Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

I know gay people. Quite a few actually, and the answer to "did you choose to be gay" is not nearly as unanimous as you claim it is.

You want to be a pervert, that's your right, but don't be trying to teach my kids that your perversion is normal and good.

You are an ignoramus. Homosexuality is NOT synonymous with perversion, why don't you actually go educate yourself on what it actually is? How behind on the times are you? jesus fuckin' christ, no wonder you don't want to learn anything. If you did your entire view would shatter and you'd be uncomfortable.

I dare you to go walk up to a gay person and tell them their sexuality is a choice and that they're inherently perverts and see how well you fare.

OF COURSE There is harm

A) It's MY decision on whether my child even knows what a gay is, as it is for every parent. What if a teacher decided that 2nd grade was an appropriate time to start teaching children that Santa Claus is make believe ?

B) That isn't a school's job. School's can't even be successful at what they are SUPPOSED to be teaching kids, and you want them in charge of more?

You can also choose to have your child hear about plenty of things, like science, math and english. If you don't want em learning then don't put em in school.

Of course homosexuality is a perversion you fucking idiot. Words have meanings.

noun per·ver·sion \pər-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
Simple Definition of perversion
  • : sexual behavior that people think is not normal or natural

  • : something that improperly changes something good

  • : the process of improperly changing something that is good
Now of course, you morons are fighting your hardest to change people's opinions, but it isn't working and most people know the truth, homosexual sex is not natural, therefor it is a PERVERSION.

The rest of your post is equally stupid.

When will you morons realize that you will always lose when you argue based on partisanship and emotion rather than facts?
I know gay people. Quite a few actually, and the answer to "did you choose to be gay" is not nearly as unanimous as you claim it is.

You want to be a pervert, that's your right, but don't be trying to teach my kids that your perversion is normal and good.

You are an ignoramus. Homosexuality is NOT synonymous with perversion, why don't you actually go educate yourself on what it actually is? How behind on the times are you? jesus fuckin' christ, no wonder you don't want to learn anything. If you did your entire view would shatter and you'd be uncomfortable.

I dare you to go walk up to a gay person and tell them their sexuality is a choice and that they're inherently perverts and see how well you fare.

OF COURSE There is harm

A) It's MY decision on whether my child even knows what a gay is, as it is for every parent. What if a teacher decided that 2nd grade was an appropriate time to start teaching children that Santa Claus is make believe ?

B) That isn't a school's job. School's can't even be successful at what they are SUPPOSED to be teaching kids, and you want them in charge of more?

You can also choose to have your child hear about plenty of things, like science, math and english. If you don't want em learning then don't put em in school.

Of course homosexuality is a perversion you fucking idiot. Words have meanings.

noun per·ver·sion \pər-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
Simple Definition of perversion
  • : sexual behavior that people think is not normal or natural

  • : something that improperly changes something good

  • : the process of improperly changing something that is good
Now of course, you morons are fighting your hardest to change people's opinions, but it isn't working and most people know the truth, homosexual sex is not natural, therefor it is a PERVERSION.

The rest of your post is equally stupid.

When will you morons realize that you will always lose when you argue based on partisanship and emotion rather than facts?

You're banking on the first definition but this sounds like a bunch of social construct stuff to me. The key words there are "PEOPLE" and "THINK". In some circles it is perverted but in others it is not.

And you're not arguing with emotions, Mr. I DONT WANNA HEAR NUTHIN BECAUSE EETS DIFFENT FROM WHAT I KNOW? You're not in the position to be telling me about arguing from emotions here.
I know gay people. Quite a few actually, and the answer to "did you choose to be gay" is not nearly as unanimous as you claim it is.

You want to be a pervert, that's your right, but don't be trying to teach my kids that your perversion is normal and good.

You are an ignoramus. Homosexuality is NOT synonymous with perversion, why don't you actually go educate yourself on what it actually is? How behind on the times are you? jesus fuckin' christ, no wonder you don't want to learn anything. If you did your entire view would shatter and you'd be uncomfortable.

I dare you to go walk up to a gay person and tell them their sexuality is a choice and that they're inherently perverts and see how well you fare.

OF COURSE There is harm

A) It's MY decision on whether my child even knows what a gay is, as it is for every parent. What if a teacher decided that 2nd grade was an appropriate time to start teaching children that Santa Claus is make believe ?

B) That isn't a school's job. School's can't even be successful at what they are SUPPOSED to be teaching kids, and you want them in charge of more?

You can also choose to have your child hear about plenty of things, like science, math and english. If you don't want em learning then don't put em in school.

Of course homosexuality is a perversion you fucking idiot. Words have meanings.

noun per·ver·sion \pər-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
Simple Definition of perversion
  • : sexual behavior that people think is not normal or natural

  • : something that improperly changes something good

  • : the process of improperly changing something that is good
Now of course, you morons are fighting your hardest to change people's opinions, but it isn't working and most people know the truth, homosexual sex is not natural, therefor it is a PERVERSION.

The rest of your post is equally stupid.

When will you morons realize that you will always lose when you argue based on partisanship and emotion rather than facts?

You're banking on the first definition but this sounds like a bunch of social construct stuff to me. The key words there are "PEOPLE" and "THINK". In some circles it is perverted but in others it is not.

And you're not arguing with emotions, Mr. I DONT WANNA HEAR NUTHIN BECAUSE EETS DIFFENT FROM WHAT I KNOW? You're not in the position to be telling me about arguing from emotions here.

No, I'm not arguing with emotion, because I frankly don't care if it's a choice or not. We have a right to have perverted sex with other consenting adults if we want. End of story.

Meanwhile , you are emotionally invested in convincing people that whatever people want to do is natural and good and can't divorce yourself from the dogmatic liberal platform.
[No, I'm not arguing with emotion, because I frankly don't care if it's a choice or not. We have a right to have perverted sex with other consenting adults if we want. End of story.

Meanwhile , you are emotionally invested in convincing people that whatever people want to do is natural and good and can't divorce yourself from the dogmatic liberal platform.

You seemed pretty emotional about not wanting to hear anything contradicting your opinion. You couldn't even stand the idea of a cartoon contradicting what you think.

I advocate for rational thinking, facts, logic and acceptance of gays, yes. But I do suppose I am a fool for trying to change the way people think, as it's only an off chance someone like you might actually want to learn. But hey, I shouldn't be complaining, the gays are fighting a winning battle in this country, it's great.
[No, I'm not arguing with emotion, because I frankly don't care if it's a choice or not. We have a right to have perverted sex with other consenting adults if we want. End of story.

Meanwhile , you are emotionally invested in convincing people that whatever people want to do is natural and good and can't divorce yourself from the dogmatic liberal platform.

You seemed pretty emotional about not wanting to hear anything contradicting your opinion. You couldn't even stand the idea of a cartoon contradicting what you think.

I advocate for rational thinking, facts, logic and acceptance of gays, yes. But I do suppose I am a fool for trying to change the way people think, as it's only an off chance someone like you might actually want to learn. But hey, I shouldn't be complaining, the gays are fighting a winning battle in this country, it's great.

correction, those gays who just want to be left alone to do their thing are winning. The idiots who want to convince anyone that gay is natural, they aren't winning shit.

99% of gays couldn't care less if people believe what they are doing is natural or whatever. They just want to be left the fuck alone, like other people do.

As per usual, the morons ruin it for everyone.

mdk, tell me I'm wrong on that front my friend.
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You HONESTLY believe that grade school aged kids should grasp the concepts of homosexuality and be taught how "normal and natural" it is????? How do you feel about grade school children being taught the saving grace of Jesus Christ on the taxpayer dime?

Yes. It's a form of love just like straight relationships that naturally occurs.

Teaching a religion is different because it tells you to believe certain things and to think a certain way, the purpose of education is to give you the facts and school would ideally be giving kids the facts on homosexuality.

Pedophilia is a form of love to that right as well? Queers have a higher rate of STDs and a higher death that something that you believe should be taught in schools as well? Should grade school aged kids be taught that homosexuals are more prone to venereal diseases because they have more sexual partners? I mean seriously..... lets put it all out there. Why don't we show them some films on what type of diseases promiscuous homosexuals get and along with the straights that have multiple sex partners....are you fine with that?

Pedophilia tends to harm children as well as defies laws of consent, it's wrong. The things relating to diseases and sexual activity should be reserved for older grades where it is appropriate, but there is no harm in teaching kids to be accepting of gays early on.

You also assume gays inherently have a ton of sexual partners. Seriously, what is with homosexuality's detractors and OBSESSING over the sex?

Not according to gays and pedophiles that believe children need a mentor in the ways of sexuality.
correction, those gays who just want to be left alone to do their thing are winning. The idiots who want to convince anyone that gay is natural, they aren't winning shit.

99% of gays couldn't care less if people believe what they are doing is natural or whatever. They just want to be left the fuck alone, like other people do.

As per usual, the morons ruin it for everyone.

Unfortunately people with your mindset, about being gay being unnatural, a choice and not wanting to educate people is a toxic mindset, it leads people to ignorance, and in turn causes people to not leave gays alone like they so want to. You walk a dangerous and volatile path that it is easy to sucker other people on to.
correction, those gays who just want to be left alone to do their thing are winning. The idiots who want to convince anyone that gay is natural, they aren't winning shit.

99% of gays couldn't care less if people believe what they are doing is natural or whatever. They just want to be left the fuck alone, like other people do.

As per usual, the morons ruin it for everyone.

Unfortunately people with your mindset, about being gay being unnatural, a choice and not wanting to educate people is a toxic mindset, it leads people to ignorance, and in turn causes people to not leave gays alone like they so want to. You walk a dangerous and volatile path that it is easy to sucker other people on to.

Oh bullshit, I couldn't care less if people choose to be gay, violence against them is WRONG. PERIOD.
Not according to gays and pedophiles that believe children need a mentor in the ways of sexuality.

Educating kids about homosexuality is not mentorship or indoctrination. When will that get through to you? Are you scared teaching kids about homosexuality is going to make them gay? Is that it? That's a pretty shit reason.

Oh bullshit, I couldn't care less if people choose to be gay, violence against them is WRONG. PERIOD.

Yet you walk the road that leads people to doing such things. It's not even just about violence, it's about their rights, being accepted and understood and their freedom to express themselves. People who do not understand are trying to compromise such things and that is wrong.
Not according to gays and pedophiles that believe children need a mentor in the ways of sexuality.

Educating kids about homosexuality is not mentorship or indoctrination. When will that get through to you? Are you scared teaching kids about homosexuality is going to make them gay? Is that it? That's a pretty shit reason.

Oh bullshit, I couldn't care less if people choose to be gay, violence against them is WRONG. PERIOD.

Yet you walk the road that leads people to doing such things. It's not even just about violence, it's about their rights, being accepted and understood and their freedom to express themselves. People who do not understand are trying to compromise such things and that is wrong.

No, keep your bedroom business between you and your partner and leave the rest of us out of it. I don't go around wearing a heterosexual flag of pride to tell the masses what my sexual proclivities why do queers believe that they should do the same thing????
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.
Well done, Gramps – a perfect post exhibiting the fear, ignorance, and hate which manifests as bigotry, and confirming that you are in fact a bigot.

And liberals are correct to defend gay Americans from your hate and bigotry, hate and bigotry common to most on the right.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.
It’s a protected liberty safeguarded by the Constitution from attack by the state, and from you and other bigots.
No, keep your bedroom business between you and your partner and leave the rest of us out of it. I don't go around wearing a heterosexual flag of pride to tell the masses what my sexual proclivities why do queers believe that they should do the same thing????

You are again falling in to the trap of obsessing over the sexual aspect, it's about teaching kids UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE and is not describing how anal sex works in great detail. Is teaching kids about love between a man in a woman advertising sexual proclivities of straight people? There is a double standard here. You seem to obsess over sex more than actual gays do in conversation.

are you going to deem gay kissing in public obscene
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.
Well done, Gramps – a perfect post exhibiting the fear, ignorance, and hate which manifests as bigotry, and confirming that you are in fact a bigot.

And liberals are correct to defend gay Americans from your hate and bigotry, hate and bigotry common to most on the right.

And I bet you will be defending the issue of lowering the age of consent to 14 like the UK liberals are trying to push through on behalf of the queers.........and you will be using that same pathetic argument of "hate" to push it. Sorry,'s not going to sway the masses at all.
LGBTQ has been using an offshoot called "GLSEN" that has been going to schools pushing the homosexual and transgendered agenda AND the Common Core curriculum has pieces in place to teach homosexuality as normal and using homosexuals in examples during teaching and I have a real BIG time problem with that...get it now?

Oh no how horrible. What a horrible issue that faces this nation, them teaching acceptance over these perfectly natural and harmless things.

What does that have to do with this?

Really? You think that first graders need to learn about queerness? Nothing natural or harmless about it and if you think that it is? You are just as sick in the head as those pushing and teaching this.

Life is's no one else's business whom people choose to love.....
It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN
And nothing ‘inappropriate’ is being taught in schools; only a bigot would believe otherwise.
It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN

Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
No, keep your bedroom business between you and your partner and leave the rest of us out of it. I don't go around wearing a heterosexual flag of pride to tell the masses what my sexual proclivities why do queers believe that they should do the same thing????

You are again falling in to the trap of obsessing over the sexual aspect, it's about teaching kids UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE and is not describing how anal sex works in great detail. You seem to obsess over sex more than actual gays do in conversation.

are you going to deem gay kissing in public obscene

It's not "da gubermint"s job to tell or teach my kids what is "acceptable"...that is not their role anymore than it is their role to teach them about religion. That is the role of the closed and it is not open for any kind of debate....PERIOD.
LGBTQ has been using an offshoot called "GLSEN" that has been going to schools pushing the homosexual and transgendered agenda AND the Common Core curriculum has pieces in place to teach homosexuality as normal and using homosexuals in examples during teaching and I have a real BIG time problem with that...get it now?

Oh no how horrible. What a horrible issue that faces this nation, them teaching acceptance over these perfectly natural and harmless things.

What does that have to do with this?

Really? You think that first graders need to learn about queerness? Nothing natural or harmless about it and if you think that it is? You are just as sick in the head as those pushing and teaching this.

Life is's no one else's business whom people choose to love.....
It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN
And nothing ‘inappropriate’ is being taught in schools; only a bigot would believe otherwise.

If they are allowing queers to come into grade schools and preaching how queerness is a natural and normal thing? Then "yes"........they are being inappropriate". and I would never allow it to be taught to my children...EVER.
It's everyone's business what is taught in public schools to CHILDREN

Why is it wrong, exactly? I don't really think you care about the children, I just think you don't want your (bigoted) sensitivities challenged. You can't even explain how it's unnatural (which it isn't).
Why is cancer wrong? Why is retardation wrong. Both are bad for & on the human condition. And I already explained how it is unnatural. Your asshole has ONE biological & natural function. Are you gonna teach 4th graders about butt plugs too? How bout other sex toys?
You all are so busy teaching nonsensical bullshit that we're graduating generations that can't even read properly or count change from a register.

Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.
What you assume is ignorant, bigoted, and wrong.

No one is ‘pedaling’ anything to anyone.

Teaching children to not hate is perfectly appropriate, teaching children to reject ignorance and unwarranted fear is perfectly appropriate – things you clearly were not taught.

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