Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay

That's cute. This country was formed by Europeans, genius. First ever colony at Jamestown was established by Europeans, in spite of my people being here first, of course.

Learn some history pal.

Indians didn't even have a written language until the white man came. Just savages living in caves. You want to go back to that, go ahead, but you won't. You like how the white man takes care of you with his welfare program.

Booze, drugs, and welfare makes for a happy indian.

Excuse you.

How else did my people prosper for 10 millennia before the white men came? Explain that? They didn't need the white men to survive.

You idiot.
Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...

You're lying, you partisan hack. Obama gave amnesty last year. You're pretty sick and very tiresome.

Where's your CREDIBLE proof, dumbass?

Ted Cruz incorrectly says Barack Obama has promised amnesty to illegal immigrants | PolitiFact Texas

You've seen it, yet you keep lying, you deranged squaw.
Obama Grants Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants Without Congress
That's cute. This country was formed by Europeans, genius. First ever colony at Jamestown was established by Europeans, in spite of my people being here first, of course.

Learn some history pal.

Indians didn't even have a written language until the white man came. Just savages living in caves. You want to go back to that, go ahead, but you won't. You like how the white man takes care of you with his welfare program.

Booze, drugs, and welfare makes for a happy indian.
Savages? Caves? Did they ride Dinosaurs as well? Was one named Fred and the other Barney?
"Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay"

That very much depends upon the reason. You don't like being a shining beacon unto the world for those yearning to be free and hoping for a better life? That's not free you know...

You can't pick and choose who the laws apply too.
Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...

You're lying, you partisan hack. Obama gave amnesty last year. You're pretty sick and very tiresome.

Where's your CREDIBLE proof, dumbass?

Ted Cruz incorrectly says Barack Obama has promised amnesty to illegal immigrants | PolitiFact Texas

Yes, we believe politifacts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Dictator Obama Steps Over Congress, Gives Amnesty to 800,000 Illegals
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"Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay"

That very much depends upon the reason. You don't like being a shining beacon unto the world for those yearning to be free and hoping for a better life? That's not free you know...

You can't pick and choose who the laws apply too.
Oh but we do, as that is how the law is written. It requires judgment and mercy, something not found here for the most part.
You're lying, you partisan hack. Obama gave amnesty last year. You're pretty sick and very tiresome.

Where's your CREDIBLE proof, dumbass?

Ted Cruz incorrectly says Barack Obama has promised amnesty to illegal immigrants | PolitiFact Texas

Yes, we believe politifacts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Dictator Obama Steps Over Congress, Gives Amnesty to 800,000 Illegals

My link has supporting proof links. Your NaziCon hillbuzz link doesn't have shit for proof.

Indians didn't even have a written language until the white man came. Just savages living in caves. You want to go back to that, go ahead, but you won't. You like how the white man takes care of you with his welfare program.

Booze, drugs, and welfare makes for a happy indian.

Excuse you.

How else did my people prosper for 10 millennia before the white men came? Explain that? They didn't need the white men to survive.

You idiot.

Prospered for 10,000 years?? So what happened? Why can't they prosper now.? You think the white man forces indians to be alcoholic welfare bums.?
Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay

Obama is following the Bush law of 2008. See signature below...

You're lying, you partisan hack. Obama gave amnesty last year. You're pretty sick and very tiresome. Leave your propaganda and lies. They've been refuted repeatedly.
Obama Grants Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants Without Congress

Ronald Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in this nation's history. He didn't have to do it. but he did. He gave 3 million law breaking, Constitution shredding illegal immigrants amnesty - and they reproduced, and their numbers have since ballooned to many more millions.

And your party didn't say a peep.

And people like you didn't say a peep.

And your surrogate brain - talk radio - NEVER, never, never, never mentions it.

Meaning: when your hero - the symbol of the Conservative Movement - takes the biggest possible shit on the laws of this great nation - as Ronald Reagan did - folks like you can't turn around and blame a democratic president for something far, far, far less egregious.

On the other hand...

If you stand up for your principals and denounce your dear leader, than your claim against Obama will seem more legitimate. If you don't do the ethical thing, than it will seem like your primary goal is to use this issue as a weapon to attack Obama.
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Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay

This is a lie, the president is not allowing anyone to 'stay.' In fact, the president is obeying the law:

Adult immigrants caught crossing the Mexican border illegally are generally removed from the U.S. within hours or days of their arrest. But a federal law dating to President George W. Bush’s administration requires that unaccompanied child immigrants must be turned over to HHS within three days. From there, many are reunited with parents or other relatives already in the United States or other sponsors before the lengthy court process beings.

Thousands Of Illegal Immigrant Children Will Be Able To Attend Public Schools « CBS DC

Moreover, the Administration will afford all undocumented immigrants due process of law, in compliance with the Constitution, and in accordance with current immigration law, and deport those undocumented when legally warranted and appropriate:

Obama said in November that he does not have the power to halt the record number of deportations that have occurred under his watch. But he does have some latitude in implementing such laws, immigration law experts say.
Using prosecutorial discretion, the executive branch has the "inherent power to choose which cases to act on," Richard A. Boswell, an immigration law professor at the University of California's Hastings College of the Law, told CNN.

Should Obama use the power of his pen to push immigration reform? -
You can't pick and choose who the laws apply too.

Oh but we do, as that is how the law is written. It requires judgment and mercy, something not found here for the most part.

Are you serious.? You actually want a system where the cops can say "this group can break the law but that group can't"? Get help please.

Learn immigration law. Just because you came here illegally doesn't mean you can't stay.
Liberals say Obama is obeying the law by letting illegal minors stay

This is a lie, the president is not allowing anyone to 'stay.' In fact, the president is obeying the law:

Adult immigrants caught crossing the Mexican border illegally are generally removed from the U.S. within hours or days of their arrest. But a federal law dating to President George W. Bush’s administration requires that unaccompanied child immigrants must be turned over to HHS within three days. From there, many are reunited with parents or other relatives already in the United States or other sponsors before the lengthy court process beings.

Thousands Of Illegal Immigrant Children Will Be Able To Attend Public Schools « CBS DC

Moreover, the Administration will afford all undocumented immigrants due process of law, in compliance with the Constitution, and in accordance with current immigration law, and deport those undocumented when legally warranted and appropriate:

Obama said in November that he does not have the power to halt the record number of deportations that have occurred under his watch. But he does have some latitude in implementing such laws, immigration law experts say.
Using prosecutorial discretion, the executive branch has the "inherent power to choose which cases to act on," Richard A. Boswell, an immigration law professor at the University of California's Hastings College of the Law, told CNN.

Should Obama use the power of his pen to push immigration reform? -

Good information. Thank you.
Liberals also said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Liberals also used a video in order to effect an election's outcome with lies.
Liberals also said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Liberals also used a video in order to effect an election's outcome with lies.

Get off your crack pipe, GumSlinger, and stop trying to hijack threads.

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