Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

Because Easy is a tool who delights in bullshit sensationalism rather than actual issues.
Analysis: Personal attacks devoid of any factual or otherwise information that provides anything worthwhile to the discussion. Yeah, that's about standard for liberals who have nothing EXCEPT insults and personal attacks. It's their 'white flag'.


That's right. Well except that the sensationalism used by the Daily Caller was paraphrasing what was actually posted (and parroted by you) is a fact. What they claim he posted was much more sensational than what was actually posted. I'm pretty sure this type of journalism is the accepted norm for those on the right too.
Houston's black RaT mayor told them to stay and not evacuate. What's sacrificing a few for the good of trying to pin blame on Trump like they did Bush after Katrina?
The long demented tactics of the left. In 1992, big election year and just a few months before the election in swing state Florida, late August Hurricane Andrew hit.

Lawton Chiles, democrat governor deliberately did not formally ask for federal help from FEMA. He held off on declaring a state of emergency. As a result, the federal government was delayed and the aid came in slowly.

The mass media of course blamed Bush 41 and Clinton went down with photo opps. No one in the media question Chiles and that was the hype.

You all may think I am nuts. I am not. This is what they are and this is what they do to gain power.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Can't have too much of that politically incorrect free speech now, can we?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Good. Now if only the RW had the same high standards.
/----/ Do you have evidence that a Conservative professor said something as stupid at that? Do you have evidence that there are any conservative professors anywhere?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

when I wished Texas well in Announcements on Saturday, Zander--who is one of yours, I believe--said:
I am a realist that has no tolerance for the pretend world of the online leftists...
Don't start a fucking thread that says "hang in there". That's just lame!
No. It's lame. Sorta like telling people in texas to "hang in there".
Telling people to "hang in there" is not supportive or kind or clever. It's lame as fuck. Even if you think you mean it......

So don't you start whining about what the LEFT says.
He can whine anytime he wants, you free speech hating fascist.
Yup. And I can tell him to stop being such a hypocrite anytime I want, you mean old sonuvabitch.

Out come the personal attacks when presented with their own fascism while attacking those that call out left wing fascism. You must hate that the twat professor got fired - you are of the same ilk.
Not at all; you clearly are a mean old sonuvabitch. I made a clear point that there are mean spirited jerks on both sides of this "issue," which really isn't an issue anyway; it's a storm and people are too bored to find anything better to do than flap their gums about bullshit.
That professor takes politics way too seriously. So do some of the people responding to the professors inane reaction. I'm going to keep wishing Texas well, applauding the volunteers, including the Cajun Navy, and pointing out that not only lefties are losing their minds and their humanity over this, even though I've taken shit for all those things.
So deal with it.
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired

Very throat punchable...and a pajama boy. The slug can't even grow a proper beard

"The slug can't even grow a proper beard"

That's because SJW faggots have very low testosterone, but they are high in estrogen, the SJW wimmens are usually the opposite, very high in testosterone and low in estrogen.

"I need my service animal! I need my service animal!"

Lol. You don't have a service animal, you commie pig. You have a pet that you have abused with your own neuroses and that you force other people to put up with because you call it a *service animal*.

LOL! WATCH ANTIFA THUG Cry Like A Baby After Berkeley Police Unmask and Arrest Her *
That area in Houston that the dumbass Moon Bat is saying karma about contains the district that elected that moron Shelia Jackson Lee to Congress.

If it wasn't for other Democrat idiots like Maxine Waters, Alcee Hastings and Debbie Dumbass Schultz she would have the top honor of being be most stupid member of Congress.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Can't have too much of that politically incorrect free speech now, can we?
/----/ You misunderstand, I don't think the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor should have lost his job, reprimanded for sure, but not fired. The school is more worried about Alumni donations than the professor's words.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


What if Texas flooding is just an elaborate hoax - like the moon landing and Sandy Hook? How can we know it's real? Can we trust the fake media?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


What if Texas flooding is just an elaborate hoax - like the moon landing and Sandy Hook? How can we know it's real? Can we trust the fake media?
Mention fecal matter and look who shows up...fake Indian himself.
I know Democrats are boasting about all their coming 'Landslide Victories' over Republicans, but i have a feeling their boasts are gonna prove to be just another embarrassing failure for them.
Well they have offered the American people so much:




destruction of property


threats to Americans in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Rigged Primaries

election fraud

cheating in debates

protecting criminals from indictment so they can be the DNC

calls for military coups

calls for assassinations

attempts to carry out those assassinations

illegal sharing/leaking classified

illegally unmasking Americans

illegal spying on Americans/the media/the US Senate/the USSC

Illegally using the IRS as a weapon against Americans

Aiding/abetting/arming/helping terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels

100% commitment to obstruct all govt business for the next 4 years

A violent left-wing self-proclaimed Anti-American fascist hate group engaging in the militarized enforcement of 'PC' and their ideology



D-Schumer was smart enough to see all of this and attempt to get Liberals to change course before it is too late. So far it has not worked out. Antifa shows they are still on the same ol' course.
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired

Very throat punchable...and a pajama boy. The slug can't even grow a proper beard

"The slug can't even grow a proper beard"

That's because SJW faggots have very low testosterone, but they are high in estrogen, the SJW wimmens are usually the opposite, very high in testosterone and low in estrogen.

Explains dykes with mustaches

^^^^ Yes and also their armpits that could crack walnuts.
All this op shows is there are plenty of crazy's in & out of every political party.

I don't know. Yeah sure the guys tweet was an incredible ignorant statement lacking empathy for all those effected by the storm, but it hardly rates as the hate filled rant the Daily Caller describes it to be. But that doesn't stop the herd from lapping up the Stupid Red Sauce like it was Sweet Nectar instead of the vile, putrid seed of unreasonable hatred that it is.
If it has been Pat Robertson, they would send him more money.
I'm afraid Harvey is just the tip of the iceberg

Yes, Texas voted for Trump and Trump has removed us from the Paris Accords, slashed funding for climate change initiatives, relaxed regulations and done everything possible to increase carbon emissions

Did that cause Harvey? Of course not

The true impact of Trumps decisions may not be felt for another 50 years. But Texas will be hit especially hard with increasingly severe droughts, increased temperatures in the Gulf will lead to more severe storms.

So, yes Texas....You have only yourself to blame
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.
And most importantly, this man needs to be suspended and subjected to a serious mental evaluation. Should he be 'educating' children? The school needs to really take a close look at that. In my opinion, he's a sick individual. Hopefully, the school will take the proper actions.
This professor is yet another example of how Leftists / Democrats / snowflakes can not simply be appalled by what one of their dumbasses stupidly say and condemn him. Oh, no. They have to spend the next hour making excuses for him, justifying his actions, and try to come up with different ways to spin it to where it is not their issue at all but is instead a GOP problem.

They have demonstrated this regarding antifa, as well.

After Charlottesville Trump came out and ACCURATELY condemn 'BOTH' sides for their share in the violence. Liberals went ape-shit over how Trump could condemn anyone but the white extremists. 2 marches later, and it has become clear that THE problem is the extremely violent Left wing, self-proclaimed Anti-American fascist 'antifa' who is the problem.

Liberals could still not bring themselves to admit that they were wrong, and Trump was right. Now they can to bring themselves to admit it is the Liberal Left Extremists causing the violence and can not bring themselves to condemn their own violence.

The left, according to the left, is never wrong, is never violent, is never at fault, is never responsible, never apologizes, is never held accountable.

This liberal POS declares Texans deserve this for voting for Trump and still, in their minds, it is somehow the GOP's fault he said what he said.

Remarkable. You can't fix stupid...or bat-shit crazy partisanship... you switch from one wrong person who has since been held accountable for his stupid comments (fired) painting all liberals the same.....simpleton mind? Can't deal with complexities?
This professor is yet another example of how Leftists / Democrats / snowflakes can not simply be appalled by what one of their dumbasses stupidly say and condemn him. Oh, no. They have to spend the next hour making excuses for him, justifying his actions, and try to come up with different ways to spin it to where it is not their issue at all but is instead a GOP problem.

They have demonstrated this regarding antifa, as well.

After Charlottesville Trump came out and ACCURATELY condemn 'BOTH' sides for their share in the violence. Liberals went ape-shit over how Trump could condemn anyone but the white extremists. 2 marches later, and it has become clear that THE problem is the extremely violent Left wing, self-proclaimed Anti-American fascist 'antifa' who is the problem.

Liberals could still not bring themselves to admit that they were wrong, and Trump was right. Now they can to bring themselves to admit it is the Liberal Left Extremists causing the violence and can not bring themselves to condemn their own violence.

The left, according to the left, is never wrong, is never violent, is never at fault, is never responsible, never apologizes, is never held accountable.

This liberal POS declares Texans deserve this for voting for Trump and still, in their minds, it is somehow the GOP's fault he said what he said.

Remarkable. You can't fix stupid...or bat-shit crazy partisanship... you switch from one wrong person who has since been held accountable for his stupid comments (fired) painting all liberals the same.....simpleton mind? Can't deal with complexities?

Oh, he's been fired? That's a relief. Good on the school. The man has no business 'educating' children. Now he needs to seek some help. He's clearly unstable.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.

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