Liberals successfully erase history

Yawn. Wake me up when you something halfway interesting to say

You can see it all. They have pictures, videos, movies and history accounts in all forms of media. If that’s not enough than you should have no problem with statutes of famous transvestites either, right ? Maybe you can erect one of Rudy and Donny, together.

BTW, if Eck doesn’t mind, why should you ?

Give me the names of the Republicans that are doing anything to stop it. There are some in Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia. Republicans in other states have mostly folded.

Have a tissue.

That yours? Only way I can see that you would have that, unless you are creeping on public washing machines.

Take that up with the people of West Virginia then. If you can manage thru your con-federate tears.

Give us some examples then.

That's where you stopped your education, eh? I would have guessed 4th grade.
You scum will get what's coming to you.
A statue of an American war hero has not only been removed, now it's been melted. Thanks to liberals, our history is being erased. We must not let this happen anymore.

---Charlottesville statue of Robert E. Lee melted down---

You don't have to believe me. But, facts are facts. Apparently, you are fact denier. Hell, they are re-writing books to be politically correct, purposely editing the words of the original authors, most of them long dead.
You’re not speaking facts, you’re just tossing out lazy opinions.
You’re not speaking facts, you’re just tossing out lazy opinions.
What's gonna happen traitor is you bastards won't stop until you've started a war. Then you'll get what you deserve. Hopefully whatever courts are left will treat you fairly.
A statue of an American war hero has not only been removed, now it's been melted. Thanks to liberals, our history is being erased. We must not let this happen anymore.

---Charlottesville statue of Robert E. Lee melted down---

I'm not a Southerner or Yankee, just an American. I like to preserve history.

Once dems take full control of America they will destroy anything they do not agree with in their narrow world view...which means almost everything.

Robert E. Lee statue.jpg

Reps can't stop them, they are useless. Prepare accordingly to live under your new masters.
What's gonna happen traitor is you bastards won't stop until you've started a war. Then you'll get what you deserve. Hopefully whatever courts are left will treat you fairly.
You pay attention to the courts?! Excellent
A statue of an American war hero has not only been removed, now it's been melted. Thanks to liberals, our history is being erased. We must not let this happen anymore.

---Charlottesville statue of Robert E. Lee melted down---

In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) criminalised the display of swastikas; the symbol was also scraped and sometimes blown off of buildings. The federal state systematically destroyed statues and monuments, razed many Nazi architectural structures and buried executed military and civilian officials in mass, unmarked graves so that their resting grounds would not become Nazi shrines.
In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) criminalised the display of swastikas; the symbol was also scraped and sometimes blown off of buildings. The federal state systematically destroyed statues and monuments, razed many Nazi architectural structures and buried executed military and civilian officials in mass, unmarked graves so that their resting grounds would not become Nazi shrines.
And now you nazis are bringing down statues of heroes.

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