Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

You can start by researching Pat Robertson, and then just go down the list of other religious nuts who have claimed natural disasters are caused by God's anger at a long list of non-republican things. The premise is purely republican. I think the idea of God destroying things for political purposes is ridiculous, but it's your idea. Live with it. The rest of the crap you wrote is bullshit.
Waiting for that link, snowflake.....solid OPINION, though. :p
Your article:

visiting assistant professor

Visiting, probably from the GOP. We know the GOP doesn't care about those people. Remember, it was the GOP that wants to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans. The GOP has been a plague on America for decades. But it hasn't been until Bush and Trump that they actually made an effort to destroy this country.

Your post deserves the same response.....a pile of bullshit. :p
Same ol' triggered snowflake rant.....
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


You think one crazy crackpot in FloriDuh deserves your attention? Can't you find anything else to post about? Bored much?

You are an attention whore. Your thread title is a fucking lie, too.

That crazy crackpot is a university professor. Our universities are filled with libtard nitwits like this clod.

Libtard? 2nd grade insult.
Foul mouth. Dead giveaway for limited Ed.
And which college did you attend pray tell?
I guess you didn't graduate at 23 and start at $90k with an engineering degree like my Niece
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


One data point? You really are a fool, and, even if a single liberal went that low, you would still look up at him or her.

He is typical for a stupid hateful Moon Bat.

Not only is he full of mindless Liberal hate but like most Liberals he is dumber than a door knob not even knowing that the welfare queens and illegals in Harris County voted for that asshole Crooked Hillary.
Just because a liberal or conservative makes a comment does not mean they represent all or even a small amount of liberals or conservatives. So far, this disaster seems to bring out the usual best in Americans as politics are set aside and folks find all kinds of ways to help out.
Those who politicize this disaster should be ignored and shunned at best. The politicizing is actually an effort that hurts fund raising and efforts to help. It puts personal politics in front of what is best for the country.
Your article:

visiting assistant professor

Visiting, probably from the GOP. We know the GOP doesn't care about those people. Remember, it was the GOP that wants to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans. The GOP has been a plague on America for decades. But it hasn't been until Bush and Trump that they actually made an effort to destroy this country.

Your post deserves the same response.....a pile of bullshit. :p
Same ol' triggered snowflake rant.....

I thought snowflakes were batman attired high school white trumpies.
Very educational
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


The Professor is an idiot of course, they must be a SJW Professor, the most destruction is in Houston which is Harris County and Harris County voted for Hillary and Houston voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.

Houston is being punished for voting for Hillary.

View attachment 146564

There's no shading it, Harris County went undeniably blue

The large blue in the picture below is Houston.

View attachment 146567

Results: How Houston voted in the 2016 presidential race

Election Center 2016 | Houston Public Media
Texas is just like all of the other states. The good parts are Republican and the bad parts are Troglocrat.
All this op shows is there are plenty of crazy's in & out of every political party.

I don't know. Yeah sure the guys tweet was an incredible ignorant statement lacking empathy for all those effected by the storm, but it hardly rates as the hate filled rant the Daily Caller describes it to be. But that doesn't stop the herd from lapping up the Stupid Red Sauce like it was Sweet Nectar instead of the vile, putrid seed of unreasonable hatred that it is.
Texans voted for Trump
Trump pulled us out of the Paris accords and reversed Climate Change initiatives
Because of increased temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, more severe hurricanes will be produced

You get what you pay for
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


One data point? You really are a fool, and, even if a single liberal went that low, you would still look up at him or her.

He is typical for a stupid hateful Moon Bat.

Not only is he full of mindless Liberal hate but like most Liberals he is dumber than a door knob not even knowing that the welfare queens and illegals in Harris County voted for that asshole Crooked Hillary.

I guess you like lee and other traitors who voted at West Point to support the gov.?
You lost big time, remember?
Welfare queens? Talk about living in the past.
I bet you are sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare?

When you see bars on windows, shut-down businesses, abandoned houses, crime scene tape, illiterate graffiti, drug dealers, street walkers, trash blowing around....... you know that you are in a Democrat area.
You mean the left has sunk to the level of the right?
No, snowflake.

Conservatives did not get busted in their own personal e-mails being racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites....did not rig primaries, engage in election fraud, cheat in debates, protect their criminal candidate from indictment so she could run, still lose, then start conspiracy theories to cover up that their candidate was a complete and utter criminal loser.

Conservatives did not call for military coups, call for assassinations, then try to carry out those assassinations.

No, Republicans did not set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA, illegally spy on Americans / the media / the US Senate / the USSC, did not illegally use the IRS as a political weapon to use against Americans,

Republicans did not drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists acquire their own countries, did not set free terrorists, terrorist leaders, and pay Iran and terrorists for US hostages...

Republicans are not the ones now dressing up as thugs, openly declaring to be anti-American Anarchists set on destroying the country, using violence to deny Constitutional Rights and silence all other voices / ideology but their own....

No, one has sunk as low as the openly seditious / treasonous violent fascist left.
What I want to know is...where the hell is Sean Penn?

When Katrina hit New Orleans, Sean was out there in a john boat, rescuing people from the flood. Does he not like Trump voters, or something?


Sean Penn came in, did a brief photo op and left. FACT.
You can start by researching Pat Robertson, and then just go down the list of other religious nuts who have claimed natural disasters are caused by God's anger at a long list of non-republican things. The premise is purely republican. I think the idea of God destroying things for political purposes is ridiculous, but it's your idea. Live with it. The rest of the crap you wrote is bullshit.
Waiting for that link, snowflake.....solid OPINION, though. :p

No the right isn't claiming God is punishing them. According to them, God only punishes those with different political beliefs than them.
Given what most libs think of Texas, you know many of them are gleefully giggling. That's why I just laugh when they start giving morality and compassion lectures. They don't give two fucks.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

SCREW......Red State TEX-ASS! TEX-ASS is an oil state and does not believe in "Climate Change". The citizens of TEX-ASS (especially HOUSTON) belittles the scientist on global climate change and the burning of fossil fuels and they will be promptly DROWNED!!!

DREAD WATER HOUSTON.......DREAD WATER and stop you bitching!
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

He if one person said it....why does your thread title say "liberals"?
After all the despicable things butt-hurt liberals have done and said, to include call for assassinations and attempts to carry out those assassinations, do you REALLY think this guy is 'unique', that he is the only bat-shit crazy libtard who thinks this way.

If you say yes, you are not being intellectually honest....
Is that the excuse you are going with....that there "might be" others yet all you can provide is the one guy? Sloppy argument there, trumpanzee. Very sloppy.

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