Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
There is another law. Section 1324 of Title 8 of the US Code that makes it a federal crime to encourage illegals to come here. Obozo is violating that law by letting any illegal stay.

Hume: Obama 'for Better or for Worse' Is Following Law on Border Crisis

7 Jul 2014, 3:59 PM PDT 169 POST A COMMENT
During his Monday commentary segment on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” network senior political analyst Brit Hume argued the blame for the so-called humanitarian crisis at the southern border isn’t President Barack Obama and his administration’s fault. Instead he argued it was the law’s fault.

Hume pointed to the wording of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, pointing out that it has specific requirements for unaccompanied minors coming into the United States illegally and that he said is where much confusion lies.

“In the uproar of tens of thousands of illegal children pouring across the border, people don't know what the law is and others pretend they don’t. The law in question is called the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. It was passed by Congress unanimously and signed by President Bush. It requires that immigrant minors apprehended at the border may only be deported immediately if they are from Mexico or Canada.”

“The rest must be turned over within three days to the Department of Health and Human Services to await deportation hearings,” he continued. “In the meantime the law says quote, ‘They shall be placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child.’ With an estimated 50,000 such children having come here from Central America this year, you can imagine how much trouble HHS is having housing them not to mention how long it will take the courts to process their cases.quires,” he added. “For better or for worse, the Obama administration has been following it.”
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"Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay"

That very much depends upon the reason. You don't like being a shining beacon unto the world for those yearning to be free and hoping for a better life? That's not free you know...
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Yet he let's his AG Eric "The RED" Holder subvert the contempt of Congress citation with an Executive order.... seems an E.O. could simply WAIVER (does that sound like something he did to the Congressionally PASSED and president signed ACA law) the 2008 act, and all would be SUPPOSEDLY LEGAL and could resolve this situation! Even if NOT Constitutional, who would take it to SCOTUS, who would have STANDING, and how long would it take for them to hear this case?.... Simple answers never thought of, much less followed through on!
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Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay

Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...
Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay
Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...

So you don't care a fuck about the children, do you Tonto, the big fucking liberal could care less UNLESS it works for his subversive goals, MORE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS! The law hasn't been followed PERIOD, and one STOPPED at the border is to be turned around and denied access!...PERIOD
"Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008"

Who's doing the Trafficking? Obama. He invited them here.

Yet ANOTHER Impeachable Offense.
"To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2008 through 2011".

Does anyone have the re-authorization for the current year?
"Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay"

That very much depends upon the reason. You don't like being a shining beacon unto the world for those yearning to be free and hoping for a better life? That's not free you know...

Hoping for a better life.???!!! That's what bank robbers and tax cheats and welfare frauds say too. But you've got to do it legally. THINK
Since when does obama obey the law anyway? Only when it helps his agenda such as getting a lot of poor illiterate third worlders to come here and go on welfare and vote democrat forever.
"Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay"

That very much depends upon the reason. You don't like being a shining beacon unto the world for those yearning to be free and hoping for a better life? That's not free you know...

Hoping for a better life.???!!! That's what bank robbers and tax cheats and welfare frauds say too. But you've got to do it legally. THINK

Got to do it legally? Obviously not eh? You left the gates wide open, and they walked in. In the same position, under the same stresses, yearning for the same freedoms, I would have done the same...
European scum came here illegally, bringing disease and killing millions.
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European scum came here illegally, bringing disease and killing millions.

That's cute. This country was formed by Europeans, genius. First ever colony at Jamestown was established by Europeans, in spite of my people being here first, of course.

Learn some history pal.
Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay
Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...

You're lying, you partisan hack. Obama gave amnesty last year. You're pretty sick and very tiresome.

I ran that argument into the ground in one of my other threads.

[ame=]Illegal Mom Caught At Border: People Told Me, If You Go To The U.S., Your Children Can Go To School - YouTube[/ame]
Hoping for a better life.???!!! That's what bank robbers and tax cheats and welfare frauds say too. But you've got to do it legally. THINK

Got to do it legally? Obviously not eh? You left the gates wide open, and they walked in. In the same position, under the same stresses, yearning for the same freedoms, I would have done the same...

What stresses.? That's just media lies. These criminal invaders have a good life in their home country but they see a better one in america where they can go on welfare and live off the hated gringos.
That's cute. This country was formed by Europeans, genius. First ever colony at Jamestown was established by Europeans, in spite of my people being here first, of course.

Learn some history pal.

Indians didn't even have a written language until the white man came. Just savages living in caves. You want to go back to that, go ahead, but you won't. You like how the white man takes care of you with his welfare program.

Booze, drugs, and welfare makes for a happy indian.

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