Liberals Shocked To Find the Right Starting To Hate Them Back

i find it amusing yall get some resistance and whine
It's amusing you would think so. That's the perspective of a toddler. The left always hurls accusations against the right, it's what you do, just like now. The right doesn't try to overthrow an election process or show their asses in the streets. The fact is any push back or criticism is seen as a whine by lefties. Like we don't even have the right to question their authority.
Look cocksucks, I don't hate you, I merely hold you in utter contempt for your bigotry, willful ignorance, and complete lack of ethic and morality. You are like the ten year old bully in the school yard, bitching because the rest of the kids don't like him.

You have the Executive, the Senate, and the House, and you cannot get a Goddamned thing done. What a bunch of worthless bumblers.

Those Democrats in the Republican Party really slow things down.
Tell us all, boney, just how proud you are to be a WITCH. Cast any SPELLS lately? Put any CURSES on anyone? What you cooking in your CALDERON today, WITCH, bat wings and frog testicles?

Dumbass old skank.
what i find amusing is conservatives control it all and still whine lol ...seems they hate each other more than liberals
You know, I have known you for years, talked with you, disagreed with you, but you have changed and not in a good way! It's sad really that you don't even see it.
Tell us all, boney, just how proud you are to be a WITCH. Cast any SPELLS lately? Put any CURSES on anyone? What you cooking in your CALDERON today, WITCH, bat wings and frog testicles?

Dumbass old skank.
She is cooking a government chicken that she is entitled to! :)
lol@ yall thinking i have changed....i see this country going down a dangerous path where a man who colludes with the government of another country....he is not making america great again by going back on all his campaign promises now is he? how are the coal miners doing...o right are the rural voters who voted for him doing...again without.....he ran on draining the swamp bullshit and yall swallowed it hook line and sinker...and now ...he surrounds himself with people who want to enrich themselves just as trump does on the backs of taxpayers....

how the hell can anyone support a man who is cutting programs left and right while spending cash on himself and his brand? are you really that blind?
what i find amusing is conservatives control it all and still whine lol ...seems they hate each other more than liberals
You know, I have known you for years, talked with you, disagreed with you, but you have changed and not in a good way! It's sad really that you don't even see it.

do you remember when you attacked me thinking i told modbert and echo your age? which i did not? but perhaps you should remember the things you said then.
lol@ yall thinking i have changed....i see this country going down a dangerous path where a man who colludes with the government of another country....he is not making america great again by going back on all his campaign promises now is he? how are the coal miners doing...o right are the rural voters who voted for him doing...again without.....he ran on draining the swamp bullshit and yall swallowed it hook line and sinker...and now ...he surrounds himself with people who want to enrich themselves just as trump does on the backs of taxpayers....

how the hell can anyone support a man who is cutting programs left and right while spending cash on himself and his brand? are you really that blind?
Can you provide the proof that Trump colluded with Russia? This is a mindless accusation with no basis in fact, a perfect example of what, in the past, you did not do. You used to be a little bit on the side of TRUTH! So proof?
what i find amusing is conservatives control it all and still whine lol ...seems they hate each other more than liberals
You know, I have known you for years, talked with you, disagreed with you, but you have changed and not in a good way! It's sad really that you don't even see it.

do you remember when you attacked me thinking i told modbert and echo your age? which i did not? but perhaps you should remember the things you said then.
I do remember. You were the only person who knew my age! Leaker!
here we go again........people guessed your age due to what you posted about and both of them told you that but you preferred to attack dont say i changed...i simply reacted to your uncalled for attack
here we go again........people guessed your age due to what you posted about and both of them told you that but you preferred to attack dont say i changed...i simply reacted to your uncalled for attack
Yes, they guessed my exact age! Yes!
Now! Where is the indisputable proof of Russian collusion? You got it?
I've hated liberalism my entire adult life. I knew then that it was a corrupt feel good worthless ideology. I didn't know how to put it into words but I knew it had a corrosive effect on people's minds. Liberalism prevents the maturing process. You get older but no wiser.

So you were born hating, and now wonder why Intelligent People treat you like the Sniveling Little Snowflake that you are.

Did you and your interlocutor cast two votes for Scrub?

Why SHOULDN'T decent Americans hate you and your loathsome cretinous ilk?
Now! Where is the indisputable proof of Russian collusion? You got it?
You leak this

Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!)

and then demand "Indisputable Proof"?

Why does it surprise you that you are an object of ridicule?
i find it amusing to be called a snowflake by someone melting down for a week or more cause someone knew her age..and no willow i did not tell anyone....i never understood then and still dont get why you think i told them your age.....

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