Liberals successfully erase history

This is about more than one statue. It is about liberals rewriting history to their own liking.
No it isn''s about lovers of the con-federacy and all it stood for (slavery) crying over the owners of a statue choosing to melt it down and repurpose it. Cry in your con-federate flag tissues.
Re-written for clarity (not content). Before your kind corrupted all systems and methods in America with Marxist infiltration.
Haha, is that right?! Are you really that versed on how textbooks have evolved through the decades. Can you enlighten us on your background to know such things? Or are you just full of shit?
A statue of an American war hero has not only been removed, now it's been melted. Thanks to liberals, our history is being erased. We must not let this happen anymore.

---Charlottesville statue of Robert E. Lee melted down---

No....not our history, the history of the democrat party......they need to scrub their history with bleach and steel wool, because if people actually think about their history, the democrat party would be forced to disband and their assets disbursed to their victims.
A statue of an American war hero has not only been removed, now it's been melted. Thanks to liberals, our history is being erased. We must not let this happen anymore.

---Charlottesville statue of Robert E. Lee melted down---

History is not to approve or disapprove. History is not to like or dislike. History is a record of our past, the good, the bad, and the ugly and it all was what it was.

To erase the markers, monuments, symbols, reminders of our history in plaques, mural, statues, works of art, etc, is not only short sighted and a robber of our heritage, but is more evidence of the insanity of 'wokeness' and PC culture.

Okay so you think Columbus to be a horrible person. But that statue of him in the city park is a wonderful way to explain to children and others that Columbus did some bad things that even his countrymen/sponsors disapproved.

But he also did a very courageous thing by sailing into the unknown with no idea what was out there. He didn't achieve his original goal of finding a new and better route to the east, but he inadvertently opened up a whole 'new world' for exploration, exploitation, and migration. And that is one component of why Americans now live in the most free, most prosperous, most innovative, most benevolent, most successful nation the world has ever known.

We should learn from the bad of our past so we won't repeat it. We should learn from the good of our past so we will repeat it.

And we should learn from the histories of those who went before us and evaluate the consequences of what they thought and did, but we should judge them by their own time and not through our 21st century sense of right and wrong.

It would be interesting two to four hundred years from now to see how harshly or favorably the people living then will judge the sense of right and wrong of those living now.
Not me. You’re the one with the imagination. You still see statutes; ones that have been melted down. If that’s your thing……

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