Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump' are claiming that it wasn't your intent all along to paint all liberals the same as this fired professor?
Dear, my advice to you is to accept the fact that for almost a year now Liberals have 'put the throttle down' on their nose-dive to new record lows. collectively and individually.

Violent Rallies, business / block-destroying arson, looting, destruction of property, physical violence against political opposition supporters, candidates paying groups to physically attack political opposition supporters at the political opposition's rallies, terrorism, threatening Electoral College supporters in an attempt to steal an already-decided election, calling for military coups, calling for assassinations, attempting to carry out those assassinations...

The former criminal President and his criminal administration illegally spying on the American people/media/US Senate/USSC, Illegally using the IRS to target Americans who do not support him, attempting to buy fake reports filled with Russian propaganda from foreign operatives to use for political benefit in an election, protecting a criminal candidate from being ousted from the race and from prosecution so she could be the DNC's candidate, illegally sharing / leaking Protected Personal Classified information, illegally unmasking Americans, committing Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit...

The violent Leftist self-proclaimed Anti-American anarchist antifa - chanting 'No USA' - attacking people in an attempt to deny them of their Constitutional rights -- an attack on our Democracy / Constitution, a militarized enforcement of 'PC' and liberal ideology while attempting to silence all other opinions / voices.....and the Left's defense of these Enemies of the State....

...and now this Liberal asshole showing no concern for the lives being lost / effected and the damage being done in Texas by declaring 'Texas deserves this for voting for Trump'.

All of it is part of the continuous despicable behavior, actions, CRIMES, sedition, and hatred coming from THE LEFT / LIBERALS.

If you end up DENYING / REJECTING them all, there are going to be a lot less 'Liberals' in the Democratic party...which by the way has not only allowed / embraced much of these actions but as mentioned have actually instigated / perpetrated much of it.
The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
They may take hurricanes seriously, but this asshole obviously did not take human lives and suffering seriously in his callous partisan hatred-focused comment.
the dude basically stated we all deserve to die. How white of him.

And this dude's been educating young minds. oopsss.
That's what all communist educators think. They think there are too many people, and everybody who isn't them should just take one for the team, and die. Progressives have always thought this way. They are today's Nazis. They believe only their own identity class has any value.
All need to stop & think, is all this trash talk any help to Texas.
I'm not trying to fuck with Texas. Texas will get their money and aid/help. I'm hoping to stop these Republicans from being hypocrites in the future.

Amid Harvey havoc, northeastern politicos sourly recall Texas "no" votes on Sandy aid
Several members of Congress from New York and New Jersey remain resentful over Texas Republicans that voted against a Hurricane Sandy aid package in 2013.

All but 1 voted to NOT give Sandy victims aid. How did that help New Jersey? Did you ask that in 2013?
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming
Great point. Keep denying GW as you swim from your home ya god damn rwnj'ers.
Bwaaahhhhaaaaaaa, you so funny. Why would all the movie stars, pro athletes, and politicians all buy coastal properties if GW was real?
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The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
They may take hurricanes seriously, but this asshole obviously did not take human lives and suffering seriously in his callous partisan hatred-focused comment.
the dude basically stated we all deserve to die. How white of him.

And this dude's been educating young minds. oopsss.

What else do you call people who vote for policies that will ultimately cause them harm?
You vote against global warming protections and then complain when you don't like the results?

Didn't Texas want to secede from the union?

Oh, and I hear Mexico sent troops to help. If that's true you Republicans got egg on your face.

First of all you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I am not a Republican.

Second of all Texas could do damn well on their own without the burden and oppression of the filthy ass Federal government.
So could California. They'd do better without conservatives.
All need to stop & think, is all this trash talk any help to Texas.
I'm not trying to fuck with Texas. Texas will get their money and aid/help. I'm hoping to stop these Republicans from being hypocrites in the future.

Amid Harvey havoc, northeastern politicos sourly recall Texas "no" votes on Sandy aid
Several members of Congress from New York and New Jersey remain resentful over Texas Republicans that voted against a Hurricane Sandy aid package in 2013.

All but 1 voted to NOT give Sandy victims aid. How did that help New Jersey? Did you ask that in 2013?

Ted Cruz deserves to grovel for his grandstanding vote against Sandy relief

Chris Christie calls Ted Cruz 'disgusting' over hurricane relief - CNNPolitics
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But good people will still step forward to help because that's what people do.

Not democrats. But everybody else.

I normally take personal responsibility for my family's well being and security. I think I can survive most disasters. We are well provisioned. I also am well insured.

Should something happen I would never want somebody else to be forced by the filthy government to give me something.

Liberals are never generous with their own money. They like to give away other people's money but they are stingy with their own. That is just the kind of assholes they are.
We shouldn't have to give. That's what our taxes go towards. We pay a lot in taxes. .....

It's a typical 'liberal' who literally CANNOT understand the difference between charity and government coercion. America is the most generous nation in the world despite such mindless cretins among us.

I actually know a guy who was in that big ass tsunami way back when. He told me the first thing he saw when he popped out was an American warship off the coast. Even though he knew his country EMS was going balls out to help, he will tell you he did not feel safe until he saw that ship and heard the choppers over head. Took him a few years, but after that he moved here. Far as I know, world wide when a disaster hits American war ships are off the coast ready to assist.
Yea I don't want to wait for my church in Michigan to send their little token supplies or Taco Bell sends $1 million that will come in a couple months and the funds won't be distributed for years. Send in Uncle Sam.
Let me be very clear about this: Sen. Cruz was playing politics in 2012, trying to make himself look like the biggest conservative in the world," Christie said. "And what I said at the time, both to him and everybody else, was if you represent a coastal state, don't do this because your day is going to come and you're going to expect people to help you."

Well Texas, you thought it was cute when your TeaTard elected officials voted against disaster relief in order to look like hardline fiscal conservatives

Now, your bill is expected to be the largest disaster relief in history......fiscal conservatism is not so cute anymore is it?

What else do you call people who vote for policies that will ultimately cause them harm?
You vote against global warming protections and then complain when you don't like the results?

Did you vote for that jackass Clinton that wanted to give hundreds of billions of dollars to China and other polluters while they continued and even increased CO2 emissions? That is kind of a dumbass decision at the poll, isn't it? What were you thinking? There was no protection in the stupid Paris Climate Agreement. It was going to cost the US and other developed countries hundreds of billions while, at best, only have a minuscule effect on the climate. Thank god Trump had the good judgement to tell them to cram it.

AGW is a scam and only the dumbass Moon Bats fall for it.
Some people don't understand the true price of the government teat.

Some people don't understand the price if the government sits by and does nothing.

So what are you saying? Do you want to help Texas or not?

Critics have called out the Texas Republicans who voted against the 2013 relief aid, claiming the bill was filled with pork. The Washington Post fact-checked the claim Cruz made to MSNBC’s Katy Tur Monday night and found the assertion to be incorrect.

What else do you call people who vote for policies that will ultimately cause them harm?
You vote against global warming protections and then complain when you don't like the results?

Did you vote for that jackass Clinton that wanted to give hundreds of billions of dollars to China and other polluters while they continued and even increased CO2 emissions? That is kind of a dumbass decision at the poll, isn't it? What were you thinking? There was no protection in the stupid Paris Climate Agreement. It was going to cost the US and other developed countries hundreds of billions while, at best, only have a minuscule effect on the climate. Thank god Trump had the good judgement to tell them to cram it.

AGW is a scam and only the dumbass Moon Bats fall for it.

But even Trumps administration doesn't agree with you and TRUMP that AGW is a hoax. Are you still spreading that lie? Wow are you far behind the rest of us.

Donald Trump has tweeted climate change skepticism 115 times. Here's all of it.

You must be a tweet. I mean twit.

Trump was lying to dumb Americans to get their vote and you just proved you're one of them

Nikki Haley admits that Trump believes the 'climate is changing'
Some people don't understand the true price of the government teat.

Some people don't understand the price if the government sits by and does nothing.

So what are you saying? Do you want to help Texas or not?

Critics have called out the Texas Republicans who voted against the 2013 relief aid, claiming the bill was filled with pork. The Washington Post fact-checked the claim Cruz made to MSNBC’s Katy Tur Monday night and found the assertion to be incorrect.
The Washington Post fact-checked the claim
The "Newspaper" should be called the "Washington Compost" for the liberal shit that comes out of that liberal, lickspittle, lamesteam paper. Fact-checked my ass.
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming
Great point. Keep denying GW as you swim from your home ya god damn rwnj'ers.
Oh by the way, do we need to worry about swimming in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years, or 1000 years? Al Jazeera Gore predicted 10 years back in 2006, guess what, it is 2017, 1 year after we are all supposed to all be swimming. So, give us a date, time and event. Would ya?
When all but one Texas Republican voted no during Sandy, what fucking possible reason could you give me for helping their constituents.

Did those bastards get voted out of office? Nope. Texans didn't care much that their politicians voted no to helping victims of Sandy. So the citizens are little eichmans. Look it up.

As always, the Progressives here twist the truth to fit their agenda. The FACT of the matter is that the "Financial Aid" bill was LOADED WITH PORK, items totally unrelated to Sandy.

Well lets look at the 'Facts'

Analysis | Ted Cruz’s claim that two-thirds of the Hurricane Sandy bill ‘had nothing to do with Sandy’

“The problem with that particular bill is it became a $50 billion bill that was filled with unrelated pork. Two-thirds of that bill had nothing to do with Sandy.”
— Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), interview with NBC’s Katy Tur, Aug. 28, 2017

The Congressional Research Service issued a comprehensive report on the provisions, and it’s clear that virtually all of it was related to the damage caused by Sandy. There may have been some pork in an earlier Senate version, but many of those items were removed before final passage. There were also some items that appear to have been misunderstood.

Ryan, for instance, referred in a statement to “non-Sandy expenses,” such as “sand dunes at the Kennedy Space Center, highway repairs in the Virgin Islands, and roof repairs in Washington, D.C.” But Sandy was a storm that stretched far beyond New Jersey and New York as it raced up from the Caribbean.

The Smithsonian Institution suffered roof leaks from heavy winds and torrential rain, resulting in a $2 million request. The shoreline near Launch Pads 39A and B at the Kennedy Space Center also suffered major erosion, leaving the ocean less than a quarter-mile away, so $15 million was added to deal with that problem and repair a NASA facility on Wallops Island in Virginia that also was damaged by Sandy. We couldn’t find a line-item for Virgin Islands highway funding, so it appears to have been relatively minor.

The bill did wrap in some other 2012 disaster funding, including disasters that had been declared over Alaska Chinook salmon, New England groundfish, Mississippi fisheries and American Samoa bottomfish. Those are the fisheries that the Cornyn spokesman referenced — but they were disaster declarations. So one would think it would make sense to include relief in a disaster bill.

Some lawmakers complained about $100 million in funding for Head Start, but that was limited to facilities that had been damaged in New Jersey and New York.

This being Congress, one of course can find some eyebrow-raising provisions. In particular, there was $16 billion for the account that funds Community Development Block Grants, which were aimed at Sandy relief but also could be used for eligible disaster events in calendar years 2011, 2012 and 2013. So the main focus was Sandy, but the money could be moved to assist other disaster relief efforts over a three-year period.

Still, it’s all related to disaster relief.

The bill also included tribal and state clean water and pollution mitigation grants ($600 million), funds to improve weather forecasting ($25 million), and upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration aircraft ($44.5 million). Those provisions were intended to prevent future disasters but arguably were not related to Sandy. But that’s less than 2 percent of the total.

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