when the Capitol Building was stormed, and all of these criminals were Trump Supporters.
1. not anarchy at all-it was a protest
2. no, not a few support defunding --that's TOTAL bullshit councils have VOTED to defund/etc the police -DUH
3. stop LYING---lots of blacks/Dems/etc HATE the police

You are an idiot, to make the claim that 6 January was a protest was to take a euphemism to the extreme. It was a violent riot planned by far right extremists who oppose democracy and use the Conspiracy story that the election was stolen.
you are an idiot --it was a protest .....the BLM/etc crap are riots
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

Speak for yourself. Shame you are too stupid to know the difference.
they LOVE it when cops are murdered, except if it fits their politics

Speak for YOURSELF.
you LOVE criminals and HATE cops
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?

Uh, guy, less cops were killed in 2020 than were killed in 2019.

According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, when you take out the deaths due to TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), only 128 officers were killed in the line of duty in 2020, compared to 150 in 2019.

35 civilians were killed in last years "TRUMP RIOTS(TM)" But only one police officer? I don't consider that to be that big of a deal.

I don't get worked up about police cars or buildings that were damaged because people finally got fed up over decades of police misconduct. Things can be replaced, lives cannot.
...there have not been decades/problems of police misconduct
...but we know there have been decades/problems of black crime
You don't seem to care about the 140 capitol officers who were injured in the capitol riots by Trump supporters. Or the one who was killed. You are hypocrites.
Wasn't a riot.

Many were just DRESSED as Trump supporters. (Actually were Antifa/BLM shitheads.)

You don't seem to care about the civilians and cops that were killed in YOUR nationwide riots...or the buildings and police properties that were torched...or the civilian businesses that were broken into and LOOTED.

It is you and your ilk that are the hypocrites.
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?
Don't be silly, we've always cared. Just because we think the bad ones should pay for their crimes doesn't mean we don't support the good ones.
Read the OP again. Try to understand it this time. The contrast of the two different liberal reactions refer to the Antifa/BLM riots that killed innocent people and cops; and the Antifa/BLM actions at the Capitol Building that killed one cop. Neither case involves criminal action by the cops.

The fact that you liberal numbnuts do NOT support the cops is quite evident in your drive to defund them.
Son, the OP is conspiracy theory bullshit. I have read it. Nobody understands it.
It's almost comical, and surely pathetic, to see liberals pretending that they suddenly care about "America's men in uniform" because a handful of Trump protestors and some Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters assaulted some police officers during the January 6 riot at the Capitol building. Where was the liberal concern for "our men in uniform" when leftist rioters assaulted dozens of police officers, killed a police officer, killed a retired police officer, seriously injured over a dozen police officers, burned police cars, and trashed a police building during the George Floyd riots last summer?

Liberals, why were you silent when your anti-American leftist buddies were killing cops, wounding cops, burning cop cars, and trashing a police building last summer? How about the 19 other people who were killed by your rioting leftist buddies during the riots? "Acceptable casualties for social justice"?
Don't be silly, we've always cared. Just because we think the bad ones should pay for their crimes doesn't mean we don't support the good ones.
There are no good cops.
Sure there are, I know dozens of them because of my work.

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