Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

I'm not surprised in the slightest. This is what these liberal colonic warts do every time a natural disaster hits a Republican area. Apparently they're too stupid to understand that there are still fellow Democrats in the area who were suffering and too stupid to understand that Houston is one of the bluer portions of TX.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I remember when Conservatives declared that New Orleans deserved Katrina because America allowwed abortions and gay marriage

Don't remember easy65 having any problem with this

Tony Perkins blamed gays for God's wrath. Then his home was swept away | John Paul Brammer
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost
I'm not surprised in the slightest. This is what these liberal colonic warts do every time a natural disaster hits a Republican area. Apparently they're too stupid to understand that there are still fellow Democrats in the area who were suffering and too stupid to understand that Houston is one of the bluer portions of TX.

Didn't Republicans understand there were Republicans in Hurricane Sandy?

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


Not what he said, but still nasty:

“I don’t believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them,” Storey wrote in one tweet.

WRONG, they are in America also.
I'm not surprised in the slightest. This is what these liberal colonic warts do every time a natural disaster hits a Republican area. Apparently they're too stupid to understand that there are still fellow Democrats in the area who were suffering and too stupid to understand that Houston is one of the bluer portions of TX.

Didn't Republicans understand there were Republicans in Hurricane Sandy?

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

Do you really, honestly, seriously believe I am stupid enough to believe any of the super-concentrated bullshit that comes out of MSNBC and HuffingturdCompost? The former used to give black supremacist criminal Al Sharpton a show. The latter had a long baby tantrum because Trump ate a well-done steak.
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.

Inner city Houston is a hotbed of welfare queens and illegal aliens. Very dangerous with high crime. Always votes for the filthy Democrats and that is despicable.

However, I will be contributing to our church's relief fund. They need our help and will put aside my disdain for that filth that lives there and do what I can to help.

Don't feel bad, nobody has more disdain for them than their masters, the Democrats.

They are useful idiots and commie movements always kill them off anyway.

Texas is a great state and God Bless Texas. As an individual I will be generous contributing to the relief fund.

It is really pathetic that the welfare queens don't even know they are Useful Idiots for the Democrats and that is the reason they will continue to be poor.
Good point. The federal government shouldn't get involved because then they are spending my Michigan money towards Texas and that's not my problem. And if I want to give to Texans that should be my choice. Charity should help them.

Helping Texas would be unconstitutional!!! LOL.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

Most the voters probably didn't even realize it. Do those politicians even have much support in these areas? Regardless people don't vote
on one issue. When people need help we help.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
All the people croaking are democrats, I'm pretty sure.
I'm not surprised in the slightest. This is what these liberal colonic warts do every time a natural disaster hits a Republican area. Apparently they're too stupid to understand that there are still fellow Democrats in the area who were suffering and too stupid to understand that Houston is one of the bluer portions of TX.

Didn't Republicans understand there were Republicans in Hurricane Sandy?

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

Do you really, honestly, seriously believe I am stupid enough to believe any of the super-concentrated bullshit that comes out of MSNBC and HuffingturdCompost? The former used to give black supremacist criminal Al Sharpton a show. The latter had a long baby tantrum because Trump ate a well-done steak.

See you right wing moon bat it is a fact that only one Texas legislature voted to help folks in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. ONLY ONE!!! The rest of them said no. It's a fact. If you can disprove this fact then bring it. But you don't just get to poo poo the source when the information they are giving you is 100% accurate. Sorry. It doesn't work that way. Not all liberal news is fake just because you don't like it.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

That is pretty sick. But is it any worse than the brain-dead rightards blaming Houston's mayor because he's a Democrat?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
All the people croaking are democrats, I'm pretty sure.

I doubt that.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

Most the voters probably didn't even realize it. Do those politicians even have much support in these areas? Regardless people don't vote
on one issue. When people need help we help.

God I wish Democrats were in charge of the House or Senate. If they were they should insist on adding regulations and tax increases to offset the costs. LOL.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
All the people croaking are democrats, I'm pretty sure.

I doubt that.
Well, all the legal residents, that is.

The rest still vote democrat, if they're paid to. But many of them aren't even interested in voting. They're interested in looting.

Good point. The federal government shouldn't get involved because then they are spending my Michigan money towards Texas and that's not my problem. And if I want to give to Texans that should be my choice. Charity should help them.

Helping Texas would be unconstitutional!!! LOL.

As somebody that lives along the Gulf Coast I agree that somebody from Michigan should not be forced to subsidize my home location choice. I know that it is a hurricane and flood prone area. I accept the personal responsibility of living here and don't need or want Federal help.

Good point. The federal government shouldn't get involved because then they are spending my Michigan money towards Texas and that's not my problem. And if I want to give to Texans that should be my choice. Charity should help them.

Helping Texas would be unconstitutional!!! LOL.

As somebody that lives along the Gulf Coast I agree that somebody from Michigan should not be forced to subsidize my home location choice. I know that it is an hurricane and flood prone area. I accept the personal responsibility of living here and don't need or want Federal help.

But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

You want to talk about a dumb ass is one for your side: Ann Coulter Says She'd Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change | HuffPost
/----/ SO? She's using sarcasm to make a point of the absurdity of the Global Warming freaks and kooks. Or are you too stupid to see that?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

You want to talk about a dumb ass is one for your side: Ann Coulter Says She'd Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change | HuffPost
/----/ SO? She's using sarcasm to make a point of the absurdity of the Global Warming freaks and kooks. Or are you too stupid to see that?
Are you too stupid to know that this bitch either believes it or is making shit up for ratings and to stir up the bigot hornets nest? If her intent was to mock the stupid bigots it would be sarcasm. That was not the intent.

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