Liberals Shocked To Find the Right Starting To Hate Them Back

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

Poor little Snowflakes!

Riiiight..... conservatives are just starting to hate Liberals.

i find it amusing to be called a snowflake by someone melting down for a week or more cause someone knew her age..and no willow i did not tell anyone....i never understood then and still dont get why you think i told them your age.....
Let me say it one more time. You and I were having private conversations. I told you my age in confidence because I counted you as a friend. The very next thing I know I was being attacked, mocked and ridiculed based on my age only! Do you have that now! Have I ever again told you anything in confidence? I may be getting older but I am not stupid!
here we go again........people guessed your age due to what you posted about and both of them told you that but you preferred to attack dont say i changed...i simply reacted to your uncalled for attack
Yes, they guessed my exact age! Yes!
Who the fuck cares how old you are? You must be a she.
I cared about the backstabbing. And yes, I am a female. Is there something wrong with being a female?
And the progtard melt down continues, showing us all just how truly vile these shit stains are.
The melt down above was yours. Bones' 'spell's are much more mild then when you go into your 'all is awful' post. And all your deflections of Trump dinnit do nuffin don't wash. Both sides are out to get one another, and the Republic is long dead and not coming back.
I've hated liberalism my entire adult life. I knew then that it was a corrupt feel good worthless ideology. I didn't know how to put it into words but I knew it had a corrosive effect on people's minds. Liberalism prevents the maturing process. You get older but no wiser.

Did you vote for the National Embarrassment currently squatting in the WH?

And you are lamenting the dearth of "maturity" and "wisdom"?

What's not to hate?
and again i did not reveal your age......i do not know how they found out which i told you at the time... i find it amusing that outta of pms you think that the most horrible thing i could reveal was your age? really? is that the most personal thing you told me?
i find it amusing to be called a snowflake by someone melting down for a week or more cause someone knew her age..and no willow i did not tell anyone....i never understood then and still dont get why you think i told them your age.....
Let me say it one more time. You and I were having private conversations. I told you my age in confidence because I counted you as a friend. The very next thing I know I was being attacked, mocked and ridiculed based on my age only! Do you have that now! Have I ever again told you anything in confidence? I may be getting older but I am not stupid!
You should be proud of your years. Makes you wise or something. This thread is about -- amazing as it seems -- the hatred between left and right, not your old grudges.
here we go again........people guessed your age due to what you posted about and both of them told you that but you preferred to attack dont say i changed...i simply reacted to your uncalled for attack
Yes, they guessed my exact age! Yes!
Who the fuck cares how old you are? You must be a she.
I cared about the backstabbing. And yes, I am a female. Is there something wrong with being a female?
No I just guessed that a man wouldn't care if people knew his age.
i bring it up due to your saying i had changed and were the one who voided this by accusing me of something i did not do...and again i do not see the issue with your age....i have never made a secret of my age and do not understand those who that does not mean i would out you
and again i did not reveal your age......i do not know how they found out which i told you at the time... i find it amusing that outta of pms you think that the most horrible thing i could reveal was your age? really? is that the most personal thing you told me?
Hey dumb chick. They used your information to attack me. Liberals are that way! Remember when they found out I had a grandson serving and attacked him as being gay? Ridiculous bullshit! That's why there is a no family rule!
Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

Poor little Snowflakes!
What liberals start to do is say "Not very Christian of you" or "Jesus wouldn't do this". Funny how liberals find religion when they have shit thrown back at them, and cant face down REAL people who are fed up to their necks with all the liberal immorality shoved into their faces. Yeah it is time to fight back, when they get in your face, make their noses bleed, poke them in the eye, show them how much of a punk, liberals really are. Then they will run away like petulant little girls, but the liberals don't have their bi racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator there to protect them anymore.

i never attack any member of your family and we both know that echo and mod were both mods at the time and there were swirling rumors that mods could read pms and all but hell you prefer to accuse me....
Notice how no one including bones has given proof of Russian collusion? And she expects me to believe she did not betray my confidence!
o right cause they are both what? the same? lol

there is more than enough smoke to see if there is fire......esp with trump doing stupid shit like allowing russian press while barring us press..what happen to american first? or does that not pertain to russian...american first after russia or what?

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