Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


You think one crazy crackpot in FloriDuh deserves your attention? Can't you find anything else to post about? Bored much?

You are an attention whore. Your thread title is a fucking lie, too.

Unfortunately, he reflects the view of many of you other crazy crackpots.
He does? Care to provide proof of your assertion?

It is my opinion based upon observation of behaviors exhibited by crazy crackpots. Anyone making even a cursory observation of said behavior will publicly agree, excepting those who hold views similar to those of crazy crackpots.
What I want to know is...where the hell is Sean Penn?

When Katrina hit New Orleans, Sean was out there in a john boat, rescuing people from the flood. Does he not like Trump voters, or something?


Sean Penn came in, did a brief photo op and left. FACT.
No boat?

Yes, he did have someone drive him around in a boat... with a camera crew.

I guess you like lee and other traitors who voted at West Point to support the gov.?
You lost big time, remember?
Welfare queens? Talk about living in the past.
I bet you are sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare?

Sorry Moon Bat but none of those apply to me.

The stupid Moon Bat spewed his hate and he was too dumb to know that it applied to the welfare queens and Illegals in Harris County that carried the area for that asshole Crooked Hillary. Those are the ones suffering the most from the flooding That is the karma he was talking about. Typical Libtard. Dumber than a door knob and full of hate.
This is a thread whining about mean old lefties. The right are being equal turds.
My only point.

REALLY? Please provide a link to a story that shows any Conservatives claiming Texas deserves this disaster because of the way they voted back in November 2016.....

I'll wait....
Easy, I made my point. You guys are just as miserable and uncharitable as anyone on the left. Read my post. That's all I've got to say about it.
This professor is yet another example of how Leftists / Democrats / snowflakes can not simply be appalled by what one of their dumbasses stupidly say and condemn him. Oh, no. They have to spend the next hour making excuses for him, justifying his actions, and try to come up with different ways to spin it to where it is not their issue at all but is instead a GOP problem.

They have demonstrated this regarding antifa, as well.

After Charlottesville Trump came out and ACCURATELY condemn 'BOTH' sides for their share in the violence. Liberals went ape-shit over how Trump could condemn anyone but the white extremists. 2 marches later, and it has become clear that THE problem is the extremely violent Left wing, self-proclaimed Anti-American fascist 'antifa' who is the problem.

Liberals could still not bring themselves to admit that they were wrong, and Trump was right. Now they can to bring themselves to admit it is the Liberal Left Extremists causing the violence and can not bring themselves to condemn their own violence.

The left, according to the left, is never wrong, is never violent, is never at fault, is never responsible, never apologizes, is never held accountable.

This liberal POS declares Texans deserve this for voting for Trump and still, in their minds, it is somehow the GOP's fault he said what he said.

Remarkable. You can't fix stupid...or bat-shit crazy partisanship...
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


You think one crazy crackpot in FloriDuh deserves your attention? Can't you find anything else to post about? Bored much?

You are an attention whore. Your thread title is a fucking lie, too.
Because Easy is a tool who delights in bullshit sensationalism rather than actual issues.
Easy, I made my point. You guys are just as miserable and uncharitable as anyone on the left. Read my post. That's all I've got to say about it.
No, OL, you made your unsubstantiated OPINION known. I am still waiting on that link to a story that shows any Conservatives claiming Texas deserves this disaster because of the way they voted back in November 2016....
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired
Tell me he isn't a nutbar. Crap you can tell by looking at him he's a fruitloop.
Just another radicalized Democrat nutjob. I think most Americans are sick & tired of them at this point. I know Democrats are boasting about all their coming 'Landslide Victories' over Republicans, but i have a feeling their boasts are gonna prove to be just another embarrassing failure for them. They're vastly underestimating how angry rational common sense-thinking Americans are with them. They may punish Democrats bigtime come election day.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

Hagee Says Hurricane Katrina Struck New Orleans Because It Was ‘Planning A Sinful’ ‘Homosexual Rally’

Pastor John Hagee — whose endorsement Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said this past Sunday he was “glad to have” — told NPR’s Terry Gross that “Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.” “New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God,” Hagee said, because “there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came.”
The Left fires their idiots who say something like that....the trumpanzees support them and send them money.
Because Easy is a tool who delights in bullshit sensationalism rather than actual issues.
Analysis: Personal attacks devoid of any factual or otherwise information that provides anything worthwhile to the discussion. Yeah, that's about standard for liberals who have nothing EXCEPT insults and personal attacks. It's their 'white flag'.

What I want to know is...where the hell is Sean Penn?

When Katrina hit New Orleans, Sean was out there in a john boat, rescuing people from the flood. Does he not like Trump voters, or something?


Sean Penn came in, did a brief photo op and left. FACT.
No boat?

Yes, he did have someone drive him around in a boat... with a camera crew.
In Houston? Seriously?

No, New Orleans.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Sean Penn came in, did a brief photo op and left. FACT.
No boat?

Yes, he did have someone drive him around in a boat... with a camera crew.
In Houston? Seriously?

No, New Orleans.
Well, yes. That's what I said. Penn went to New Orleans and puttered around in a john boat. So why isn't he in Houston doing the same thing? There are people trapped on rooftops, for god's sake!

Who knows. Who cares. One thing's for sure, he'd be a hoot with a bunch of Houstonians and the Cajun Navy folks.
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired
Yep.....good he was fired....not praised and rewarded like some hack like Robertson was.

I have never heard of this Robertson.
Of course you haven't.
You mean the left has sunk to the level of the right?
No, snowflake.

Conservatives did not get busted in their own personal e-mails being racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites....did not rig primaries, engage in election fraud, cheat in debates, protect their criminal candidate from indictment so she could run, still lose, then start conspiracy theories to cover up that their candidate was a complete and utter criminal loser.

Conservatives did not call for military coups, call for assassinations, then try to carry out those assassinations.

No, Republicans did not set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA, illegally spy on Americans / the media / the US Senate / the USSC, did not illegally use the IRS as a political weapon to use against Americans,

Republicans did not drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists acquire their own countries, did not set free terrorists, terrorist leaders, and pay Iran and terrorists for US hostages...

Republicans are not the ones now dressing up as thugs, openly declaring to be anti-American Anarchists set on destroying the country, using violence to deny Constitutional Rights and silence all other voices / ideology but their own....

No, one has sunk as low as the openly seditious / treasonous violent fascist left.
So much bullshit in only one post.
1. Conservatives don't need email to expose them as being racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. You wear it proudly out in the open.
2. Repugs have engaged in election fraud for decades. Purging voter rolls before elections. Having too few or faulty voting machines in districts where more democratic voters live. Having boxes of ballots suddenly appear at the last minute giving the repug candidate the edge. Having the manufacturer of voting machines promise to deliver the election to the repug candidate.
3. Iraq and Afghanistan say hello.
4. Iran Ccontra says hello.
5. Repugs dress up in sheets and hoods, paramilitary uniforms, proudly carrying Nazi and Confederate flags, and plow into crowds with a car. Using violence and intimidation to deny Constitutional Rights and silence all other voices / ideology but their own....

Of course none of this addresses the point. In past natural disasters, whether it be tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, etc. Right wing crackpots were going around claiming that God was punishing the effected areas for various reasons - accepting gay rights, liberalism, and a bunch of other nonsensical reasons. Now that God is apparently punishing red state Texas, all you wingnuts are losing your mind because some crackpot is singing your tune.
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired

Very throat punchable...and a pajama boy. The slug can't even grow a proper beard

"The slug can't even grow a proper beard"

That's because SJW faggots have very low testosterone, but they are high in estrogen, the SJW wimmens are usually the opposite, very high in testosterone and low in estrogen.

This is why the freaks don't know which bathroom to use, lol and they think they can lead some type of Mega Revolution, they can't even decide if they should use a sit down toilet or a urinal :uhoh3: :lol:
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired

Very throat punchable...and a pajama boy. The slug can't even grow a proper beard

"The slug can't even grow a proper beard"

That's because SJW faggots have very low testosterone, but they are high in estrogen, the SJW wimmens are usually the opposite, very high in testosterone and low in estrogen.

Explains dykes with mustaches
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Good. Now if only the RW had the same high standards.

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