Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.

How is posting that you are clueless fantasizing about your sex life? I actually think you WANT people to fantasize about your homosexual lifestyle.

Look, we get it you're here, you're queer, we're used to it. Just don't get mad when we laugh at you poo pusher

Again what is it with you folks- why do perverts like you and Grampy fantasize about my sex life?
That is really creepy.

Look, we get it that you are bigoted assholes, who are pissed off that homosexuals are being treated equally by the law now, but stop posting your fantasies about my sex life- please.

Stupid and dishonest is noway to go through life dude. .

Yet you seemed determined to live your life stupid and dishonest.
"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton? Stop preaching queerness in our schools...period.
"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton? Stop preaching queerness in our schools...period.

You think someone can be taught to be gay?
I wasn't exposed to anything sexual "straight or queer" during my entire time in school because it wasn't part of the curriculum nor should have it have been because that isn't the reason for education.You simply don't "get it" that it's not the job of "da gubermint" to teach children morality...that is the job of the parents. I have no problem with you being a fan of the faglet...knock yourself out about it. I will reserve my 1st amendment right to say that I disagree and will speak out against having it taught in schools.

Of course you resort to calling fag, or are you just extremely old and not realize the weight behind that term under this context?

Sexual education should be part of a curriculum, it's a very important subject for kids approaching their teens to understand, and it wouldn't hurt to mention homosexual relationships in such a course. This doesn't have anything to do with what they should think about them, too, it's a mention and an explanation on how they come to be so kids can get the facts draw their own conclusions. Or is an entirely non biased approach still not enough for you, if you can even handle sex ed at all?

And again, I don't see how letting kids be ignorant and teaching them to find homosexuality is wrong is teaching them good morals. Teaching to hate another for merely existing can't be good in any context.

Teaching morality, teaching sex education is not the function of the public school system n.....end of story. There is nothing further to discuss..

Okay- you are wrong.

There is nothing further to discuss.

No, schools are not for teaching faggotry and nor should groups like GLSEN and the LGBTQ be allowed in schools to give "presentations" and anyone that is fine with that is just as disgustingly perverted as the queers..
"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton? Stop preaching queerness in our schools...period.

You think someone can be taught to be gay?

You think homosexuality should be taught in grade schools?
Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton? Stop preaching queerness in our schools...period.

You think someone can be taught to be gay?

You think homosexuality should be taught in grade schools?

It cannot be taught, idiot.
So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton? Stop preaching queerness in our schools...period.

You think someone can be taught to be gay?

You think homosexuality should be taught in grade schools?

It cannot be taught, idiot.

Really? You can't learn Islam without joining the religion? The only dumb fuck here is you. Kids are like sponges at that age and do not need to be exposed to queers and when that time comes when they have to figure out that some people are pretty perverse and prefer their own gender as a sex partner, that should be done by the parents......not some special interest group that is being founded by globalist POS like the Rockefellers AND it should not be done on taxpayer funded school grounds...get it?
Tolerant liberal is an oxymoron. There is no such thing.
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.
You think homosexuality should be taught in grade schools?

Are you still hung up on the idea that they're trying to actively turn kids gay? What the hell is wrong with you?
He was turned gay against his will.

Why do you believe that grade school aged kids need to be taught about queerness?
Who said I did?

Oh you don't? Then according to your leftard pals, you must be a closet queer.....hey, those are their "rules". (snicker)
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.

Not queer...... but there isn't a fucking scenario I can think of where I would ever want the approval of a leftard or a liberal NOR are they in ANY position to "hold" anything against me or over me. Leftards, liberals, queers, pedophiles....all cut from the same disgusting cloth.
Why do you believe that grade school aged kids need to be taught about queerness?

Kids should be taught what it is (and not your warped perception) and later in sex ed be taught how it occurs.

No, that is NOT the job of the school. Kids are there to learn the basics of education that will help them get into a decent college or learn a trade. It's not about morality or teaching that "Mary Has Two Mommies".
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.

Not queer...... but there isn't a fucking scenario I can think of where I would ever want the approval of a leftard or a liberal NOR are they in ANY position to "hold" anything against me or over me. Leftards, liberals, queers, pedophiles....all cut from the same disgusting cloth.
You are queer. Perhaps you are using queer to mean gay. I wasn't.
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.

Not queer...... but there isn't a fucking scenario I can think of where I would ever want the approval of a leftard or a liberal NOR are they in ANY position to "hold" anything against me or over me. Leftards, liberals, queers, pedophiles....all cut from the same disgusting cloth.
You are queer. Perhaps you are using queer to mean gay. I wasn't.

Your opinion of me means absolutely nothing......

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