Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)
I wear the fact that you think I am a "bigot" like a badge of honor, punkinpuss. Teaching faggotry or the acceptance thereof is not the job or role of the public school system....period.

So..they're allowed to mention straight relationships but homosexuality is totally off limits because of your sensitivities?

At this point you've just gotten immature.
I wear the fact that you think I am a "bigot" like a badge of honor, punkinpuss. Teaching faggotry or the acceptance thereof is not the job or role of the public school system....period.

So..they're allowed to mention straight relationships but homosexuality is totally off limits because of your sensitivities?

At this point you've just gotten immature.

Where did I EVER mention anything about heterosexual relationships needing to be preached about in school????

BTW, are you a queer? Be loud and proud if you honest to the thine own self be true.
Where did I EVER mention anything about heterosexual relationships needing to be preached about in school????

You are strictly against anything homosexual being brought up in schools, but haven't said a thing about straight relationships aside from you not liking unbiased sex ed, but granted I'm willing to bet it's because it offers a fair perspective on gays too.

And I see you trying to distract the discussion by bringing individual's personal sexuality in to it. You don't seem to have anything more to say so you've resorted to this.
Where did I EVER mention anything about heterosexual relationships needing to be preached about in school????

You are strictly against anything homosexual being brought up in schools, but haven't said a thing about straight relationships aside from you not liking unbiased sex ed, but granted I'm willing to bet it's because it offers a fair perspective on gays too.

And I see you trying to distract the discussion by bringing individual's personal sexuality in to it. You don't seem to have anything more to say so you've resorted to this.

I am against teaching sexuality in schools much plainer can I make that to you? Am I using too many multi-syllable words that are confusing you? Why can't you answer the question.........are you a homosexual?????? Yes or no......if you are one and deny it...then you have issues...if you are not? Why do you want it taught in public schools where it has no place whatsoever?
I am against teaching sexuality in schools much plainer can I make that to you? Am I using too many multi-syllable words that are confusing you? Why can't you answer the question.........are you a homosexual?????? Yes or no......if you are one and deny it...then you have issues...if you are not? Why do you want it taught in public schools where it has no place whatsoever?

I think teaching sex is very important in schools, growing children need it taught to them from an unbiased viewpoint so they can act responsibly in the future. Curiosity in unavoidable and kids need to learn how to cope with it.

This is what I'm talking about. You're teetering on ad hominem here, guy. You're arbitrarily trying to bring personal sexuality in to this when a) It has nothing to do with the topic b) It's none of your business regardless of what I am and c) it's your futile attempt to gain ammo in a desperate attempt to latch on to something to have something to say against my statements, even if it is completely irrelevant
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It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN

Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar )
conservatives sure love to disguise their immorality under the veil of working under god and/or doing what's right for america

calling others deviants and immoral does not nullify your bigotry either

Leftards will be hurling the same lame insults when the LGBTQ sponsors legislation to lower the age of consent to 14 like the UK queers and liberals are trying to do.

am I somehow incorrect

that movement has little to nothing to do with LGBT individuals

It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN

Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?

He goes back on his previous statements almost as much as Donald Trump.
It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN

Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.
Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.
I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.

Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. So thanks for admitting that you believe it's a choice, that's what I think too.

As for schools teaching inappropriate stuff, that shit happens all the time. that's obvious.
Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.

Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. So thanks for admitting that you believe it's a choice, that's what I think too.

As for schools teaching inappropriate stuff, that shit happens all the time. that's obvious.

You need some attention?
Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. So thanks for admitting that you believe it's a choice, that's what I think too.

As for schools teaching inappropriate stuff, that shit happens all the time. that's obvious.

did you literally just come back here to affirm some confirmation bias supporting how you're objectively wrong about how homosexuality occurs

I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

why not let kids know homosexuality exists at a young grade and then educate them on how it occurs in an older grade, perhaps in a sex ed class
Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.
I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

We do, however, teach children to treat others with respect. Even gay people. Right?
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.
I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

We do, however, teach children to treat others with respect. Even gay people. Right?

Correct, so why does a school have to clarify who we treat with respect? Oh that's right, you can teach little Johnny to respect everyone, but that isn't really your goal, you want to teach little Johnny to know exactly what gays are and what they do, so you purposely teach little Johnny that gays are normal and that he should respect that.

My kids respect EVERYONE as people, that's how I raised them, they don't need to know who someone is sleeping with to respect them.

Also, you can''t prove gays are born gay. You can't. Perhaps we should start calling it the theory of homosexuality and throw it on the same trash heap as the theory of creation as far as teaching it as school is concerned.

And finally, since it can't be proven that gays are born gay or they choose to be gay, how loudly would you scream if a school was found to be teaching little kids that homosexuals CHOOSE to be gay? My guess is pretty fucking loudly. Proving of course that you are both hypocritical and stupid.

Schools shouldn't be teaching ANYTHING about gays.
Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. So thanks for admitting that you believe it's a choice, that's what I think too.

As for schools teaching inappropriate stuff, that shit happens all the time. that's obvious.

did you literally just come back here to affirm some confirmation bias supporting how you're objectively wrong about how homosexuality occurs

I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

why not let kids know homosexuality exists at a young grade and then educate them on how it occurs in an older grade, perhaps in a sex ed class

Because there is no god damned reason to do so. We have kids graduating high school who can't read , or do arithmetic and who lack any critical reasoning skills but oh they know what gay sex is....... Get your priorities right man. Do you think Japanese or German schools focus on teaching students about gay sex? Fuck no, they are too busy teaching their kids to whip our asses in areas of study that actually matter.

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