Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

In typical Easyt fashion, one lone "liberal" makes a dumbass comment and Easyt implies all "liberals" are guilty of the professor's disgusting comment.
DAMN, it really sucks when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, doesn't it snowflake?

So sorry you were 'triggered' due to your 'sensitive nature'.

^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.
moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane
Cat 3 or above is considered a "major" hurricane, so he wasn't wrong on what he said. But you on the others side, are an ignorant fuck, and just showed by your example. Dumbass.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed. This scale estimates potential property damage. Hurricanes reaching Category 3 and higher are considered major hurricanes because of their potential for significant loss of life and damage.

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.

No "Major" Hurricane has made US landfall in the past decade or so. Major being classified as Category 3 or higher.
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.

You stupid Moon Bats were claiming after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season that because of this silly ass global warming bullshit that we were going to be having mega storms that the will destroy the world or something.

Like everything else you were wrong. None of the seasonal storm that you listed go above a Cat 2. Where are the mega storms Moon Bat?

I am sorry to be the one that tells you this Moon Bat but none of the silly doomsday predictions you stupid Moon Bats have ever made about AGW have ever come true.

You need to come up with another scam to further your world socialism agenda because this AGW bullshit is considered a joke. Even the scientists that take the grant money know it is a joke.
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

You are really a dumbass, aren't you? Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

Minimal hurricanes does not mean no hurricanes. We have hurricanes every year. In the 1990s we had devastating storms hitting the US almost every year. In the early 2000s we had several devastating hurricanes. Three of them came right over my house. Since then the hurricane damage as been minor relative to historical storms. Must be global cooling, right?

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. It just makes you look like a fool.

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

In a stroke of luck, no major hurricanes rated Category 3 or higher have struck U.S. soil during the past nine years, a new study finds.

This is the country's longest "hurricane drought" in recorded history, or since 1851, the researchers said. The previous record lull lasted eight years, from 1861 to 1868, they said.
^^^ Moron makes idiotic statement.... gets called on it... shifts goal posts. :rolleyes:

Imbecile, you said we weren't hit with any "significant" hurricanes in the last 10 years.

That's moronic given we were hit by 6 hurricanes significant enough to have their names retired.

Called on it, now you change your comment to be we haven't been hit by a category 3 or higher over that period. Bitch about that to any of the hundreds of Americans who perished during any of those "insignificant" hurricanes. <smh>
The fact remains that this POS Liberal who claimed Texas deserved this for voting for Trump has earned his spot next to the Mo State rep who called for Trump's assassination for the 'Despicable Snowflake A$$hole of the Year' Award competition.

In typical Easyt fashion, one lone "liberal" makes a dumbass comment and Easyt implies all "liberals" are guilty of the professor's disgusting comment.
DAMN, it really sucks when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, doesn't it snowflake?

So sorry you were 'triggered' due to your 'sensitive nature'.

th admit that your thread was nothing but a sad attempt to "get even" with some perceived slight? Talk about "triggered"......:rofl: :rofl:
In typical Easyt fashion, one lone "liberal" makes a dumbass comment and Easyt implies all "liberals" are guilty of the professor's disgusting comment.
DAMN, it really sucks when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, doesn't it snowflake?

So sorry you were 'triggered' due to your 'sensitive nature'.

th admit that your thread was nothing but a sad attempt to "get even" with some perceived slight? Talk about "triggered"......:rofl: :rofl:
Not at just conveniently worked out that way, triggering poor sensitive snowflakes while exposing this guy as a liberal asshole. :p
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.

You stupid Moon Bats were claiming after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season that because of this silly ass global warming bullshit that we were going to be having mega storms that the will destroy the world or something.

Like everything else you were wrong. None of the seasonal storm that you listed go above a Cat 2. Where are the mega storms Moon Bat?

I am sorry to be the one that tells you this Moon Bat but none of the silly doomsday predictions you stupid Moon Bats have ever made about AGW have ever come true.

You need to come up with another scam to further your world socialism agenda because this AGW bullshit is considered a joke. Even the scientists that take the grant money know it is a joke.
Imbecile.... hurricanes and global warming are also not limited to the U.S.

Hurricane frequency (category 4)
Period Number Number per year
1851–1900 ....... 13 ... 0.26
1901–1950 ....... 29 ... 0.58
1951–1975 ....... 22 ... 0.88
1976–2000 ....... 24 ... 0.96
2001–present ... 21 ....1.40

Of the 31 category 5's over the last 100 years or so, 3 occurred during the last 10 years.
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

You are really a dumbass, aren't you? Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

Minimal hurricanes does not mean no hurricanes. We have hurricanes every year. In the 1990s we had devastating storms hitting the US almost every year. In the early 2000s we had several devastating hurricanes. Three of them came right over my house. Since then the hurricane damage as been minor relative to historical storms. Must be global cooling, right?

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. It just makes you look like a fool.

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

US in Longest 'Hurricane Drought' in Recorded History

In a stroke of luck, no major hurricanes rated Category 3 or higher have struck U.S. soil during the past nine years, a new study finds.

This is the country's longest "hurricane drought" in recorded history, or since 1851, the researchers said. The previous record lull lasted eight years, from 1861 to 1868, they said.
^^^ Moron makes idiotic statement.... gets called on it... shifts goal posts. :rolleyes:

Imbecile, you said we weren't hit with any "significant" hurricanes in the last 10 years.

That's moronic given we were hit by 6 hurricanes significant enough to have their names retired.

Called on it, now you change your comment to be we haven't been hit by a category 3 or higher over that period. Bitch about that to any of the hundreds of Americans who perished during any of those "insignificant" hurricanes. <smh>
33,000 people die a month, but you liberals don't shed a tear when that happens. You only give a rats ass, when you can use the "let a crisis, never go to waste" and push your agenda with that event. Oh my, a hurricane hit, and people die, MUST BE GLOBAL WARMING. what an idiot you are, and always will be.
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.

You stupid Moon Bats were claiming after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season that because of this silly ass global warming bullshit that we were going to be having mega storms that the will destroy the world or something.

Like everything else you were wrong. None of the seasonal storm that you listed go above a Cat 2. Where are the mega storms Moon Bat?

I am sorry to be the one that tells you this Moon Bat but none of the silly doomsday predictions you stupid Moon Bats have ever made about AGW have ever come true.

You need to come up with another scam to further your world socialism agenda because this AGW bullshit is considered a joke. Even the scientists that take the grant money know it is a joke.
Imbecile.... hurricanes and global warming are also not limited to the U.S.

Hurricane frequency (category 4)
Period Number Number per year
1851–1900 ....... 13 ... 0.26
1901–1950 ....... 29 ... 0.58
1951–1975 ....... 22 ... 0.88
1976–2000 ....... 24 ... 0.96
2001–present ... 21 ....1.40

Of the 31 category 5's over the last 100 years or so, 3 occurred during the last 10 years.
1901–1950 ....... 29 ... 0.58
Seems to me that with your liberal theory of Global Warming, with the increase of CO2 every year, that we would have a lot more hurricanes, not less, of the 29 of 1901-1950. Do you not see how much of an idiot you are to continue this argument?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
They may take hurricanes seriously, but this asshole obviously did not take human lives and suffering seriously in his callous partisan hatred-focused comment.
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?

Warmer water results in more severe hurricanes

Texans voting to relax global warming initiatives is only sealing their doom

Ask ol'prince Albert about that there. Notice he is on TV way less? That snake oil has been figured out. Man made global warming is a hoax.

Spoken like a true toady for Big Oil

97 percent of scientists say it is no hoax. Only Republicans still deny it
Texas does not deserve Harvey because they voted for Trump

However, every natural disaster from here guys voted in favor of global warming

So the many hurricane disasters along the East coast in the 1990s was the result of Slick Willy being President and Al Gore being VP?

We haven't had any significant hurricanes for the last ten years or so. We are in a hurricane lull. If you want to do the silly thing of blaming Presidents for weather then you can give Bush credit for that, can't you?

What is really funny is that after the bad hurricane years of 2004 and 2005 the environmental wackos predicted we were all doomed because this global warming bullshit was going to produce mega storms. However, that didn't happen. The stupid environmental wackos never get anything right, do they?

The reason why Harvey was so devastating was because it got sandwiched in between two high pressure areas that kept it from moving. The luck of the draw with weather. Otherwise it would have come on shore and done a little wind damage and moved on. There would have been typical hurricane damage but not the major disaster we are seeing in Houston with a 500 year rainfall event.

By the way, in the late 1850s a Cat 4 hurricane came up the mouth of Tampa Bay and killed about half the people in the city at the time. Two weeks later a Cat 3 hurricane came along the same path. The only reason the second storm didn't kill as many people was because so many people was because so many had died two weeks earlier. Which President do we blame on that? Was that global warming?

Which President do we blame the 1900 Galveston hurricane on? It was the most devastating storm in the recorded history of the US. Was that global warming?

Warmer water results in more severe hurricanes

Texans voting to relax global warming initiatives is only sealing their doom

Ask ol'prince Albert about that there. Notice he is on TV way less? That snake oil has been figured out. Man made global warming is a hoax.

Spoken like a true toady for Big Oil

97 percent of scientists say it is no hoax. Only Republicans still deny it

Hey, don't put that label on me unless I get the $$ that comes with it.
In typical Easyt fashion, one lone "liberal" makes a dumbass comment and Easyt implies all "liberals" are guilty of the professor's disgusting comment.
DAMN, it really sucks when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, doesn't it snowflake?

So sorry you were 'triggered' due to your 'sensitive nature'.

th admit that your thread was nothing but a sad attempt to "get even" with some perceived slight? Talk about "triggered"......:rofl: :rofl:
Not at just conveniently worked out that way, triggering poor sensitive snowflakes while exposing this guy as a liberal asshole. :p are claiming that it wasn't your intent all along to paint all liberals the same as this fired professor? are claiming that it wasn't your intent all along to paint all liberals the same as this fired professor?
Dear, my advice to you is to accept the fact that for almost a year now Liberals have 'put the throttle down' on their nose-dive to new record lows. collectively and individually.

Violent Rallies, business / block-destroying arson, looting, destruction of property, physical violence against political opposition supporters, candidates paying groups to physically attack political opposition supporters at the political opposition's rallies, terrorism, threatening Electoral College supporters in an attempt to steal an already-decided election, calling for military coups, calling for assassinations, attempting to carry out those assassinations...

The former criminal President and his criminal administration illegally spying on the American people/media/US Senate/USSC, Illegally using the IRS to target Americans who do not support him, attempting to buy fake reports filled with Russian propaganda from foreign operatives to use for political benefit in an election, protecting a criminal candidate from being ousted from the race and from prosecution so she could be the DNC's candidate, illegally sharing / leaking Protected Personal Classified information, illegally unmasking Americans, committing Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit...

The violent Leftist self-proclaimed Anti-American anarchist antifa - chanting 'No USA' - attacking people in an attempt to deny them of their Constitutional rights -- an attack on our Democracy / Constitution, a militarized enforcement of 'PC' and liberal ideology while attempting to silence all other opinions / voices.....and the Left's defense of these Enemies of the State....

...and now this Liberal asshole showing no concern for the lives being lost / effected and the damage being done in Texas by declaring 'Texas deserves this for voting for Trump'.

All of it is part of the continuous despicable behavior, actions, CRIMES, sedition, and hatred coming from THE LEFT / LIBERALS.

If you end up DENYING / REJECTING them all, there are going to be a lot less 'Liberals' in the Democratic party...which by the way has not only allowed / embraced much of these actions but as mentioned have actually instigated / perpetrated much of it.
^^^ moron actually thinks we haven't had a major hurricane in about a decade. Following is a list of hurricanes over the last 10 hurricane seasons so devastating, their names were retired. Asterisks denote they hit the U.S.

Noel *
Gustav *
Ike *
Irene *
Sandy *
Matthew *

List of Hurricanes in the last 10 years that have hit the US

2007 – Humberto – Cat 1

2008 – Dolly – Cat 1

2008 – Gustav – Cat 2

2008 – Ike – Cat 2

2011 – Irene – Cat 1

2012 – Isaac – Cat 1

2012 – Sandy – Cat 1

2014 – Arthur – Cat 2

2016 – Hermine – Cat 1

2016 – Matthew – Cat 2

2017 – Harvey – Cat 4
So? I already proved Flash is a moron with a similar list.

You stupid Moon Bats were claiming after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season that because of this silly ass global warming bullshit that we were going to be having mega storms that the will destroy the world or something.

Like everything else you were wrong. None of the seasonal storm that you listed go above a Cat 2. Where are the mega storms Moon Bat?

I am sorry to be the one that tells you this Moon Bat but none of the silly doomsday predictions you stupid Moon Bats have ever made about AGW have ever come true.

You need to come up with another scam to further your world socialism agenda because this AGW bullshit is considered a joke. Even the scientists that take the grant money know it is a joke.
Imbecile.... hurricanes and global warming are also not limited to the U.S.

Hurricane frequency (category 4)
Period Number Number per year
1851–1900 ....... 13 ... 0.26
1901–1950 ....... 29 ... 0.58
1951–1975 ....... 22 ... 0.88
1976–2000 ....... 24 ... 0.96
2001–present ... 21 ....1.40

Of the 31 category 5's over the last 100 years or so, 3 occurred during the last 10 years.
1901–1950 ....... 29 ... 0.58
Seems to me that with your liberal theory of Global Warming, with the increase of CO2 every year, that we would have a lot more hurricanes, not less, of the 29 of 1901-1950. Do you not see how much of an idiot you are to continue this argument?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Further evidence of your retardation was not really needed. :eusa_doh:

You really think 29 cat 4 hurricanes over a 50 year period is more than 21 hurricanes over 16 year period??? 0.58 per year is more than 1.4 per year in your crazy upside down world??

The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
They may take hurricanes seriously, but this asshole obviously did not take human lives and suffering seriously in his callous partisan hatred-focused comment.
the dude basically stated we all deserve to die. How white of him.

And this dude's been educating young minds. oopsss.
The professor was fired what more do you want. He worked for the University of Tampa. Florida takes hurricanes seriously.
They may take hurricanes seriously, but this asshole obviously did not take human lives and suffering seriously in his callous partisan hatred-focused comment.
the dude basically stated we all deserve to die. How white of him.

And this dude's been educating young minds. oopsss.
And he was rightfully terminated from his position as a result. So what?

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