Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I remember when Conservatives declared that New Orleans deserved Katrina because America allowwed abortions and gay marriage

Don't remember easy65 having any problem with this

Tony Perkins blamed gays for God's wrath. Then his home was swept away | John Paul Brammer

By the way- the Right was wrong then- and those idiots who claim that Texas deserves Harvey are wrong now.

My pointing out that easyt65 never objects when those on the right call for death or hope for the destruction of liberals- doesn't mean I wish ill on anyone.

Best wishes to those in Texas- glad California was able to send search and rescue teams to help out.
Liberals in leadership positions say the same shit on a regular basis. Personally, I think we should kick their asses until they beg for forgiveness.

I live in NJ

Would the people in Texas vote to provide relief funds if my state needed them?

Oh wait......They didn't

You are big tax state full of sorry ass big government Libtards. What did you spend your money on?

By the way Moon Bat, the Federal government gave you sorry ass shitheads tons of money in that little minor Sandy storm a few years ago so stop being so goddamn greedy.
No thanks to Texas

Maybe we can give them money if we have any extra

Good point. The federal government shouldn't get involved because then they are spending my Michigan money towards Texas and that's not my problem. And if I want to give to Texans that should be my choice. Charity should help them.

Helping Texas would be unconstitutional!!! LOL.

As somebody that lives along the Gulf Coast I agree that somebody from Michigan should not be forced to subsidize my home location choice. I know that it is an hurricane and flood prone area. I accept the personal responsibility of living here and don't need or want Federal help.

But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.
You sharing or liking and forwarding a fund raiser about Texas is not helping but thank you scott
Folks need more God in their lives. Wishing for folks to die just because they hold different political views, is insane and a sign the devil has seized control of one's life. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend some help in any way we can. Keep political agendas out of it.

Inner city Houston is a hotbed of welfare queens and illegal aliens. Very dangerous with high crime. Always votes for the filthy Democrats and that is despicable.

However, I will be contributing to our church's relief fund. They need our help and will put aside my disdain for that filth that lives there and do what I can to help.
You are a horrible excuse for a human being

But yet I will be contributing money while you like all sorry ass Libtards, will do nothing.
Didn't Texas want to secede from the union?

Oh, and I hear Mexico sent troops to help. If that's true you Republicans got egg on your face.


But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.

I normally take personal responsibility for my family's well being and security. I think I can survive most disasters. We are well provisioned. I also am well insured.

Should something happen I would never want somebody else to be forced by the filthy government to give me something.

Liberals are never generous with their own money. They like to give away other people's money but they are stingy with their own. That is just the kind of assholes they are.
We shouldn't have to give. That's what our taxes go towards. We pay a lot in taxes. If there's a disaster our government shouldn't sit around watching and waiting for charity to get er done. Do that and you won't be running the government for very long.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
All the people croaking are democrats, I'm pretty sure.
Then all the heroes we're hearing about must be liberals too.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

I disagree but I do agree they deserve no federal help

All but one Texas Republican DIDN'T want to help after Hurricane Sandy so fuck them.

MSNBC's Katy Tur Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy For Opposing Hurricane Sandy Relief | HuffPost

A few stupid politicians shouldn't stop aid to Americans.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.
All the people croaking are democrats, I'm pretty sure.
Does that include the police officer who died today?

Too soon?
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

The government relocated people from the flood in New Orleans to Houston. Now people are suffering from another flood. That sucks. Stop trusting the government.
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

The Progressives on this site got their marching orders from ThinkProgress and did not one iota of their own research. Here you go, and begin your spinning NOW!

NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas
6:27 p.m Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 Local News

“Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy,” Cruz said in a January 2013 statement. “Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.”

“Two thirds of this spending is not remotely ‘emergency’; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021,” Cruz said.

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have, ” Cruz said. “The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”


NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas

Progressives will go to any length to LIE and make their desperate attempts to revise history. It is ALMOST unbelievable. ALMOST!

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When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

The Progressives on this site got their marching orders from ThinkProgress and did not one iota of their own research. Here you go, and begin your spinning NOW!

NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas
6:27 p.m Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 Local News

“Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy,” Cruz said in a January 2013 statement. “Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.”

“Two thirds of this spending is not remotely ‘emergency’; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021,” Cruz said.

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have, ” Cruz said. “The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”


NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas

Progressives will go to any length to LIE and make their desperate attempts to revise history. It is ALMOST unbelievable. ALMOST!
Well in our defense we never really wanted to withhold help. We aren't dickhead rwnjs
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

The Progressives on this site got their marching orders from ThinkProgress and did not one iota of their own research. Here you go, and begin your spinning NOW!

NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas
6:27 p.m Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 Local News

“Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy,” Cruz said in a January 2013 statement. “Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.”

“Two thirds of this spending is not remotely ‘emergency’; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021,” Cruz said.

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have, ” Cruz said. “The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”


NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas

Progressives will go to any length to LIE and make their desperate attempts to revise history. It is ALMOST unbelievable. ALMOST!
Well in our defense we never really wanted to withhold help. We aren't dickhead rwnjs
now mexico wants to help Will Texas accept ?
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

The Progressives on this site got their marching orders from ThinkProgress and did not one iota of their own research. Here you go, and begin your spinning NOW!

NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas
6:27 p.m Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 Local News

“Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy,” Cruz said in a January 2013 statement. “Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.”

“Two thirds of this spending is not remotely ‘emergency’; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021,” Cruz said.

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have, ” Cruz said. “The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”


NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas

Progressives will go to any length to LIE and make their desperate attempts to revise history. It is ALMOST unbelievable. ALMOST!
Well in our defense we never really wanted to withhold help. We aren't dickhead rwnjs
now mexico wants to help Will Texas accept ?
Yes. They have millions of citizens living in this sanctuary state.

I hope they are checking everyone coming out of the floods papers. ICE should be busy

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