Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump' you switch from one wrong person who has since been held accountable for his stupid comments (fired) painting all liberals the same.....simpleton mind?
You should be extremely familiar with the tactic of generalizing many to condemn all - it is, after all, a Liberal tactic. :p
Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.
I disagree. With all the actions perpetrated by a vast number of violent, insane snowflakes - physical attacks, destruction of property, arson, looting, rioting, threatening lives, calling for assassinations, trying to carry out those assassinations, and the actions of the more recent violent self-professed America-hating Left wing anarchist antifa - there is no doubt in my mind there are other vile snowflakes who believe / feel the same. Case in point, the Mo Rep who caught shit - appropriately - for calling for Trump's assassination...I bet she is probably thinking the same thing as this professor. She is a disgusting, vile snowflake, too.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Good. Now if only the RW had the same high standards.
/----/ Do you have evidence that a Conservative professor said something as stupid at that? Do you have evidence that there are any conservative professors anywhere? has to be a professor to fit?
Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.
I disagree. With all the actions perpetrated by a vast number of violent, insane snowflakes - physical attacks, destruction of property, arson, looting, rioting, threatening lives, calling for assassinations, trying to carry out those assassinations, and the actions of the more recent violent self-professed America-hating Left wing anarchist antifa - there is no doubt in my mind there are other vile snowflakes who believe / feel the same. Case in point, the Mo Rep who caught shit - appropriately - for calling for Trump's assassination...I bet she is probably thinking the same thing as this professor. She is a disgusting, vile snowflake, too.
And can provide only one example...and he's since been canned.....while RWrs like Pat Robertson get money sent to him.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


What she said is equal to you trying to paint all liberals with it.
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life.

Show me where the guy tweeted his wish for anyone to die.

More Red Sauce?
Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.
I disagree. With all the actions perpetrated by a vast number of violent, insane snowflakes - physical attacks, destruction of property, arson, looting, rioting, threatening lives, calling for assassinations, trying to carry out those assassinations, and the actions of the more recent violent self-professed America-hating Left wing anarchist antifa - there is no doubt in my mind there are other vile snowflakes who believe / feel the same. Case in point, the Mo Rep who caught shit - appropriately - for calling for Trump's assassination...I bet she is probably thinking the same thing as this professor. She is a disgusting, vile snowflake, too.

But this was just one professor. If others agree they are tiny minority. To pretend they aren't is dishonest.
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.

Inner city Houston is a hotbed of welfare queens and illegal aliens. Very dangerous with high crime. Always votes for the filthy Democrats and that is despicable.

However, I will be contributing to our church's relief fund. They need our help and will put aside my disdain for that filth that lives there and do what I can to help.
Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.
I disagree. With all the actions perpetrated by a vast number of violent, insane snowflakes - physical attacks, destruction of property, arson, looting, rioting, threatening lives, calling for assassinations, trying to carry out those assassinations, and the actions of the more recent violent self-professed America-hating Left wing anarchist antifa - there is no doubt in my mind there are other vile snowflakes who believe / feel the same. Case in point, the Mo Rep who caught shit - appropriately - for calling for Trump's assassination...I bet she is probably thinking the same thing as this professor. She is a disgusting, vile snowflake, too.

But this was just one professor. If others agree they are tiny minority. To pretend they aren't is dishonest.

I agree it was a stupid tweet, but far from the incendiary paraphrasing published in The Daily Caller.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

/----/ Rush just reported the Liberal, DemocRAT, asswipe Professor was just fired.
Good. Now if only the RW had the same high standards.
/----/ Do you have evidence that a Conservative professor said something as stupid at that? Do you have evidence that there are any conservative professors anywhere? has to be a professor to fit?
/----/ Yes, since they are charged with teaching the next generation. Go ahead Cupcake. Pile 'em on.
Subject should not be plural. It is one individual. Pray for Texas.
I disagree. With all the actions perpetrated by a vast number of violent, insane snowflakes - physical attacks, destruction of property, arson, looting, rioting, threatening lives, calling for assassinations, trying to carry out those assassinations, and the actions of the more recent violent self-professed America-hating Left wing anarchist antifa - there is no doubt in my mind there are other vile snowflakes who believe / feel the same. Case in point, the Mo Rep who caught shit - appropriately - for calling for Trump's assassination...I bet she is probably thinking the same thing as this professor. She is a disgusting, vile snowflake, too.

Just think what they talk about in Private when No One Else Is Listening.
This professor is yet another example of how Leftists / Democrats / snowflakes can not simply be appalled by what one of their dumbasses stupidly say and condemn him. Oh, no. They have to spend the next hour making excuses for him, justifying his actions, and try to come up with different ways to spin it to where it is not their issue at all but is instead a GOP problem.

They have demonstrated this regarding antifa, as well.

After Charlottesville Trump came out and ACCURATELY condemn 'BOTH' sides for their share in the violence. Liberals went ape-shit over how Trump could condemn anyone but the white extremists. 2 marches later, and it has become clear that THE problem is the extremely violent Left wing, self-proclaimed Anti-American fascist 'antifa' who is the problem.

Liberals could still not bring themselves to admit that they were wrong, and Trump was right. Now they can to bring themselves to admit it is the Liberal Left Extremists causing the violence and can not bring themselves to condemn their own violence.

The left, according to the left, is never wrong, is never violent, is never at fault, is never responsible, never apologizes, is never held accountable.

This liberal POS declares Texans deserve this for voting for Trump and still, in their minds, it is somehow the GOP's fault he said what he said.

Remarkable. You can't fix stupid...or bat-shit crazy partisanship... you switch from one wrong person who has since been held accountable for his stupid comments (fired) painting all liberals the same.....simpleton mind? Can't deal with complexities?
/----/ Oh where are you when nat paints all Republicans with the dumb comments of one so called Republican? No where to be found.
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.

Inner city Houston is a hotbed of welfare queens and illegal aliens. Very dangerous with high crime. Always votes for the filthy Democrats and that is despicable.

However, I will be contributing to our church's relief fund. They need our help and will put aside my disdain for that filth that lives there and do what I can to help.

Don't feel bad, nobody has more disdain for them than their masters, the Democrats.

They are useful idiots and commie movements always kill them off anyway.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


What she said is equal to you trying to paint all liberals with it.
/----/ But I've heard it before on the old Yahoo Finance boards when natural disasters struck Red States.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

You want to talk about a dumb ass is one for your side: Ann Coulter Says She'd Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change | HuffPost
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


One data point? You really are a fool, and, even if a single liberal went that low, you would still look up at him or her.

He is typical for a stupid hateful Moon Bat.

Not only is he full of mindless Liberal hate but like most Liberals he is dumber than a door knob not even knowing that the welfare queens and illegals in Harris County voted for that asshole Crooked Hillary.

Hater's ^^^ gotta hate. I've heard and been called worse by punks I've locked in a cage. They too know that being in a safe zone, the cage, they can get away with name calling. Funny how that works out when we take em to an interview room, and upon locking them back up in holding we would thank them and tell them we'd talk to the DA about their cooperation.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

You want to talk about a dumb ass is one for your side: Ann Coulter Says She'd Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change | HuffPost

Considering the Mayor is a guy, yeah that's dumber than a dead stump. She should hook up with that ex teacher in fla. and have some really dumb kids.
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.

Inner city Houston is a hotbed of welfare queens and illegal aliens. Very dangerous with high crime. Always votes for the filthy Democrats and that is despicable.

However, I will be contributing to our church's relief fund. They need our help and will put aside my disdain for that filth that lives there and do what I can to help.

Don't feel bad, nobody has more disdain for them than their masters, the Democrats.

They are useful idiots and commie movements always kill them off anyway.

Texas is a great state and God Bless Texas. As an individual I will be generous contributing to the relief fund.

It is really pathetic that the welfare queens don't even know they are Useful Idiots for the Democrats and that is the reason they will continue to be poor.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


One data point? You really are a fool, and, even if a single liberal went that low, you would still look up at him or her.

He is typical for a stupid hateful Moon Bat.

Not only is he full of mindless Liberal hate but like most Liberals he is dumber than a door knob not even knowing that the welfare queens and illegals in Harris County voted for that asshole Crooked Hillary.

Hater's ^^^ gotta hate. I've heard and been called worse by punks I've locked in a cage. They too know that being in a safe zone, the cage, they can get away with name calling. Funny how that works out when we take em to an interview room, and upon locking them back up in holding we would thank them and tell them we'd talk to the DA about their cooperation.

Are you trying to be an Internet Tough Guy? Because if you are then you just making yourself look like a fool.

Grow up asshole. Stop being a dumbass Moon Bat. It doesn't do you any good.

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