Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

The Progressives on this site got their marching orders from ThinkProgress and did not one iota of their own research. Here you go, and begin your spinning NOW!

NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas
6:27 p.m Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017 Local News

“Hurricane Sandy inflicted devastating damage on the East Coast, and Congress appropriately responded with hurricane relief. Unfortunately, cynical politicians in Washington could not resist loading up this relief bill with billions in new spending utterly unrelated to Sandy,” Cruz said in a January 2013 statement. “Emergency relief for the families who are suffering from this natural disaster should not be used as a Christmas tree for billions in unrelated spending, including projects such as Smithsonian repairs, upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes, and more funding for Head Start.”

“Two thirds of this spending is not remotely ‘emergency’; the Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 30% of the authorized funds would be spent in the next 20 months, and over a billion dollars will be spent as late as 2021,” Cruz said.

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have, ” Cruz said. “The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”


NY Rep. King says he won’t hold Ted Cruz Sandy vote against Texas

Progressives will go to any length to LIE and make their desperate attempts to revise history. It is ALMOST unbelievable. ALMOST!
Lets see how much "pork" works its way into Harvey relief
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming
LibTards gonna LibTard... they can't help being whiny bitche$ and a$$holes... it's genetic.

Didn't Texas want to secede from the union?

Oh, and I hear Mexico sent troops to help. If that's true you Republicans got egg on your face.

First of all you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am not a Republican.

Second of all Texas could do damn well on their own without the burden and oppression of the filthy ass Federal government.

Didn't Texas want to secede from the union?

Oh, and I hear Mexico sent troops to help. If that's true you Republicans got egg on your face.

First of all you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am not a Republican.

Second of all Texas could do damn well on their own without the burden and oppression of the filthy ass Federal government.
Better than California...

Didn't Texas want to secede from the union?

Oh, and I hear Mexico sent troops to help. If that's true you Republicans got egg on your face.

First of all you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am not a Republican.

Second of all Texas could do damn well on their own without the burden and oppression of the filthy ass Federal government.
Better than California...
Texas GDP ......... $1.6t
California GDP ... $2.5t
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *
It will be interesting to see which leftist indoctrination center hires this douche nozzle. I hope the tuition-paying parents pay attention.


"The scholar, Ken Storey"

Blog: Professor learns a hard lesson about ‘instant karma’
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?

Warmer water results in more severe hurricanes

Texans voting to relax global warming initiatives is only sealing their doom
"A sociology professor...

LOL truly a worthless sort

This is him Ken Storey, the SJW Professor, note several chins, typical fat slug, looks like he's still a virgin.

Ken Storey Leftist Bigot, he's fat, shouldn't as a SJW he be sacrificing himself, I'm sure his carcass could feed several villages in The Congo for at least a few months.

Practice what you preach you fat hypocrite, offer yourself to those poor starving Africans.


View attachment 146571

It looks like Ken Storey has now been fired by the University of Tampa.

View attachment 146572

UPDATE: Professor who tweeted Harvey was ‘karma’ for Texas fired

He is a moron to. He puts his ignorance on display as many do by his bastardized use of the word karma. Perhaps a f the fat one would read more books instead of burning them?
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

You are really a dumbass, aren't you? Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

Minimal hurricanes does not mean no hurricanes. We have hurricanes every year. In the 1990s we had devastating storms hitting the US almost every year. In the early 2000s we had several devastating hurricanes. Three of them came right over my house. Since then the hurricane damage as been minor relative to historical storms. Must be global cooling, right?

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. It just makes you look like a fool.

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

In a stroke of luck, no major hurricanes rated Category 3 or higher have struck U.S. soil during the past nine years, a new study finds.

This is the country's longest "hurricane drought" in recorded history, or since 1851, the researchers said. The previous record lull lasted eight years, from 1861 to 1868, they said.


But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.

I normally take personal responsibility for my family's well being and security. I think I can survive most disasters. We are well provisioned. I also am well insured.

Should something happen I would never want somebody else to be forced by the filthy government to give me something.

Liberals are never generous with their own money. They like to give away other people's money but they are stingy with their own. That is just the kind of assholes they are.
We shouldn't have to give. That's what our taxes go towards. We pay a lot in taxes. .....

It's a typical 'liberal' who literally CANNOT understand the difference between charity and government coercion. America is the most generous nation in the world despite such mindless cretins among us.
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?

Warmer water results in more severe hurricanes

Texans voting to relax global warming initiatives is only sealing their doom

Ask ol'prince Albert about that there. Notice he is on TV way less? That snake oil has been figured out. Man made global warming is a hoax.


But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.

I normally take personal responsibility for my family's well being and security. I think I can survive most disasters. We are well provisioned. I also am well insured.

Should something happen I would never want somebody else to be forced by the filthy government to give me something.

Liberals are never generous with their own money. They like to give away other people's money but they are stingy with their own. That is just the kind of assholes they are.
We shouldn't have to give. That's what our taxes go towards. We pay a lot in taxes. .....

It's a typical 'liberal' who literally CANNOT understand the difference between charity and government coercion. America is the most generous nation in the world despite such mindless cretins among us.

I actually know a guy who was in that big ass tsunami way back when. He told me the first thing he saw when he popped out was an American warship off the coast. Even though he knew his country EMS was going balls out to help, he will tell you he did not feel safe until he saw that ship and heard the choppers over head. Took him a few years, but after that he moved here. Far as I know, world wide when a disaster hits American war ships are off the coast ready to assist.
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


In typical Easyt fashion, one lone "liberal" makes a dumbass comment and Easyt implies all "liberals" are guilty of the professor's disgusting comment.
You are one fucking intellectually (and otherwise) dishonest poster. In other words, you are a liar.
"What a piece of fecal matter.....", were you looking in the mirror when you typed that?

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